Pirate legends

  • When pirates legends attack I but 4 bullets through them and it comes to my mind that they could be using god mode and personally I think that pirate legends shouldn’t be doing that because I feel the game isn’t far play but if I do come accoss a cheater I’ll report it plus I think that there PC players, I just want to have fun in the game than getting attack and killed by hackers. Anyone who has had this problem with hackers trying to kill you plz report it because it’s not far for Xbox players.

  • 52
  • While there are cheaters, they are incredibly rare.
    Most likely your dealing with lag and SoT's dodgy hit-detection.

  • There's a huge misconception around Pirate Legends within the community. I get that a lot of them can be trolls because they're no longer concerned with reputation and collecting gold for them isn't always top priority.

    It's to assume that they're just cheating because they're bored but that isn't always the case. A lot of the time they just have a better grasp on how the game is played because they've played for so long that they know the in's and out's of it. Perhaps he ate a banana while you weren't looking? I find it hard to believe that you were able to put 4 consecutive shots into him without him running away to heal.

    You say, "personally I think that pirate legends shouldn't be doing that" but in reality NO ONE should be doing that. Pirate Legend or not any sort of exploit should be dealt with by Rare.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie it’s usually PC players and that’s the problem

  • I'm a LVL 6 Pirate Legend and I have not come across nor experience that myself. May have had a bad experience with them coming in and attacking you. So it's a misconception that Pirate Legends (some) do use "god mode", because if they did, the game will already register them as hackers and RARE will get them banned.

  • @prorapidkiller well I don’t know but all I want is peace on the seas

  • @prorapidkiller it’s usually PC players

  • @xx-elite-kb Well that is beyond my control there bud, and I can or cannot say that they are using mods or cheats to do something that is not pertaining to the game's concept with playing.

  • Who knows but I suggest I’ll sail away from them in case they ate or non pirate legends.

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    @prorapidkiller well I don’t know but all I want is peace on the seas

    Then you're playing the wrong game. If you took away the threats of this game you'd be left with what's essentially a UPS or Amazon simulator. However, that's the beauty of this game, there are loads of things that could happen from both players and random encounters while transporting our treasure. It's what makes turning in that much more rewarding.

  • I love sea of thieves I’m just annoyed with the events that’s happened to players

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    I love sea of thieves I’m just annoyed with the events that’s happened to players

    And I get the frustration of loosing the loot that you worked to find. I'd suggest learning from your previous encounters and trying to apply them to your future run-ins with players, megs, krakens, etc.

  • Sea of thieves needs an Hub like Lego games.

  • Oh my pirates a fatty so he does rock the ship it’s what my friend Kian says.

  • @xx-elite-kb I was called a cheater the other night. Truth is I was pounding Nanners while I was getting shot at. The animation doesn't always show to the other person and makes you seem like a cheater. Especially when I always run by the players banana barrel and grab more. It's little things like this that make you a better player in SoT and one of the reasons I love it so much. You are either better then the players or not. I have annihilated players and I have had my butt handed to me.

  • i agree that cheaters should be banned from this and any other game. But why has cheating and Pirate Legends always added in one line? A cheater can have any rank ...For once and for all: Not every Pirate Legend is a cheater , nor does every PC Player cheat....Report all cheaters you come across but be 100 percent certain that they are cheating and not having lag or something but stop calling every Legend or PC player a cheater...i'm a Pirate Legend, play only on Xbox and don't even know how to cheat, nor do i care , i lose and i don't care , i win and i'm excited and suprized , believe me i play this game without a " let's kill them off this server" mentality...i rather play in a way that my "enemy" has a chance without cheating nor spawncamping...Cheaters break a game, i try to include as much Pirates as i can by playing fair ...
    And i'm a Legend too , but only by levelling, not in person.

  • @clumsy-george I’m not saying all of them are just what I’ve witnessed

  • I'm a pirate legend, and believe me, i can be killed with 1 shot, and often am!

    Not all legends cheat you know.
    I have been playing since launch, and although i'm certain i have encountered a few pirates that would seem to defy the normal rules of gameplay physics and triumph using devious methods, (none i can explain anyway) it is very rare to come across such instances.

    Sometimes you are just being bettered by a good player and it seems you had no chance because they cheated.
    Try what i do.
    Abandon everything and start on a new server.

  • Yh leave the sever of sail away

  • Well a games a game but sea of thieves does need some improvements because it’s not just me it’s other players as well

  • @xx-elite-kb You just need to practice and get better. Not call anyone that beats you a cheater or a pc player. Some of my best crew mates are Xbox players and I am on PC.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Exactly

  • @prorapidkiller don’t call them cheaters I call the stalkers.

  • @xx-elite-kb Well, if you then call them stalkers...to be honest, I'm confused with that explanation, but anyway, you got to get use to it. Don't let one upset cause you to throw a small tantrum because of what this person or pirate legend did to you.

  • Well I’ll sail away and maybe if my friend Kian or Gary they can use drop their anchor to increase the chance of escaping them.

  • Ya know I get Rare wants community feedback, but the last few threads started by this OP have been nothing but complaints mainly directed at pc players. It's very entertaining to read as most of the info is simply incorrect while not being thought out before posting. This is why those legit feedback posts are ignored in many cases.

  • @prorapidkiller Pirate Legend trolls are a real problem in open crew. Sometimes open crew is the only way to find a group quickly. Not everyone wants to sit and wait for a hour or more to try and pull a group together in the LFG or discord.

    I had one the other day on my boat. I had joined up in open cause I do like to play with the lower levels and be able to plop down some good voyages for them and help them accomplish them and show them the ropes, but this fellow joined us on the second to last mission and participated in the journey and communicated. Got done and was sailing back, took out a skelly gally and a meg. Loaded all that up and we set sail again. And then BOOM! The other PL that had joined has exploded a keg and then dumped all the treasure over board as we were going full speed. I ran up to see him dumping it and when I sail brig him he just left. This is really unacceptable. They need to do something. Figure something out. Stop having the Pirate Code as some vague whatever and make it harsh. I am talking these people need to be banned for a week or more and the penalties need to go up from there.

    Well I reported that person to Microsoft but they won't do anything about it. The community of the higher levels and PL are really toxic. I have yet to find another PL besides me that has a shoot when shot mentality. I also added all of them and we reformed on a new server with a closed crew and we did one of my Athena's to cover for the loss.

    Pirate Legends need to really step and hold the community accountable instead of just waving hands every time one of these posts happen and say well it's not every pirate legend. While that is true, the majority of PL's are like this. It shames me knowing that the fellows who are supposed to be my equals are like this and then makes me look bad and untrustworthy cause of my title.

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirate legends:

    When pirates legends attack I but 4 bullets through them and it comes to my mind that they could be using god mode and personally I think that pirate legends shouldn’t be doing that because I feel the game isn’t far play but if I do come accoss a cheater I’ll report it plus I think that there PC players, I just want to have fun in the game than getting attack and killed by hackers. Anyone who has had this problem with hackers trying to kill you plz report it because it’s not far for Xbox players.

    All legends are PC players, if you played on xbox you must buy a PC when you hit 50/50/50 it is the rule.

    All PC players are cheaters, well we all know that if you want to be good you must use cheats.

    So, don't worry before you know it you will be one of us soon enough.

    Ok, sarcasm aside. Just so you know PC gamers hate cheaters just as much as you. We are just more used to bumping into them, but it is not a platform difference thing. It is an universal Gamer VS Cheaters feeling we share, cheats have no place in an online community.

    Also, most legends won't cheat as it is a permanent ban offense. They sunk a lot of time into their character and if they did, I am surprised they got that far without being caught.

    Hit registration can be faulty in the game, we have all experienced it. So, be aware of this and don't try to call wolf too soon.

    Stop clumping the people that defeat you by learning the game, improved their skills and became a legend with cheaters.

    If you actually believe you came across a cheater please report them and Rare will take the necessary steps.

  • It’s what I’ve been witnessing but I leave server before I die

  • @xx-elite-kb sagte in Pirate legends:

    When pirates legends attack I but 4 bullets through them and it comes to my mind that they could be using god mode and personally I think that pirate legends shouldn’t be doing that because I feel the game isn’t far play but if I do come accoss a cheater I’ll report it plus I think that there PC players, I just want to have fun in the game than getting attack and killed by hackers. Anyone who has had this problem with hackers trying to kill you plz report it because it’s not far for Xbox players.

    I don't think it is far to see you but 4 bullets through me, so I - as a legend - have to defend me and so I think using god mode would be fine and far. Furthermore, it is not far to write in a manner that is hardly to be understood, therefore it has to be a kind of cheating code, which you are using, or a brainwashing-lyrical-attack, maybe, which is way not far. Please but it back.

  • I am also a legend and Athena 10, but just in rank from playing this TONS. It's definately not due to skill at PvP so I have not been called a cheater...although that would probably make my day ;)

    Anyways, if you suspect a cheater, like others said, open a ticket to support and include any video if you have it.

  • @xx-elite-kb Puncuation, do you even?

    So you're blaming:

    • Pirate legends
    • PC gamers
    • Hackers

    For the fact that you didn't notice either:
    A - You missed completely
    B - People ate bananas

    Maybe just maybe you shouldn't blame others for your shortcomings.
    And please use propper punctuation next time.

  • Somtimes it's down to lag either your side or there's, it registers as a hit but their physical body was already out the way, I've encountered this many times and understand it somtimes happens, I'm a pl10 and yet to encounter anyone I thought was genuinely cheating, somtimes you get unlucky, I've bin called a cheating pc hacker myself many times while winning pvp fights and I'm an xbox player who's never used hacks in any game and wouldn't even know how to, i just know how to play the game

  • My spouse and I are very proud Pirate Legends. We are also very proud gamers. I have played on almost every type of console ever made. Even imported systems with games not in English. However, I have always preferred gaming on a PC after building my first computer to run DOS.

    I have never behaved in a bad way as a Pirate Legend in Sea of Thieves or with any other character in any other game. I have the knowledge and skill to enhance the way I play. It was never a thought for one second at anytime. I play video games with the same honesty and integrity as I live my life.

    I have been beaten in a sword fight and sent to the ferry by a cannonball to the face. However, my spouse and I have earned our sea legs and it is very rare that we loose our ship to the sea by players or NPCs. However, the tides can still turn on anyone no matter how good you may be.

    Almost every time we beat someone, they scream many cuss words and proclaim upon the almighty XBOX we are cheating PC players. Yes, we are playing on a PC. No we were not cheating. We won because we played better based on our skill and coordination.

    Clear your head of the hysteria and your heart of anger for all Pirate Legends and PC players. Yes, some Pirate Legends are not respectable players. That just makes them a bad player regardless of what title they wear with dishonor under their name.

    The vast majority of PC players do not cheat. When they do it is almost always in PvP. At launch it was slightly noticeable because of the numbers playing back then. Have not seen any since. These snakes of players will probably raise their ugly head upon the arrival of The Arena. Sad thing is people mostly cheat to win and be number one. In reality they are the biggest losers around.

    Cheating in Sea of Thieves is currently rare. If you truly suspect someone of cheating, do the only right thing and report it. Rare will take care of the rest. The best advice other than that is continue to play and improve your skill. Most importantly learn to be a good sport. You will be way more happier playing any game if you do.

  • All it takes is one bad apple to upset the apple cart!

    Make no assumptions, not all pirate legends are alike.

32 out of 52