Docking Pit Stops Idea

  • So, I know that part of the immersion is gathering all supplies manually. However, I have been thinking that it would be interesting to test out something new. What if you took the time to properly dock your ship at a dock, the game would SLOWLY trickle supplies into your barrels? This could work great at outposts, giving use to the multiple docks. It could also be implemented on islands that feature docks which would give us a reason to clear the cannon skellies and actually use the dock instead of parking on the side of the island.

    The idea would not be to eliminate manually resupplying but to enhance it. Thoughts?

    Side note: I'd also love to see each of the pirate legend tunnels on each outpost feature a stockpile of supply barrels. This would give actual incentive to reach PL. Again, just a thought. I'm interested in seeing what others think.

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  • Putting aside the logistics of the game determining if you properly "docked" I would think this would lead to more down time as people would be rewarded for sitting there doing nothing. Perhaps if it would fill to a certain amount, say 30 planks/bananas and 50 cannonballs just to spitball some numbers. Enough for a single engagement but not a protracted voyage. Of course this would have to be a quick dump not a slow trickle otherwise folks would wait for those numbers to hit before filling the boat themselves in this case.

  • @vyx Letting us just buy resources with gold makes way more sense, would be far easier to implement, and wouldn't be nearly as frustrating as having to just sit there. People sit around way to much in this game as it is.

  • @vyx This is a nice idea and would go great with a Mooring mechnic proposed in and older post which i unfortunately lost the link to.

    @strinder said in Docking Pit Stops Idea:

    Putting aside the logistics of the game determining if you properly "docked" I would think this would lead to more down time as people would be rewarded for sitting there doing nothing. Perhaps if it would fill to a certain amount, say 30 planks/bananas and 50 cannonballs just to spitball some numbers. Enough for a single engagement but not a protracted voyage. Of course this would have to be a quick dump not a slow trickle otherwise folks would wait for those numbers to hit before filling the boat themselves in this case.

    I do agree with this guy as there would need to be somking of Limitation impossed. As @BETSILL metioned if we could buy resouces this could be used as a limit. Maybe have have it when you dock and morrow your boat it will over a short time restock your boat to defualt if it's below the defualt amount. Then you can pay the ship wright to increase the cap to double where it would fill your boat to double the defualt which is 3o from 15 over a short period which would be slightly faster then restocking the ship normally and would allow to do other things such as sell chest in the meantime

    That's just my thoughts.

    Anyways this is a good topic for disscussion so may i added it the Community Ideas Master List.

  • I think that just sitting there would be the risk you run if you want to do it the "lazy way." My thinking is more in the manner of, "okay, this island has a dock and I have a riddle. So I am going to dock and receive some supplies as I do the riddle."

    Buying supplies is also a fantastic idea! All of this dialogue can do nothing but trigger creativity and possibly enhance the experience.

  • I'm on board with buying supplies from the merchant that are automatically transported to your boat, but they would need to be valued appropriately and you should be required to wait X minutes/hours before buying supplies again. I don't think supplies should auto refill for free - that would be a pretty major game change.

    What if you get attacked while docked? Many pirates use the strategy of stealing resources from your ship so that you cant repair/eat/attack/ etc. If your boat is sitting there constantly resupplying how would that be handled?

  • I like the idea of buying supplies, but think it would be nice to buy the crates from the merchant or shipwright then just carry a crate of 50 back onto the ship.

    Another option would be to upgrade the amount of supplies we can carry. Specifically cannonballs and planks. With all the recent threat updates, it's almost ridiculous that we can only carry 5 planks and 10 cannonballs at a time. Especially when you're in a fight on a galleon, with the cannonball barrels at the back of the ship on the lower deck (that design never made much sense to me). If you're taking on heavy water due to a skeleton attack or a kraken, a few extra cannonballs and planks in your inventory could mean the difference between staying afloat and sinking.

    15 to 20 cannonballs and maybe 10 - 15 planks in inventory would make sense in regards to carrying supplies back to the ship and surviving a fight (or prolonging an epic ship to ship battle).

    A slow trickle of supplies I don't think would logistically work, but pulling into a dock and receiving lump sum of about 10 - 20 of supplies could work.

  • When me and my friends start it takes roughly 10 minutes of our time to run back and forth and loot the outpost we spawn at completely dry. Then we rarely have to get more supplies.

    I keep reading about people wanting to forgo the resource gathering but I think that's what makes the difference between a lazy pirate and a good pirate.
    "Want to be lazy, sure don't go gathering supplies, but those pirates who have been stocking up will take you down"

    I feel that there's no need to have any kind of buying/ getting stock mechanic. All I'd like to see is the return of better stocked shipwrecks, they used to be a great place to restock and are now just a random chanse for good loot.

  • @vyx I'll repost a little bit (albeit edited for context) of what I literally just posted in another thread:

    Resource collection and management is an important part of this game and making it so you can even partially avoid that not only just makes running a crew less intricate, and thus interesting, but it also makes PvP less intricate through consequences like:

    • people will on average have a healthier amount of supplies, so fighting by attrition would be more tedious. This would make boarding even more effective, which it doesn't need
    • spamming cannonballs rather than making calculated shots will increase
    • it reduces the vulnerability periods of having to collect resources, which is a calculated decision, and thus an interesting aspect of the game
    • it makes back-to-back fights less worrisome which makes them less interesting
    • any ships respawning from a fight will be able to stock up faster and thus return to continue the fight sooner. The rate at which crews can return to the scene of a fight is already a hot issue with some people

    If people really really really wanted increase supply gain, I think the best way would be doing something like allowing treasure to be be exchanged for supplies instead of gold. It still has some of the issues listed above, but at least the increase supplies are earned. Plus, this partially helps combat the treasure-apathy/loot EoL problem

  • @hynieth said in Docking Pit Stops Idea:

    When me and my friends start it takes roughly 10 minutes of our time to run back and forth and loot the outpost we spawn at completely dry. Then we rarely have to get more supplies.

    I agree with pretty much everything you said but this peaked my curiousity.

    When we spawn, we drain the outpost of supplies. Sometimes, the island restocks by the time we are done, so we do it again. So that is roughly twenty minutes or so.

    Before we leave the ship, we dump our supplies and gather as we complete our task. Upon respawning on the ship, we dump again. Our policy is "always be restocking" due to the fact that less experienced players almost always seem to want a bottle of attrition.

    Every time we see barrels, three members dump and jump off to gather everything they can carry and mermaid back.

    So, generally, we sit on four stacks of each resources in each category. Even then, with all of the new immergent events, we start running low regardless of what we do. Lol Now, some members of our regular crew of less experienced, so there is some waste but not too much.

    I'm astounded that all you need is ten minutes of gathering in the beginning to be fine. Sounds like an extremely calm server to me.

    I especially like the idea of being able to trade chests and skulls in for crates of supplies! That would be excellent. I really don't want to take away the immersion of manual gathering but rather give a real purpose to precise docking and reward for doing so. All of this discussion is great though!

  • I still prefer the ability to carry more supplies at one time rather than buying supplies.

    Last night we stopped off at ancient spire on our way to Devil's Roar to finish up some commendations and while stocking up we were attacked by a skeleton ship. Without a full compliment of supplies we struggled to take them down. Eventually we did but before that fight ended a second skelly ship showed up. We didn't have supplies to stay in the fight and in trying to escape ended up sinking.

    I would have liked a faster way to grab the supplies from around the island before that skelly ship showed up.

  • Speaking of the Skelly ships, anyone else see an issue with their mad hacks speed? Lol I feel like we should be able to outsail them, just like a PVP galleon. The inability to lose them really sucks when you are running low on supplies. Taking them down is never an issue as long as supplies are available.

  • Seeing how leaving an Outpost after a few seconds can still spawn AIs this would be cool. BUT I would like to see it be a buy with coin from seapost. It would make seaposts important to travel to and it would be a crate of banana, cannonballs, or planks.

  • @vyx Me and my crew waste few cannonballs. We've not been so lucky en encounter a kraken all that often (biggest cannonball soak at the moment)
    An agressive skeleton ship costs 1 Gunpowderbarrel to take down and nothing more. And the Megladon is mostly ignoring us (unless we've got to get that achievement) and will not cost cannonballs.

    Devils roar is also easy now with the less frequent and less aimbotty vulcanoes.

    Just be carefull with resources and resupply every so often at islands/ forts / floating barrels you pass by and you'll be fine.

  • @hynieth said in Docking Pit Stops Idea:

    When me and my friends start it takes roughly 10 minutes of our time to run back and forth and loot the outpost we spawn at completely dry. Then we rarely have to get more supplies.

    I keep reading about people wanting to forgo the resource gathering but I think that's what makes the difference between a lazy pirate and a good pirate.
    "Want to be lazy, sure don't go gathering supplies, but those pirates who have been stocking up will take you down"

    I feel that there's no need to have any kind of buying/ getting stock mechanic. All I'd like to see is the return of better stocked shipwrecks, they used to be a great place to restock and are now just a random chanse for good loot.

    This indeed! But as i play alot solo lately, it is a big job to restock and be prepared for anything.

    @Hynieth how do you kill a meg without shooting cannonballs?

  • I like it, as a mechanic I guess it would be similar to docking your rowboat at the back of your boat, as for the level of trickle, I often walk away from the game at port to either smoke or make a coffee/grab a beer so I'd definitely be happy if I came back to a few more supplies for nothing, it would give a nice incentive for people to actually use the docks and line their ship up properly too, plus I assume a docked ship would make an easier target too

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in Docking Pit Stops Idea:

    Seeing how leaving an Outpost after a few seconds can still spawn AIs this would be cool. BUT I would like to see it be a buy with coin from seapost. It would make seaposts important to travel to and it would be a crate of banana, cannonballs, or planks.

    I've also thought Sea Posts would be a great place to sell things for lower profit, due to their business model. So getting loot off of your ship could be done there but the sea Posts would pay you less than the outposts.

  • @ktingaling We don't kill her, you need to kill each one once for the commendation and I frankly don't really care for the Legendary commendations so I avoid most megs.

  • No. Stop being lazy, and get back to work! Or so help me, I'll throw ye to the sharks, mate!

  • @hynieth said in Docking Pit Stops Idea:

    I feel that there's no need to have any kind of buying/ getting stock mechanic. All I'd like to see is the return of better stocked shipwrecks, they used to be a great place to restock and are now just a random chanse for good loot.

    This, it used to be the major reason I stopped at shipwrecks at all as it was the best place to get stocked quickly.

    I'm still into the idea of looking into the convenience of supplying the ship whether it be the ability to buy supplies from either the outpost or any other location, a passive trickle like mentioned above.

    If shipwrecks can become a resource hotspot again though, I think that'd be enough.

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