One barrel o rum please

  • One barrel??
    Aye its been this dramatic emotional rollercoaster one barrel please!
    takes a zip
    So anywho me cat just died in me arms while i hold both his front paws and kiss him on the head.. after a couple o days going bad.. not eating i had to feed him etc.
    He shocked twice and then breath 3 times and he left us while i hold him like that.. i completely crashed right!
    I mean..
    zip hip
    I knew this was coming and i was there for me friend and i dunno build up so much emotions that suddenly all got free.. i was crying like a baby
    It was difficult and sad but also beautifull somehow. I buried him and took a day off.

    Another barrel would you please?

    So well pets they sure get you you know but this is sea of thieves we should be able to steal them and lock em in the cage only to be released when a ransom is paid.but well im not buying a dead pet this update for personal reasons obvious..

    I set sail that evening to get out a little and to forget rl for a moment escaping this emotional outburst im having.

    zip hip

    I join this guy he is on a brigatine doing reaper chests solo so well ill help out but explain im sad and distracted..
    But this pirate is serious and a winner and all about melee pvp where im just your average xbox player who likes funny roleplay and gift loot away for fun.. maybe not the best match i guess..
    So he jumps on every boat we see to pick a fight and im solo on the brig fighting galleons and get boarded and its chaos so i tell him i like to gather loot and dont need to fight every boat wasting time for nothing but well its all about winning from this galleon crew somehow untill they steal our gems and i finally decide to leave the battle scene and sail off for some distance. "Lets get another reaper this fight is lost and takes forever?"

    Oh man my mistake!

    Me crewmember gets mad angry at me for not continuing this battle and starts this rant about all my failures and no strategy and i dont discuss and we need to win etc.

    Im silenced we are on a different wave lenght.. but the rant continues
    How i got nothing to say and he is right and i fail and i should uninstall etc.

    I get out on this island bunny hopping around and he asks why we are on an island..

    Well sir im here to play not to be bullied around you know i just want to have fun and his rant continues..

    I ask him when he is so good but cant deal with losing a couple of gems over a reaper fight if maybe a pirate game is not a good choise? There are other winners out there also good and sometimes we are outmatched its part of a multiplayer game?

    Its my failure and the rant goes on until i bid him a pleasend evening and leave the party to start a solo sloop.

    Yeah i dunno ill take another barrel for the go and drink this over..

    I just got a fight over a funny pirate game but i guess emotional and not sharp nor fit to have such a serious discussion about all my failures on the sea..

    Im eager to explore the new content but hopefully i can play with someone like korsair and have fun again :")

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  • @ruigtand-nl said in One barrel o rum please:

    One barrel??
    Aye its been this dramatic emotional rollercoaster one barrel please!
    takes a zip
    So anywho me cat just died in me arms while i hold both his front paws and kiss him on the head.. after a couple o days going bad.. not eating i had to feed him etc.
    He shocked twice and then breath 3 times and he left us while i hold him like that.. i completely crashed right!
    I mean..
    zip hip
    I knew this was coming and i was there for me friend and i dunno build up so much emotions that suddenly all got free.. i was crying like a baby
    It was difficult and sad but also beautifull somehow. I buried him and took a day off.

    Another barrel would you please?

    So well pets they sure get you you know but this is sea of thieves we should be able to steal them and lock em in the cage only to be released when a ransom is paid.but well im not buying a dead pet this update for personal reasons obvious..

    I set sail that evening to get out a little and to forget rl for a moment escaping this emotional outburst im having.

    zip hip

    I join this guy he is on a brigatine doing reaper chests solo so well ill help out but explain im sad and distracted..
    But this pirate is serious and a winner and all about melee pvp where im just your average xbox player who likes funny roleplay and gift loot away for fun.. maybe not the best match i guess..
    So he jumps on every boat we see to pick a fight and im solo on the brig fighting galleons and get boarded and its chaos so i tell him i like to gather loot and dont need to fight every boat wasting time for nothing but well its all about winning from this galleon crew somehow untill they steal our gems and i finally decide to leave the battle scene and sail off for some distance. "Lets get another reaper this fight is lost and takes forever?"

    Oh man my mistake!

    Me crewmember gets mad angry at me for not continuing this battle and starts this rant about all my failures and no strategy and i dont discuss and we need to win etc.

    Im silenced we are on a different wave lenght.. but the rant continues
    How i got nothing to say and he is right and i fail and i should uninstall etc.

    I get out on this island bunny hopping around and he asks why we are on an island..

    Well sir im here to play not to be bullied around you know i just want to have fun and his rant continues..

    I ask him when he is so good but cant deal with losing a couple of gems over a reaper fight if maybe a pirate game is not a good choise? There are other winners out there also good and sometimes we are outmatched its part of a multiplayer game?

    Its my failure and the rant goes on until i bid him a pleasend evening and leave the party to start a solo sloop.

    Yeah i dunno ill take another barrel for the go and drink this over..

    I just got a fight over a funny pirate game but i guess emotional and not sharp nor fit to have such a serious discussion about all my failures on the sea..

    Im eager to explore the new content but hopefully i can play with someone like korsair and have fun again :")

    wow i'm so sorry that you lost your cat mate and you should tell him to you know what and block him if he does this again

  • @closinghare208
    Thank you

    Yes i blocked him i dont like such extra competitive people or playstyle and people talking to me like that. Good player but not a good match for me :)

  • @ruigtand-nl said in One barrel o rum please:

    Thank you

    Yes i blocked him i dont like such extra competitive people or playstyle and people talking to me like that. Good player but not a good match for me :)

    aye unless your prolly feeling beter mate hope your cat is fine where ever he is now

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I know how animals can be be our best friends Lord knows my dog is mine. I think it's a good idea you took a day off work just so you can take the edge off and getaway from real life and sail the waves in the sea of Thieves that we play. It sounds like the person that you was playing with is very selfish and doesn't realize that this is a game and it is made to have fun not to go around being a bully to people Etc. Don't get me wrong of course I know that sometimes that's the nature of the game but to be with a crewmate that constantly thinks of stealing from people and ruining their time on the game is pretty selfish if you ask me. Plus I was always taught growing up that if you don't have something nice to say about someone then don't say anything at all. It's so annoying when someone thinks that they have the right to tell you how you need to think and try to bend you to their way of thinking is so lame. I'm the same way as you because I like to surprise people and just give loot away or just do whatever it is the hell I want to do I just do it whether it's doing a mission or just sailing around and doing a whole bunch of nothing. The game is about freedom and to Express yourself any way you want and not what some know it all terd who is trying to preach to whoever he crosses paths with. Anyways I hope your day gets better for you buddy and again my deepest condolences for your cat. Take care my friend. 🍻🚣‍♂️

  • Im sorry for your loss :'(

    If youre looking for a chill crew memeber you can add me man. My playstyle is alot like yours and I dont always have a sturdy crew to play with.

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