Why you should never call a solo player's bluff...

  • This is a brief story about why you should never call a solo player on his "bluff".

    Some context, im grinding ashen OoS in the Roar and with ehh.. 15ish skulls on board i see a brig sailing fast toward me. i sail away and shout that im not looking for a fight and want an alliance. as soon as the crew replys to me i know they will never ally with me. their first response is to tell me to stop so they can get closer. (dangerdanger* Kegs incoming! (in my head)) i slow some but im sure to not hit my anchor. i notice one aiming at me and i dodge a musketball as i drop the sails again.

    it is at this time I give my ultimatum. "Join the Alliance, get 50% or I WILL sail off the map and you will get NOTHING". the Brig continued to pursue me not believing that i would be so petty to surrender all my treasure to Davy Jones. This my friends was their mistake. I would gladly allied and even split up some of the loot but if i wasnt going to get any loot, neither was anyone else.

    I turned to the East and sailed as fast as I could. The brig overtook me once but missed my ladder and i continued towards the Shroud. I knew i could survive longer than them within the Shroud. As the Seas turned to blood and the music swelled the brigantine slowed to a stop and hastily joined my alliance. I have no doubt that this was a ploy to lure me out into the open. I continued on. I sailed until I knew they would only see the top of my mast and stopped bailing. My ship quickly slipped beneath the waves. I remained nearby fighting of sharks until I was sure that the brig would be unable to reclaim mine treasure until it despawned.

    I took a mermaid to my new ship and sailed to regroup with the Brigantine (I could see their location do to the alliance). Once I found them I informed them of their folly and of just how much loot they had lost by failing to heed my words. No doubt angry I was murdered and the alliance was disbanded. I sat on the ferry laughing at their salt. i never respawned. I scuttled and left the game still chuckling.

    In conclusion if you are solo and are afraid for your loot, remember: despite what people say, you hold the bargaining power, and the Shroud is your friend against bloodthirsty pirates. Some will call me toxic, but I say it is a sea of pirates and no one will profit from my hard earned booty!

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  • @yolo-swaggines said in Why you should never call a solo player's bluff...:

    This is a brief story about why you should never call a solo player on his "bluff".

    Some context, im grinding ashen OoS in the Roar and with ehh.. 15ish skulls on board i see a brig sailing fast toward me. i sail away and shout that im not looking for a fight and want an alliance. as soon as the crew replys to me i know they will never ally with me. their first response is to tell me to stop so they can get closer. (dangerdanger* Kegs incoming! (in my head)) i slow some but im sure to not hit my anchor. i notice one aiming at me and i dodge a musketball as i drop the sails again.

    it is at this time I give my ultimatum. "Join the Alliance, get 50% or I WILL sail off the map and you will get NOTHING". the Brig continued to pursue me not believing that i would be so petty to surrender all my treasure to Davy Jones. This my friends was their mistake. I would gladly allied and even split up some of the loot but if i wasnt going to get any loot, neither was anyone else.

    I turned to the East and sailed as fast as I could. The brig overtook me once but missed my ladder and i continued towards the Shroud. I knew i could survive longer than them within the Shroud. As the Seas turned to blood and the music swelled the brigantine slowed to a stop and hastily joined my alliance. I have no doubt that this was a ploy to lure me out into the open. I continued on. I sailed until I knew they would only see the top of my mast and stopped bailing. My ship quickly slipped beneath the waves. I remained nearby fighting of sharks until I was sure that the brig would be unable to reclaim mine treasure until it despawned.

    I took a mermaid to my new ship and sailed to regroup with the Brigantine (I could see their location do to the alliance). Once I found them I informed them of their folly and of just how much loot they had lost by failing to heed my words. No doubt angry I was murdered and the alliance was disbanded. I sat on the ferry laughing at their salt. i never respawned. I scuttled and left the game still chuckling.

    In conclusion if you are solo and are afraid for your loot, remember: despite what people say, you hold the bargaining power, and the Shroud is your friend against bloodthirsty pirates. Some will call me toxic, but I say it is a sea of pirates and no one will profit from my hard earned booty!

    I've never been into the out of bounds and didn't know what would happen, thanks for informing me of a solution to ditch other ships!

  • @jonnyman69 I have nothing to do with ma millions but I like the smell of gunpowder. Even if I end up sinking. You say that you outplayed them. I would say that you conceded and ran away flapping your wings. And lost all your precious bargain power.

  • It was clearly the Brigantine crew's intention to ruin the OP's day. Some players do not play to profit; but to cause unhappiness and distress to other players. If they just want loot and rep, they would have allied when the offer was made.

    However, the OP turned the tables and ruined their day, causing them to be unhappy. I would say - playing on their terms - he won the encounter.

  • Well done! This is what i usually do if there is no chance of escape... or if i do not have the time to fight/flee/drive-by-selling.

    No point in giving free stuff to others... UNLESS i want to give it. If i see a new crew on the seas and they behave and are friendly, im more than happy to give them some loot. However if someone threatens to take it or generally act immature, id rather just aim for the edge of the map and go watch some TV while they chase after my ship.

    Never surrender! Make them fight for the loot... or make them at least waste some of their time. :)

  • I did something similar to this the other day. I was at an outpost and just finished selling when this other sloop came up and tried to attack. I was about to get off, which they didn’t know, so I told them they can just take my resources. Well, the kid decided to state out loud to his friend they were going to sink me after so I scuttled on them. Fair to say that kid may be a little more careful in the future.

  • @yolo-swaggines Why would anyone call you toxic for that? great job if you dont get to sell the treasure neither will your enemies.

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