Question for PvP Pirates

  • OK, for a while there I thought I was fairly decent in PvP. Not great, but not terrible. About average. But lately, I have been getting steam rolled way to often. So I have a couple of questions for the better PvP Pirates.

    First, settings. What settings are you normally using for controller or keyboard. Sensitivity.

    Second, and possibly more important. I have always sailed with field of view set to full. But I am now wondering if that is causing depth perception issues in combat. Specifically in sword fights. What settings do you use for this?

    Any other tips would be appreciated.

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  • I have FoV maxed out. It does change the view distance of things in the center of the screen, but you can see more peripheral which is important in close quarters. You get used to the distance change after using it for awhile. For sensitivity the important thing is comfort. Everyone is going to have different settings. What you are looking for is the ability to turn quickly but still have accuracy.

    With PC, you need to adjust your mouse sensivitity on your hardware using the manufacturer's software if applicable, and through the windows sensitivity settings. Then in game, you need to adjust the game sensitivity and each of the weapon type sensitivities so you can get a comfortable feel when turning and also while aiming down sights.

    On controller, you will probably want to try to get the game sensitivity as close to 10 as possible to get maximum turning speed. If this is too fast, you need to work up to it by notching it up a bit at a time until you are comfortable with the increased speed and then notch it up again. After each adjustment you'll want to change the "Response Curve" to try to maintain accuracy for precision shots. You can read about that here:

  • @nofears-fun Idk I just swing and shoot

  • It's about the technique. Learn to bunny hop slash, evade and practise reading other players moves. Mastering this will catapult you way above the majority of players. In the end it all comes down to practise.

  • For Settings, I would just say go with what is comfortable, their is so many different styles from flicking to using low sensitivity with a really large mousepad. Ultimately I feel the best thing to have in this game is situational awareness and overall good coordination with crew members.

    The situational awareness helps to identify when you will get boarded this could range from realizing you are in a position to be easily boarded like trailing a ship or that ship in the distance that seems to always be an island away from you. Even noticing within that barrage of shots, one of those cannons actually didn't fire a cannonball yet made the sound of firing. I know I am in for a good fight, if I am immediately met with drawn guns as soon as I peak my head over the ladder to top-deck.

    The coordination just comes down to never making assumptions. See a boarder? Never assume everyone saw that person coming to board. Announce it to the crew, always be certain. Taking heavy fire? Announce to the crew you are on repairs, never assume someone else with take care of it. This little announcement ensures that first, someone is repairing to begin with, and second, that you don't double up on a job that only requires one. If that person needs help, they will speak up. Now your crew knows what other spots need filling. Ones below deck, now that means someone could bucket while the rest play defensing and make sure no one boards. Little things like that just make things go smooth on a ship. Always announce your actions. Going for a board? Let them know, so you don't have a situation with too many people leaving the ship defenseless.

    Ultimately this game doesn't require much in mechanical skill, but it certainly benefits from really developed coordination and being efficient with said coordination. That is just my take, I really think their is not much of a wrong answer here. Many different ways can lead to success in this game.

  • lolz settings... or you can just install 3rd party programs and use cheats like any other kid... that works well too since there's no anti-cheat in the game to prevent you from doing so. There's been an increase of people cheating lately and it's getting pretty widespread... so if you're getting killed in an instant from nowhere and what not, you know what's up.

  • @nofears-fun For keyboard and mouse I use max sensitivity for everything, it can be a bit annoying at first but once you get the hang of it it is great.

  • @bumbumbac My experience says otherwise. Yes I've been killed by quite a few people lately, but it's not due to the person cheating. They just tend to come from the Arena and know how to pvp well. I don't think cheating is a big of a problem as you make it seem.

  • @jofjjay said in Question for PvP Pirates:

    @nofears-fun For keyboard and mouse I use max sensitivity for everything, it can be a bit annoying at first but once you get the hang of it it is great.

    I do the opposite. For KB+M I use a dpi of 600 and a low sensitivity, then I use large arm movements for aim and smaller wrist movements for fine tuning. My mouse also has a 2nd DPI setting which I have set to 1600 and I can switch between them with a button, so I can switch over when on cannons or EoR so that they aim properly.

    On controller, which I'm more experienced with in SoT, but not in general gaming. I use the highest sensitivity settings and I've dialled things in as per the guide above. I use an Elite and have bumpers set to run, jump, switch weapon and X. I use the hair trigger setting for faster trigger pulls and I have the thumbsticks replaced with longer ones as this helps with precision.

    I do just as well with either input device, although I personally find the controller feels marginally better to use in general play, while the M+K is marginally more effective in boarding situations.

  • @scallywagmango said in Question for PvP Pirates:

    @bumbumbac My experience says otherwise. Yes I've been killed by quite a few people lately, but it's not due to the person cheating. They just tend to come from the Arena and know how to pvp well. I don't think cheating is a big of a problem as you make it seem.

    I can tell a good player from a cheater... I've been meeting cheaters more often now than half a year ago.

    And I'm not gonna bother you with description of everything that transpired in my session or even try to refute your uneducated opinion since what you think is irrelevant if the basis of your thoughts is in ignorance... the facts are - there are cheats yet there is no solid anti-cheat... and more people cheat today than in the past.

    Just watch this educational video, and perhaps re-evaluate your perception of the world cause it ain't just rainbows and sunshines.

    If you wanna keep telling yourself it's OK because it doesn't happen often you're only lying to yourself.

    Cheats are the reason that REPLAYS which allow you to see what happened from everyone's POV are needed.

  • I'm terrible at PVP and 99% of the time I try to avoid it, I have no interest in getting better at it. I prefer to be friendly at sea! Keep pvp in the arena!!!! make friends and alliances not enemies!

  • @bumbumbac I wasn't saying it was not an issue, I was just going off of my experience. I also never said it was 'rainbows and sunshines'. If you haven't already, send this video into the support team of Rare and report the person uploading this content. The only way to combat these issues is to show evidence and facts. This was the kind of response I was hoping for when I reached out to you, so I appreciate that. Also the fact that people pay for these cheats is actually pretty pathetic.

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