Cursed Sails Battle Timings Issues

  • Ok... so there are 30 days in an in-game month... each day lasts 24 minutes in real time - that's 60 game days per 24 hours of real time... so 2 shots per day at each battle given that one real day gives you 2 game months...
    Ok... but they are always AT THE SAME TIME in real life...

    What if you can only play on an evening, say between 8pm and midnight BST when the kids are in bed? Regardless of weekdays/holidays/weekends.

    This update is locked out for me because I can't play between the hours of 1am and 7pm... I doubt I'm the only one either with real life restricting play times. There is not enough shift in the game days to accommodate for the battle timings at all and it means I'll miss the first set of commendations.

    This was not good planning on Rare's part I feel and I have to say I'm not all that pleased by it.

    Remember as well:

    • All servers run the same time and day for server mergers
    • The event requires players to run this 12 hour loop 3 times, once per week (assuming your crew can win each battle first attempt)
    • You then have to run each battle again in each ship
    • You also have to make sure you're in an alliance with the correct sails
    • Thats around 48 - 96 hours of play time required over the 3 weeks unless you're REALLY efficient!
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  • I guess you do what I and my friend will do this friday for our weekly game night and only time available to play something else...

    I've already been on the fence as my schedule keeps me on the 'casual' end of the spectrum. From what I keep hearing I feel like I might as well just duck out on this one which honestly makes me consider ducking out on future ones as well. I love the game and all but the more they create the less it meshes with life.

    It is what it is I guess.

  • ....just server hop? Servers are different times...

  • @el-dth-taco
    I believe all the servers are set to the same 'times' and in the case I am wrong I will repeat my feedback from Hungering Deep that "server hopping should never be a game mechanic".

  • @el-dth-taco said in Cursed Sails Battle System Timings:

    ....just server hop? Servers are different times...

    All servers are the same time from my experience. I hopped to about 12 different servers and it was always the 19th.

  • @el-dth-taco said in Cursed Sails Battle System Timings:

    ....just server hop? Servers are different times...

    All servers run the same time, day, weather and waves to keep the server migration seamless I'm afraid.

  • @sshteeve 30 days for the month. 24 minutes per day. 720 minutes per month or 12 hours per month. So for example, What you can’t do at 8pm can be done 8am.
    It doesn’t entirely help your position but if you really wanted everything you would need to push your schedule into later nights and early morning, hopefully not one after the other.

  • @sshteeve buuuut you didn't account for the weekly maintenance window ( 4 hrs ). It will probably shift then and given that there are 2 maintenance windows before event ends it should give you the shift you are looking for

  • @weststormborn not entirely possible though for folks with jobs who can't get out of it, busy schedules or young families.
    I'm up at 6.30am every day with a 2 year old and 5 year old and as a result can only play from 7pm until midnight at a push - that's the back end of battle 2 and battle 3.

    From my reckoning the battles run at the following (rough times)

    • Battle 1 - 1am - 5am
    • Battle 2 - 5am - 9am
    • Battle 3 - 9am - 12pm
  • @sshteeve glad you can at least get two if you push it.

  • @king-brouille that’s a change of 10 in game days or 20 in total counting both, ooorrrr it stays the same and the suggest is a flop

  • @sshteeve give me your login information and I'll do it for you... that's right, China... ALL the tea

  • @king-brouille said in Cursed Sails Battle Timings Issues:

    @sshteeve buuuut you didn't account for the weekly maintenance window ( 4 hrs ). It will probably shift then and given that there are 2 maintenance windows before event ends it should give you the shift you are looking for

    Afraid not... the first 3 battles are this week only!
    Then 3 next week, then 3 the final week.

    :, (

  • @weststormborn said in Cursed Sails Battle Timings Issues:

    @king-brouille that’s a change of 10 in game days or 20 in total counting both, ooorrrr it stays the same and the suggest is a flop

    Yeah I'm hoping by Sunday evening it's actually doable in my time frame... if I can get a crew by then!

  • @sshteeve oh there will be people who would do it. There is enough stuff to do to last through those last minutes of gameplay

  • @king-brouille said in Cursed Sails Battle Timings Issues:

    @sshteeve give me your login information and I'll do it for you... that's right, China... ALL the tea

    Lol don't tempt me!

  • @sshteeve I do have to agree with you here my friend,, these times are not at all thought through. It would have been better if they made the ships spawn every 2 hours in a other location. That way you get to battle all fleets, 4 battles per day so for everyone much more oppertunity to complete it all.

    just my 2 dabloons on this subject.

  • @dyanor no one wants your dabloons, those are for the people trying to be popular. Everyone needs those doubloons XD

  • @sshteeve
    Although I can be a bit more flexible in my schedule I can see this is an issue for several people on my friendslist. Having the locations locked on the same dates and the dates corresponding with certain times outside the game means people that play at the same times will only ever experience one, maybe two different skeleton ships. I think it's nice that Rare added the dated commendations to make sure people will be playing each week of the event, however you need to defeat each skeleton crew each week. This will be impossible for those that can only play at a certain time.

    Just one other things that I see in the replies/topics of some around this subject:
    This isn't about wanting Rare to cater to specific needs, It's about asking Rare to respect the time people spend on their game without forcing them to play at set times. People that only play in the evening could spend maybe 5 hours a day, so 35 hours a week and still never be able to see one of the skeleton ship battles.

    The solution to this issue seems quite simple:
    Rotate the dates of when the ships spawn every actual day and everyone that plays at the same times will go to fight at a different location.

  • Ahoy there -

    Rare are conscious that this is a concern amongst the Community and we've now created a megathread to collect this feedback all in one place, I'll close this one down now and let the discussions continue here -

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