Gold and Doubloon "Sink" Idea

  • Pretty straightforward, allow the use of in game gold and doubloons to be exchanged for ancient coins for the emporium.

    Make the exchange rate something like:

    1 million gold in exchange for 100 ancient coins

    1000 doubloons in exchange for 100 ancient coins.

    There's already the ancient skeletons who drop ancient coins. Why not make gold and doubloons more useful.

    I know in my circle of friends gold and doubloons are nearly worthless due to the over saturation of those currencies. The bilge rat black market does help as a currency sink, but why not do more. Give more incentive to collect anything and everything and I feel the game could be revitalized.

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  • @xxcaptmichaelxx wouldnt a large cosmetic drop be better? one that included awesome and expensive ones.

    skins that cost 500k to 1 mil gold or 500 to 1000 doubloons.

  • @captain-coel
    I don't see why not, but the black market already fills this role. I just feel the black market isn't enough.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx the black market isnt filling the role for a few reasons.

    1. cosmetics aren't cool enough
    2. there is not enough of them
    3. they aren't expensive enough

    I would love to see 100 million/100k doubloons worth of cosmetics in the game.

  • @captain-coel

    1: Cosmetic quality is a matter of opinion. I buy the inky kraken set and Fearless Bone Crusher set, I like them, but I don't buy the Wild Rose set because I don't particularly care for it.
    2/3: With limited edition items such as the Black Market, they can't just introduce huge quantities of cosmetics for huge prices simultaneously, most of the playerbase couldn't get it. If they weren't limited edition, several million gold and several thousand doubloons worth of cosmetics wouldn't be bad at all, but also keep in mind that some players will always end up getting it all in the end.

  • Wont work, people have alliance servers that farms gold so it would be unfair to everyone that doesn't abuse it.

  • Dubloons are to easy to come by the gold would be not be a bad idea though.

    ID prefer away for more ancient skeletons to appear

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