how to change pirate model

  • I play on Xbox and i created a really dumb-looking character two years ago and I'm wondering if I could change it without resetting my progress

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  • @xxxhimrxxx not yet. It's a often requested feature. Hopefully the dev's will add it at some point or at least let you have more then one pirate without having to create an alt account.

  • @ronin20 They have confirmed it many times that we will be able to reset the look of our character, just be patient dont delete your character it would be a shame to lose any unique looking items.

  • As the others have said, they (the Dev's) have acknowledged that people want to be able to change their characters appearance. From what I understand, they're looking at ways to make it so that you can recreate your character in a "Sea of Thieves way" and keeping your commendations, coin, doubloons etc.

  • Why not give us the option to have 2 or 3 characters? Each could have it's own progress. Kind of like GTA or Destiny. If they can share unique items that you've purchased or received since launch, great... if not I'm fine with creating a second character just to have this option. When the game first came out, I had gone and quickly started the game as a female without much thought about character looks.
    But I spent probably 2 hours spinning the wheel once the lock pirates option came to the game. Went with a male character that I liked a lot. Yes, I had to start over, but I wasnt deep into the game yet. Now at pirate legend, a year and 8 months later, I dont want to reset him.
    But... I'd love to go back and create the female character again.

    Really dont want to flip back and forth in one slot and constantly lose a particular look. It would be better if we had say 2 or 3 slots to create different looks. Then depending on mood I could choose for that session... Fat, skinny, ugly, male or female. It would also give me a reason other than crossdressing to buy dresses.

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