Solution for stocking the ship with supplies

  • A lot of people want the option to buy cannonballs, planks, and bananas for gold. A lot of other people think it's a bad idea. Personally I feel it creates an imbalance between new players and veterans. I also feel the concern when I spawn a solo sloop and don't want to waste time stocking up only to have it put me at a disadvantage when something attacks.

    When I start a new game, I hope for a message in a barrel that wants a crate delivered. I then grab that crate from the merchant and haul it around to all the barrels filling it before taking it to my ship and moving it all into my barrels. It saves a lot of time and still rewards the effort put into stocking your ship. I understand it's hard to come by those missions, especially the wood crate missions, so it's not a perfect plan.

    The highest have seen one of these sell for was around 1800 gold. If you can purchase an empty crate of your choice from the merchant or someone at the outpost for more than they sell for, let's say 2,000 gold, you can use it to help stock your ship. They wouldn't produce a profit for people trying to buy one, fill it, and sell it. Also it wouldn't count towards commendations, and it wouldn't be something as easy as going to someone and buying supplies that just magically appear in your ship. It would still require time and effort to stock up and it would require searching barrels on outposts, islands, and even floating barrels. These crates are very useful for collecting supplies, it's just difficult finding them. If you can buy empty ones from outposts for a price higher than they sell for, stocking your ship will be much less tedious. It would help solo players or even crews starting their voyage but wouldn't help someone spawning a new ship on a random island after being sunk contesting a fort, so the crew that won the fort doesn't have to worry about a fully stocked or even reasonably stocked ship coming back for revenge right away. The losing crew would have to sail to an outpost, buy the crate, and fill it from barrels on the island before coming back to fight over the fort again.

    What do you guys think? You think it would help gameplay or hurt it?

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  • @testakleze So what your suggesting here is allowing players to directly purchase utility in th form of items. We actually once had this as Resouces create oringinally came from high level Merchant Voyages, but where taking out and made locked behind random voyages in bottles and now barrels do to the fact that High level players would often buy these voyages and canceled them just to get and used these creates. This was seen as a Disadvantage to new players thus was removed. As for example a galleon with a cannon ball create can reload cannons faster as all they need to do was fill up the creates with cannballs a place it behind the cannons so a player simply needed to turn around to restock then get back on the cannon to fire.

    I however felt like this was a mistake as Resource creats are lootable objects and are worth have thus worth stealing. This is actually the Essence in which my Rogue Wave Project is founded on by given loot utility where you can both find and purchase and allowing them to be stealable/tradeable in player driven economy where the loot has a direct impact on gameplay as player will need to be smart on how they approah or interact with another ship. By making progression tied to the ship with a visual indicator of a ships threat level and possible difficulty will allow crew to better decide how they should interact with an unknown ship.

    So needless to say im on board with your idea along with the idea's from the post Docking:Pit Stops.

    I would like to use your post as a refence to my Rogue Wave project, would you be ok with that?

  • @enf0rcer yeah if you want to use my post feel free. I'm in no way emotionally attached to this idea so it won't hurt my feelings if people don't agree. Also I was sure I wasn't the first to think of something like this, it just didn't seem to be considered in recent posts.

    Coming across random crates always raises the question in the crew of if we should keep it or sell it and it's usually decided on by how much our ship is stocked. Without making huge changes to the game we can help make this aspect more enjoyable and less time consuming without also creating huge problems or exploits.

  • What if... on a cargo run, or the completion of a quest, results in a NPC - instead of giving you gold for your items, offers you an IOU; for restocking supplies on your ship.

    So, rather than purchasable restocking of basic supplies directly; cannon balls, bananas, wood. Have it so an NPC offers you a redeemable IOU that you use to replenish your ship at any outpost - in exchange for finishing a quest, or a specific portion of the loot, or cargo, one brings in.

    This would be a barter offer. "Would you like a payment in gold, or an IOU for ship resupply?" If you accept ship resupply IOU, just take the IOU credit to the shipwright, or merchant, and your ship is instantly stocked to a set amount per item. Say, 50 cannon balls, 50 wood planks, 50 bananas. You accept this deal as an alternative to being paid in gold.

  • @testakleze said in My solution for stocking the ship with supplies:

    @enf0rcer yeah if you want to use my post feel free. I'm in no way emotionally attached to this idea so it won't hurt my feelings if people don't agree. Also I was sure I wasn't the first to think of something like this, it just didn't seem to be considered in recent posts.

    Do to the way inwhich the fourum work many great idea's get buried and never seen in recent post which is why i Created the Community Idea's Master List. Feel free to save the link and use it as a reference and a tool to promote your idea's as i try to keep it updated and always adding both new and old idea's.

    Coming across random crates always raises the question in the crew of if we should keep it or sell it and it's usually decided on by how much our ship is stocked. Without making huge changes to the game we can help make this aspect more enjoyable and less time consuming without also creating huge problems or exploits.

    This is a whole Topic in an of itself but i definitly belive this can and should be done. The only reason why i turn in resource creates is for the achivement and commendation but since that only counts while having an active voyage for them. I normally just keep them on my ship for there utility as that is far more valuable to me then gold and sell them before i log off as i can't save them. Thats how my thinking goes.

  • @starship42 said in My solution for stocking the ship with supplies:

    What if... on a cargo run, or the completion of a quest, results in a NPC - instead of giving you gold for your items, offers you an IOU; for restocking supplies on your ship.

    So, rather than purchasable restocking of basic supplies directly; cannon balls, bananas, wood. Have it so an NPC offers you a redeemable IOU that you use to replenish your ship at any outpost - in exchange for finishing a quest, or a specific portion of the loot, or cargo, one brings in.

    This would be a barter offer. "Would you like a payment in gold, or an IOU for ship resupply?" If you accept ship resupply IOU, just take the IOU credit to the shipwright, or merchant, and your ship is instantly stocked to a set amount per item. Say, 50 cannon balls, 50 wood planks, 50 bananas. You accept this deal as an alternative to being paid in gold.

    See i don't like the idea of instant resocking as it would defeat the purpose of looting in barrels. Also we really need a persistant gold sink if loot is to continue to have a gold value or else why even sell loot for gold? why not instead just trade loot directly for cosmetics and resources rewards?

  • @enf0rcer well, I saw this as an alternative solution, specifically to the idea of making resupplying of a ship more expedient. I believe expert/wealthy players will have an unfair advantage were they able to purchase via gold instant resupplies of their vessels.

    By incorporating "services for goods" exchanges instead of direct payment, it means in order to obtain the IOU resupply voucher, one must accept that offer from an NPC AFTER they have completed a quest/cargo run.

    So an offer would be made, but it may not be worth the player's efforts, so they may decline. The important thing is that the player is restricted from buying resupply outright. Also, the IOU's may be limited to specific numbers of each item, so...

    Some IOU's may be limited to 10 of each. Some may be 50 of each. So you're not paying in gold for this service. You have been made a business DEAL - would you like resupply, or payment in gold?

    The only way a player can resupply is via such a IOU voucher exchange system. This would make expert/wealthy players treated on par with new or inexperienced players, as these offers will come up for all players equally.

    They may also not alwawys be lucrative. Some NPC's may want to rip you off, or take advantage of you at different times. Or, they might be feeling generous some days.

    The IOU concept avoids direct gold payments, thus insuring noone can gain an unfair advantage because they are wealthy. The IOU's will have limits and may not always be worth it.

    I agree wit your point about a gold sink. This wasn't intended as a solution for that problem. Looting in barrels I don't think would be hindered. The IOU system wouldn't be a replacement of barrel harvesting, just an added perk.

  • @starship42 said in My solution for stocking the ship with supplies:

    @enf0rcer well, I saw this as an alternative solution, specifically to the idea of making resupplying of a ship more expedient. I believe expert/wealthy players will have an unfair advantage were they able to purchase via gold instant resupplies of their vessels.

    By incorporating "services for goods" exchanges instead of direct payment, it means in order to obtain the IOU resupply voucher, one must accept that offer from an NPC AFTER they have completed a quest/cargo run.

    So an offer would be made, but it may not be worth the player's efforts, so they may decline. The important thing is that the player is restricted from buying resupply outright. Also, the IOU's may be limited to specific numbers of each item, so...

    Some IOU's may be limited to 10 of each. Some may be 50 of each. So you're not paying in gold for this service. You have been made a business DEAL - would you like resupply, or payment in gold?

    The only way a player can resupply is via such a IOU voucher exchange system. This would make expert/wealthy players treated on par with new or inexperienced players, as these offers will come up for all players equally.

    They may also not alwawys be lucrative. Some NPC's may want to rip you off, or take advantage of you at different times. Or, they might be feeling generous some days.

    The IOU concept avoids direct gold payments, thus insuring noone can gain an unfair advantage because they are wealthy. The IOU's will have limits and may not always be worth it.

    Like i said it's the "instant" part of the restocking i have an issue with i'm perfectly fine with an IOU item but it needs to have a time limit as i exppressed in the Pit Stop post. If you ship was to gain supplies over time at only a slightoy fast Rate then restocking the ship your self then i would be 100 percent onboard.

    You have another good system which would benfit less wealthy players i will agree.

  • @enf0rcer okay, fair enough. However, one could argue that the time one waits at an outpost to resupply is actually being invested in by work, in my IOU system. So rather than waiting around on the dock, when I could be barrel harvesting, I can be out on the seas doing a quest - to earn that "instant resupply voucher".

    I guess I'm not sure I understand fully your concern about the "instant" part of resupplying. I would have a problem with it too if it were simply 'pay a merchant X gold, get instant resupply'. But this way the resupply is being earned through work/time spent and not dependent on a fixed gold price.

    I mean, why stand around on a dock when I could be out on the seas working for my resupply voucher, or simply harvesting the barrels myself?

    Of course there is a benefit to having the voucher - it means I decrease the risk of being attacked at an outpost because I'm in-and-out quickly and am not distracted while looking in barrels. But that's surely the benefit I've earned myself prior, in obtaining that voucher for a future voyage.

    There will be times a voucher will not be worth the effort/work/time you put into your quest/loot/cargo, and therefore you'll opt for gold instead, or take your stash to another outpost maybe to see if you get a better offer in resupply.

  • @starship42 Givin the idea of the IOU being a redeemable item, you could leave it at an island and get it after sinking, then restock the moment you are back at an outpost. Perhaps making them not last forever, although the problem could still occur. Making it stream in would mean you can cut it off early and have some of the resources.

  • i'd like the option to be able to buy banana, wood or canon ball crates so we can just sell all of the supplies we have at the end of the night / day. i usually put cursed canon balls and whatever else in the barrels at the end of the sail .

  • Barrels are balanced specifically because they are the only source of supplies. Different barrels in different places have different spawns but they work with each other. Having a new way to acquire supplies would throw that balance off. If the balance isn't tested and changed, either the new way to gain supplies will be the only real way to do it thus making barrels pointless, or barrels will stay the most effective way of supplying and make the new content a waste of development time and game time, and needing an overhaul or buff.

    Barrels should be the real way to supply, it's just the act of supplying that needs just a little work. We have the tools to make it more engaging and rewarding we just need a way to make it more accessible. I have purchased everything twice in the past leaving gold unusable. Even now I've purchased everything possible except for the few locked items due to lack of new commendations. I'm sitting on almost a million gold which I'm sure isn't enough to buy what's still locked but eventually after all cosmetics are purchased, I have nothing to spend money on.

    Being able to buy empty crates would give us tools to use in old and interesting ways but at a price instead of by chance. This game rewards longer play time and sometimes that can be unhealthy or not even possible. It would be nice if we had the opportunity at outposts when we start to save some time on our session. A small change to a vendor and we have better preparation of crews, more enjoyable supplying, and we get to keep the crippling 15 bananas and wood, and 40-45 cannonballs ships have when they respawn after being sunk.

  • @starship42 said in My solution for stocking the ship with supplies:

    @enf0rcer okay, fair enough. However, one could argue that the time one waits at an outpost to resupply is actually being invested in by work, in my IOU system. So rather than waiting around on the dock, when I could be barrel harvesting, I can be out on the seas doing a quest - to earn that "instant resupply voucher".

    Fair point and i can understand your reasoning but it simply does'nt address my concern as i'm addressing how one spends there time yo put in the "work" but how this will effect the flow of tye game and undermine other systems.

    I guess I'm not sure I understand fully your concern about the "instant" part of resupplying. I would have a problem with it too if it were simply 'pay a merchant X gold, get instant resupply'. But this way the resupply is being earned through work/time spent and not dependent on a fixed gold price.

    The reason i have an issue with instant resupplies has to do with resource mangement and how it's used to dictate the flow and pace of the game. @UltmateRagnarok and @testakleze already pointed out this undermind the barrel system and would completly change the flow of the game cause if ships could instantly restock agressive players will not care if they lose there ship as the consequence of losing resorces will no longer be punitive leading to more ship battles and constant harassment as sinking a ship means nothing.

    I mean, why stand around on a dock when I could be out on the seas working for my resupply voucher, or simply harvesting the barrels myself?

    You could still can do things on the outpost like sell loot and buy voyages and cosmetics. Also would give a bit more incentive to use the tavern as a social area wjich they should add more stuff to do there.

    Of course there is a benefit to having the voucher - it means I decrease the risk of being attacked at an outpost because I'm in-and-out quickly and am not distracted while looking in barrels. But that's surely the benefit I've earned myself prior, in obtaining that voucher for a future voyage.

    There will be times a voucher will not be worth the effort/work/time you put into your quest/loot/cargo, and therefore you'll opt for gold instead, or take your stash to another outpost maybe to see if you get a better offer in resupply.

    If this kind of system to be implemented a voucher would have to be made quite rare. Or require a few to get a decent amount of supplies.

    As a tester i have had the privilage to try out such systems and thus are well aware of the effects and cosequences such systems will have. This minor change will have a huge impact on the game and how players play. Balance is already a concern that needs to be ketp in mind.

    I Actually think this game would benifit if more importance was placed on resources as it is one of the few items that gives the ships importance and value.

  • @enf0rcer you said;

    "...this undermines the barrel system and would completly change the flow of the game cause if ships could instantly restock agressive players will not care if they lose there ship as the consequence of losing resorces will no longer be punitive leading to more ship battles and constant harassment as sinking a ship means nothing."

    Okay, but... players will not simply have resupply vouchers all the time, or vouchers with quantities that instantly fill up to capacity. That's why I am suggesting they vary in quanitity and availability.

    In order to get one at all you have to work for it in advance. So NO player can have one every single time they arrive at an outpost. AND no player will necessarily have the offer offerred to them for their loot, or for services rendered. AND not every player will be offered a fair deal... many may be declined as they may seem unfair to the player. But then the player may be desperate to accept anyway too...

    So yes, they will be limited, and not necessarily cumulative. Perhaps each player has a limit to holding one at one time. Then, after using one, a player must earn their next one again, through work and effort. Another deal, another quest, another delivery... Perhaps they have time limits to be honoured by a date and time...

    And who knows, maybe the odd one can be found in a barrel (ironically enough). Or, if you talk nice to the tavern bartender, etc.

    Sorry for going on about this. I just see potential in this and I'm not convinced it would unbalance if implemented properly.

  • @starship42 ok then this was not well outlined. So if you could better refelect this in the post then great also how frequent would this be?

    I can definitly see a value to this kind of system. This requires futher discussion can you make a post so we can discuss this there?

  • @testakleze Your post has been added to The Community Ideas Master List and has been pinned as a reference post for the next draft of Rogue Wave i thankyou for your contribution.

  • I like it but i would also like to buy 100 empty coops. Now i buy non stop merchant missions get the empty coops, abort mission and start a new one for more empty coops.. after about 1 hour i have enough empty coops for my chickenboat its a lot of work like this -.-

  • I have no issues with purchasing empty crates, only difference is that I'd make it part of merchant alliance voyages instead of a separate system.

    I am hoping to see new quesst types for every faction, and one such thing I'd like so see is the abillity to especifically make supply deliveries. In order for that to happen the voyage vendors need to have a new drop down menu allowing to choose between different types of quests it has to offer, but always only 3 at a time per day.

    In other words, you'd still have some random chanse to get a certain supply crate, but it would be part of a voyage that you could choose to partake in.

  • @testakleze said in Solution for stocking the ship with supplies:

    I also feel the concern when I spawn a solo sloop and don't want to waste time stocking up only to have it put me at a disadvantage when something attacks.

    When I start a new game, I hope for a message in a barrel that wants a crate delivered. I then grab that crate from the merchant and haul it around to all the barrels filling it before taking it to my ship and moving it all into my barrels.

    When I start a game solo, I grab what's in the tavern and the dock, then head to the closest unused fort, stopping at floating barrels along the way.
    Works for me.
    As a single sailor on a sloop, I dont set sail with anything I'm not prepared to lose. I'd hate to burn gold on crates just to get sunk, or worse forced to scuttle.

    Why bother with all this detail when adventure awaits. Just do it.

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