Add a tick each time an item is completed - Merchant Alliance quests

  • Just that, add a tick to the item in the list when it's completed... although I do not know how it should work with the powder barrels.
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  • @quietrobot you do know that when you complete part of it the first number goes to 0?

  • @coel03 Only once it has been dropped at the merchant, no? I think this is intended for the hunt.

  • Yes, please! Except I was thinking the way they have it now should be just the opposite. It should count down from how many you have captured/have to 0 and then a checkmark next to the items you have successfully turned in.

  • If part of it has been completed, that means that item or animal has been turned in, which subsequently makes the number on the voyage sheet go to zero. Anytime you pull up the voyage paper, it only tells you the number of things you still need to turn in. It already automatically updates as things are delivered.

    Maybe you mean you want a tick mark for the things you have collected but haven't turned in yet, but really, you never have to collect that many things in one voyage, so it's not hard to remember what you have vs. what you still need.

  • So... I’m the only one who collects more chickens than needed so I can complete other quests faster after turning in on the current quest and proposing a new quest? Hmmm... no wonder others are struggling to get Merchant up. My highest alliance now is Merchant at 33. My Gold Hoarders is the least at 31.

  • @rockinpodunk true, I believe that the number must be zero when you make the sale, when you catch the indicated quantity, that the tick appears.
    It's just an idea, maybe it's not viable to implement it.

  • @quietrobot said in Add a tick each time an item is completed - Merchant Alliance quests:

    @rockinpodunk true, I believe that the number must be zero when you make the sale, when you catch the indicated quantity, that the tick appears.
    It's just an idea, maybe it's not viable to implement it.
    I don't know if it's viable, I just don't think it's necessary since you can look around your ship and see what you have, then look at your list to see what you need, and since the merchant lists are never more than like 5 things, it's pretty easy to figure out if you really needed to, you could make a checklist with pen and paper IRL

  • @purplemajic I dare say that you might very well be the odd exception. lol
    That makes you "unique". :o)

    Everyone I have asked or who have just came out and mentioned their rep has always announced it the same way as the reps are listed in-game, GH then OoS then MA.
    For example:
    44 GH/ 41 OoS / 39 Merchant Alliance (and sometimes) /2 Athena's
    or simply put
    And the highest is almost always from left to right.

    People may not so much "struggle" than simply be bored with MA.
    Animals are easily killed, pigs starve, sometimes chickens drown even whilst never going under the water, snakes kill captive chickens and lightning kills all.
    That's before we even get into PvP.

  • @quietrobot I really like your suggestion.
    For multiple of the same species and colour, there should be a separate tick.
    Only have 2 out of the 3 required black pigs then show 2 ticks to the right of it's listing.

    Do NOT revert to zero until all 3 black pigs are sold.

  • @purplemajic said in Add a tick each time an item is completed - Merchant Alliance quests:

    So... I’m the only one who collects more chickens than needed so I can complete other quests faster after turning in on the current quest and proposing a new quest? Hmmm... no wonder others are struggling to get Merchant up. My highest alliance now is Merchant at 33. My Gold Hoarders is the least at 31.

    Don't need that for highly rank. You only need golden animals to rank up.
    I'm 48 I only deliver gonden and black (when it comes with the golden requests).
    I save the rest of the cages in case something goes wrong with my cargo so I won't need to cancel the Quest.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Ha! Thanks! Well, haven’t been doing much MA, but did manage to get all 3 alliances at 33 tonight. One more barrel and Merchant would have been at 34. 😃

  • @nunoazuldimeter we mostly only do chickens and sometimes snakes, but only if there is a gold on the list. Sometimes we’ll do catch all the colors on the list if we already have most on the sloop already ie gunpowder barrels and golden chicken.

  • @purplemajic Lucky you.
    Tonight we played for the first time in five days, ready to catch up on MA rep.
    First up, we got a contract for a total of six blasted, supplies eating, pigs and one gold snake.

    We still completed it.

  • @admiral-rrrsole no no... we don’t do pigs unless we are are Sanctuary outpost and it asks to deliver the pigs to Golden Sands Outpost. Haha!

  • There might be more than one merchant voyage that has the same item so how would the program know which one to tick off.... Like athenas quest you can have more than one merchant voyage or if you get a message in a bottle merchant voyage

  • @jonavuka I suppose it would just check the first listed contract of the radial if they were both to be delivered to the same outpost.

    Not quite the same situation but I was doing OoS quests when I found a message in the bottle for more captains at one of the islands I already had a quest for.
    Three captains on one contract and two on the other. Both started the second I stepped foot on the island and both waves of skeletons re-spawned together, almost precisely the same time. lol It must have just been one of each quest were the last killed of each wave.

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