Happy new troll year

  • My first adventure to kick off 2020!


    After first cleaning my neighborhood from all the lovely fireworks i finally sat down for some serious pirate adventure.

    I am working on commendations and need to defeat two face and the dutchess so im stuck on doing legendary gift voyages.

    I start solooping and for now only did the first map to fight two face. Ill work on the dutchess when i have some help with all the vulcanic activities and the dutchess not allways counting.

    So far so good i managed to kill two face with canons 8 times and collected a lot of gifts in the wilds.

    On my way to turn it in and call it a night i remembered Spiral still needed some gifts for the commendations so i send a invite to help turn it in or give it all away.


    We waited for so long on the reaper hideout! We put up a reaper flag and wrote 2020 with gifts on the beach.. we split up and Spiral searched the ferry for dead pirates while i was trying to get attention from a nearby sloop by firing fireballs and ccb fireworks in the air.

    Nothing worked until Spiral shortly came back and we server merged.

    Again waiting and on the lookout for pirates but this time other reapers showed on the map and one was heading our way finally!!


    We sweetened the pie by collecting a reaper chest for extra attention and this worked...

    Well the reaper ship turned out to be a troll duo sloop only collecting the reaper chest and 2 skulls and even when we text how to turn in the gifts they just said no and left those on the table.. then they start wrecking our boat.

    Thats it we then just sold the gifts worth some 300 doubloons ourselves.

    I was so sorry i just tried to help get the commendation but then we get trolled after all this waiting thats no fun.

    Well we got some nice pictures and while i had to log off Spiral played a little on to see a galleon sink the troll sloop!

    Thats kind of a happy ending 🤭

    Thnx @SpiralOut46and2 i still enjoyed goofing around and bringing you a pet fish on the ferry 🤭 hopefully we have more luck next time.

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  • Nice pictures. I managed to finish up my 25 scoundrels but I still need 8 kills on the dutchess. With three people we could speed things up by leaving someone on molten sands. Lately the area outside of the vault in the cave has felt like a home for me. If you want to team up and run a brig or even galleon to work on these kills before the next patch, I'm all for it. I'd like to get as many done as I can before the voyages are gone.

  • @testakleze

    I would really like that its a lot of sailing and slow progress normally.

    Im at 20 two face and only 6 dutchess 🤕

    Ill add you later today!!

  • Exactly what i said about cool, playful, funny PvP versus this limited troll aproaches.

    Sad some people take gaming so serious that they miss to draw a line between beeing a dread pirate, but a nice player.
    They would get lots of dubs for free, but only trolled you and Spiral.

    That's the sort of PvP we have what drives xbox players away and want to opt out. That's what some famous streamers behave like, not all, but some.

    I dislike these gamers by heart, they don't contribute to the community as PvP players, but only to be trolls taking it to serious, limited and egocentric.

    But now enough about this.

    Happy New Year!!!
    And lets all be not that sort of pirates, especially when we PvP!!!
    Take care for your fellow players, especially when you sink them.
    Be an idol for good sports and play the game for fun, and don't game it for pixel pride or whatever.

    Good winds to all of you

  • This was so nice of you and so much fun @Ruigtand-NL, thank you for inviting me. 😄🤝✨🎁🌊

    What fun pictures too! That was a great shot of me with the Reapers Chest, I love that one lol. 👏

    We really did try so much to give the gifts away! We made shinies on the island, we put the Reaper Flag up, we got another Reaper Chest from the waters and put it in front of the gift table, and I even spent a good 40 minutes on the Ferry waiting for a dead Pirate to tell about our gifts and to come take them (not one single dead pirate in 40 minutes, we were truly shocked lol!😵). 😅🤷‍♀️🎁✨

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    We also had an amazing fireworks show with the fireballs and cursed cannonballs at night, it was quite a display! I took a picture but it doesn't really do it justice lol. ✨🎆🎇🌟🎉🎈💣

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    Eventually we got server merged and we see the Sloop coming with the Reaper Flag flying high, but how shocking when they came on the Reapers island and looked at everything, took the skulls and gems and Reapers Chest, and refused to take a single gift and turn it in lol. We even wrote in the game chat to take them and give them to the Lady there, in case they weren't familiar with where to turn them in, and that they would get lots of doubloons, and they literally were just like, "No." That was it, just, "No." 🤔😂🤷‍♀️

    Then we watched with amusement as they went on our empty ship and proceeded to send it to the bottom of the Sea lol. We weren't playing anymore after the gifts were turned in either by them or by us, so we watched the show and enjoyed the entertainment lol. 😄🎬🍿😎👍⛵💥🙌🎉

    We turned the gifts in ourselves and I'm still surprised they didn't want to take the free 300+ doubloons, but would rather take the 25-doubloon Reaper Chest lol..😇🌊🤷‍♀️

    But it was a lot of fun though, and thank you again for trying and for inviting me @Ruigtand-NL. Maybe we'll have better luck next time! And thank you for visiting me and bringing me a pet fish on the Ferry to keep me company (Dory says hi🐟) lol.😊🤝☕

    Oh! And yes, so funny right when you left, the Galleon came and went straight to the Sloopers who refused our gifts, and sank them very fast with 3 people firing on their cannons at once at the Sloop lol. So, our skulls and Reaper Chest changed hands once again. At least some of our gifts were passed forward and kept on giving lol.👍😅🎁

    @testakleze Yeah for sure, if you guys want to get together, I'd be happy to help. I'm sure it would easier for the Dutchess with more people rather than trying solo! 👍🤝

    @Bugaboo-Bill Thank you for your kind words Bill, and yes I'm glad we were still able to have fun even if it turned out this way lol. 😅🙇‍♀️👍 Ruigtand is a great friend to play with because he's a lot like me, he's just a happy, nice person that is kind of laid back and doesn't get angry or salty etc when things like this happen. We both kind of see the funny side of things and just enjoy it all and have fun, good or bad lol. 🤔😂😊👍 Thank you very much Matey, and a Happy New Year to you! 👏🎈🎊🎉

  • I dont know if we all need to be on the island with the dutches for it to count or if we can split up.. we find out . One on the boat can surfer hop to get new voyages maybe. I only did 2 forts in the wilds close to galleons grave and get a new voyage at the outpost everytime again until i got one of the forts close by that works fine.
    Leave one with supplies in molten sands we can try i dont think i would survive very long..

  • @ruigtand-nl It's a commendation that works for the entire crew.

    Most of my runs have been solo or duo. Solo I would throw down a voyage until I get crows nest fortress or skull keep and do nothing but tap the gifts and kill the scoundrel. Usually stacking 4 kegs on the second gift to kill him easy without a fight. He rarely spawns on the first gift. Then I would b-line to molten Sands, kill her and tap the gifts for the voyage complete and server hop.

    Duo, we would basically do the same, but at the end, we would vote on a new voyage and I would hang out near the vault to avoid eruptions and geysers, also not in the vault just so I don't get blackscreened if the fort activates. My crewmate would sail to the new chapter 1 fort, while I waited for him to finish up so I could instantly start on chapter two. I would get credit for him killing the scoundrel and he would get credit for the dutchess as long as I didn't mess something up.

    We haven't decided which is better after that though. Either switching servers or him sailing back to an outpost while im working on killing the dutchess and finishing the voyage. Either way we both have to meet back up to vote on a new voyage.

    I've had the dutchess die from geysers, die from fire, disappear with no trace, not even appear at all, and even launch me into some rocks that blackscreened me, all robbing me of credit or even the opportunity to kill her, but she has yet to actually kill me. I imagine if things go well I'll end up with a pile of gifts and skulls for you to come pick up at the end of it. Unless I find a rowboat.

  • @testakleze

    Best 3 on a brig so 2 can vote and well if the gifts stack up we might want to try and cash them in or gift them in the end 🤭

    I think i can play tomorrow after work im free on sunday anyway maybe we can crew up this weekend for a gift boss run 😁

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Happy new troll year:


    I would really like that its a lot of sailing and slow progress normally.

    Im at 20 two face and only 6 dutchess 🤕

    Ill add you later today!!

    dang i still two face

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