Game chat is not working, any suggestions?

  • OK, So I have sent in tickets on this for support. And I simply get the 'canned' responses from Rare saying they are forwarding it to the appropriate personnel, followed a week later by an email asking me if I was pleased with the service. So I am now reaching out here in the community.

    For quite some time now, game chat does not work for me. I have used several different types of headsets. I am playing on an XBoxOneX. I have used regular plug in headsets to my controller. And most recently have tried out two different wireless xbox enabled headsets. And none of them work. Party chat works just fine. But game chat, I hear nothing and no one else can hear me. I have tried every setting I can think of in the game itself. So now I am wondering, what else can I try.

    I have talked to at least one other person that is having this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • Have you checked the privacy settings on your Xbox Live Account to make sure you aren't restricted there?

  • @archangel-timmy It looks good. Both are set to everyone....

  • @nofears-fun said in Game chat is not working, any suggestions?:

    OK, So I have sent in tickets on this for support. And I simply get the 'canned' responses from Rare saying they are forwarding it to the appropriate personnel, followed a week later by an email asking me if I was pleased with the service. So I am now reaching out here in the community.

    For quite some time now, game chat does not work for me. I have used several different types of headsets. I am playing on an XBoxOneX. I have used regular plug in headsets to my controller. And most recently have tried out two different wireless xbox enabled headsets. And none of them work. Party chat works just fine. But game chat, I hear nothing and no one else can hear me. I have tried every setting I can think of in the game itself. So now I am wondering, what else can I try.

    I have talked to at least one other person that is having this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    try rebooting

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