New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves)

  • If there was every a good OOS style mission, this is it.

    I love this idea. It would be so cool to go through a maze of not just AI but interactive puzzles like an Indiana Jones scenario.

    I like the 'idea' of procedurally generated caves but any game that uses procedural tech always ends up using the same exact assets for things. Example, my game that I love, Starbound, and to a certain degree Stardew Valley, both use procedural tech. But every 'new' area is really just a rehash of the same assets that don't really offer anything new to do or see. So, it is new but it isn't, if you know what I mean.

  • I am a big fan of this idea, especially the puzzles! Exploration is one of my favorite parts of this game, and this concept would lend to that aspect of the experience significantly, even if it was procedurally generated.

  • @stryker-osiris I could see this working, but how if the ferryman gonna know where to send you? Back to the real world or your little dungeon?

  • Cool idea! I think sailing into a private instance would be the most elegant way to handle this.

    I don’t think you should be able to purchase these quests for the following reasons:

    • There are only 6 ships per server as it is. These would likely be very popular and server populations would likely suffer, even if the devs did some clever server migration magic.
    • Players would abuse it. I can have one of these quests always ready to go and if I get into a PvP fight, I just run away into the dungeon.

    Instead, I think these should be incredibly rare magical scrolls that you can find in the game world, like a message in a bottle. Imagine there are 8 different dungeons, and each of them has a different symbol on its door (these symbols can be seen on the world map). You take your magical scroll to the dungeon with the matching symbol and hold it up at the entrance. The symbol on the map and the door light up, it opens, and you are allowed to sail through into a private instance.

    Additional thoughts:

    • Once you open the door, your scroll disappears. The door closes once everyone is inside.
    • Only your party is allowed to go into your instance, no alliances.
    • If your ship sinks inside of the instance, it spawns back out in the game world. You blew your shot, better luck next time!
  • @gonnableedya said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    Cool idea! I think sailing into a private instance would be the most elegant way to handle this.

    I don’t think you should be able to purchase these quests for the following reasons:

    • There are only 6 ships per server as it is. These would likely be very popular and server populations would likely suffer, even if the devs did some clever server migration magic.
    • Players would abuse it. I can have one of these quests always ready to go and if I get into a PvP fight, I just run away into the dungeon.

    Instead, I think these should be incredibly rare magical scrolls that you can find in the game world, like a message in a bottle. Imagine there are 8 different dungeons, and each of them has a different symbol on its door (these symbols can be seen on the world map). You take your magical scroll to the dungeon with the matching symbol and hold it up at the entrance. The symbol on the map and the door light up, it opens, and you are allowed to sail through into a private instance.

    Additional thoughts:

    • Once you open the door, your scroll disappears. The door closes once everyone is inside.
    • Only your party is allowed to go into your instance, no alliances.
    • If your ship sinks inside of the instance, it spawns back out in the game world. You blew your shot, better luck next time!

    If you sailed into the instance with treasure, does it persist in the new instance? I guess it all depends on how the coding works. I don't see any easy way to get back to the same server you were originally on when your done. In all, I think the idea works better when it remains in the same server/instance.

  • @lucky-13-x I actually thought about this and agree that order of souls would be the way to go with it. I'd prefer it to be a separate rank though because we are already exhausting the use of becoming legend.

    As noted with today's Joe Neate inside story I know that the purpose of Arena is to allocate points towards getting PL for those who are battle-thirsty pirates. We also have fort skulls and ship skelly skulls. So having a 2ndary in OoS for dungeons would be little to acknowledge.

    Also at the end of the video, he says the team is up to something for adventure pirates. I'm betting this is where they will be heading for the next big adventure type.

  • @lord-szarvas said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    If there was every a good OOS style mission, this is it.

    I love this idea. It would be so cool to go through a maze of not just AI but interactive puzzles like an Indiana Jones scenario.

    I like the 'idea' of procedurally generated caves but any game that uses procedural tech always ends up using the same exact assets for things. Example, my game that I love, Starbound, and to a certain degree Stardew Valley, both use procedural tech. But every 'new' area is really just a rehash of the same assets that don't really offer anything new to do or see. So, it is new but it isn't, if you know what I mean.

    Yeah it's understandable really. One of my favorite games growing up was Phantasy Star Online for the Gamecube and the whole mission system was built around procedurally generated rooms. I could play the exact same mission over and over and while the rooms felt familiar each time, because the rooms were in different orders and the items that dropped in each one were random, it kept it fresh.

    I think I wouldn't mind small variations within each room and then randomized orders for a quest like this.

  • @o-hitman-47-o thanks for your support! I know the recently announced Arena will draw in a new pvp crowd, so I think this idea could balance that new player base out!

  • @chewywarden said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @stryker-osiris I could see this working, but how if the ferryman gonna know where to send you? Back to the real world or your little dungeon?

    My idea would suggest to either spawn you back on the first room of the Labyrinth, or your ship. This would depend on which iteration of the idea we're going with.

    We've been playing around with the idea of having your ship docked IN the island, similar to the island Thieves Haven. Then from there the ship could either need to be defended or a wall closes in around your ship preventing attacks until you defeat the boss. Then the wall could lower again.

  • @captain-arcanic I agree with that. I guess I never thought about returning to the same server.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @lucky-13-x I actually thought about this and agree that order of souls would be the way to go with it. I'd prefer it to be a separate rank though because we are already exhausting the use of becoming legend.

    As noted with today's Joe Neate inside story I know that the purpose of Arena is to allocate points towards getting PL for those who are battle-thirsty pirates. We also have fort skulls and ship skelly skulls. So having a 2ndary in OoS for dungeons would be little to acknowledge.

    Also at the end of the video, he says the team is up to something for adventure pirates. I'm betting this is where they will be heading for the next big adventure type.

    Yeah maybe this could serve as OOS XP when you complete it but the would be Labyrinth commendations and titles to earn.

    When he said that last part about adding new story driven elements to the world I was thinking this could definitely fit in with that idea!

  • JUST A HEADS UP I went ahead and added some of your guys' ideas to the original post. Check out towards the bottom where it says EDITED. Thanks for your awesome contributions and ideas guys, keep em coming! I'll add more additions as we all further develop this great idea.

  • @stryker-osiris said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    JUST A HEADS UP I went ahead and added some of your guys' ideas to the original post. Check out towards the bottom where it says EDITED. Thanks for your awesome contributions and ideas guys, keep em coming! I'll add more additions as we all further develop this great idea.

    Wow, just loving the updates. I'm not sure which variation i like best. Both options though really fits the original vision of SoT. I lean toward option one but man as it would offer the most interms of an experiance the sheer amount of work that would take to do. That would deserve an award by itself. Option 2 seems way more feasable to me and i would not espect any less. Job well done so far. This is what i like to see from this creative community. I hope Rare is taking notes on this.

  • I would totally play Sea of Diablo. Not /s

  • @wkd1337 said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    I would totally play Sea of Diablo. Not /s

    Sweet input friend!

  • @enf0rcer said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @stryker-osiris said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    JUST A HEADS UP I went ahead and added some of your guys' ideas to the original post. Check out towards the bottom where it says EDITED. Thanks for your awesome contributions and ideas guys, keep em coming! I'll add more additions as we all further develop this great idea.

    Wow, just loving the updates. I'm not sure which variation i like best. Both options though really fits the original vision of SoT. I lean toward option one but man as it would offer the most interms of an experiance the sheer amount of work that would take to do. That would deserve an award by itself. Option 2 seems way more feasable to me and i would not espect any less. Job well done so far. This is what i like to see from this creative community. I hope Rare is taking notes on this.

    Thanks man! Yeah there's definitely some options here now. They all seem to fit more and more the more we discuss the pros and cons of each idea. It's coming along great!

  • @stryker-osiris I think the wall closing would be better because way too many people would complain about the labyrinth getting sniped from them.
    Also would be cool to feel relatively safe while you trek through the unknown dungeon knowing your boat will be safe and no one is coming up behind you.

  • @chewywarden said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @stryker-osiris I think the wall closing would be better because way too many people would complain about the labyrinth getting sniped from them.
    Also would be cool to feel relatively safe while you trek through the unknown dungeon knowing your boat will be safe and no one is coming up behind you.

    Exactly, that's what I was thinking. Also, I would hate to be the one left behind to guard the ship for 30 minutes while my team ventured off to go on this awesome trek. I would want everyone to be apart of this experience and not left out. Then if you died in the Labyrinth you'll always have your ship to respawn in.

  • I was also looking around online to find some reference art to match the cool and creepy dock I was envisioning.

    When you finally make it into the island and you're docked, it should feel like you're in your own private cove. There should be barrels stacked around to replenish your resources, and (fingers crossed) when they add cooking there could be a camp fire and pot to make potions and such to prepare for the upcoming battles!

    I found a cool picture that kind of captures that creepy pirate cove concept. Check it out!

    Pirate Cove Concept Art

    This is a view inside a cove but with our idea they would be on the inside of a waterfall. Pretty cool!

  • @stryker-osiris well either way they do it will be fine. I just want to dungeon in SoT. Hopefully this is what comes after the Arena since Joe kinda said the next thing will be more for adventure mode.

  • @stryker-osiris Hey i was just wondering if i could add a link to this post to a master list i'm creating as well as one my other threads on a disscussion on loot and how to making it hard to obtian adds to the value making it much more worth stealing?

  • @enf0rcer that sounds great to me! Let's get as many eyes on this post as possible!

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @stryker-osiris well either way they do it will be fine. I just want to dungeon in SoT. Hopefully this is what comes after the Arena since Joe kinda said the next thing will be more for adventure mode.

    I agree! I would love to experience dungeons in this game as well. I think it fits the looks and feels of the caves already in the game, it fits in with the risk/reward ideology, and it'll give the already designed Skeleton Lords a great platform to be introduced!

  • @stryker-osiris said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @enf0rcer that sounds great to me! Let's get as many eyes on this post as possible!

    Your post has been added

  • @enf0rcer said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @stryker-osiris said in New OOS Quest: The Labyrinth (Procedurally Generated Caves):

    @enf0rcer that sounds great to me! Let's get as many eyes on this post as possible!

    Your post has been added

    Thanks Matey!

  • I think this is a brilliant idea- and I hope we see something like this in the future. I would prefer to see this quest come from the gold hoarders since the newest haunted shores update really favors the OOS guild already so much. I love the idea of giving crews an opportunity to fight through some kind of “temple” or dungeon experience- and would love to see it as a world event. With all the updates that have happened since release- I have total confidence that the devs will bring us something amazing like this in the future. Can’t wait until they do!

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