Sail worthy pirate looking for shipmates/Crew

  • As a recent subscriber to Game pass I came across SoT and instantly became hooked (pun intended) Arrr . I'm on my third day of sailing and have become familiar with the games mechanics. Through the hours of game play I've found it increasingly difficult to roam the seas without invasion from crews realizing I need one of my own. This lone sea dog is in search of adventure and a crew. Gamer Tag illumeAnonymous, I play evenings on central time zone between 17:00 (5p.m) - 22:30 week days and at all hrs on the weekend. In search of a mature group that plays objectively in task completion through in-game achievements, story line end game content and DLC expansions.

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  • @illumeanonymous

    I run an SOT Discord group called Rum Runners Republic, with close to 150 members deep & counting.

    If your looking for a good group of like minded players to enjoy the game then your more than welcome to join us, we do a mix of both PVE & PVP.

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