Merchant Alliance 16k per hour and fast rep - A guide

  • EDIT 01/05/2018 - Version still viable, but surpassed by a better method. Posted an update at

    EDIT 28/04/18 - Not been on the forums for a while as not playing much SoT until new update hits, but came on today to see a lot of new comments here. I wanna point out that the islands I used in this video might not be the best choice - I pinned a comment on the videos YouTube comments with better solutions, so please check there before diving in.

    Hey guys. I posted a video here recently with tips for people struggling to do skull forts, and it seemed to help some people so Ive got another one for you.

    Video here, but description below if you would rather read.

    The idea is selling Golden Chickens etc, and the method basically makes the most out of the current way the game spawns in animals and assigns you merchant voyages. The idea is to not have to sail to more than one island to get as many Golden animals as you need, and never have to leave one outpost to sell them all.

    The method

    Get a 4 man Galleon crew together.
    Stock up on chicken cages/snake baskets from NPC.
    Head to an island with snakes/chickens (Marauders Arch was good for us).
    Clear island of the animals you want, then all 4 crew members commit suicide. So long as all of the crew is on the ferry at the same time, the game re-spawns all of the animals back onto the island.
    When all cages are full, go to Dagger Tooth outpost. Leave all animals there with 1 crew member. The other 3 sail west to Galleons Grave outpost.
    Galleons Grave only gives merchant voyages to Dagger Tooth, so your 3 crew members can continuously spam and cancel new voyages until you get ones with golden chickens etc, whilst the man left behind on Dagger Tooth can cash them all in instantly.

    That’s about it. Hope it helps some people get some gold and level up their merchant alliance quickly. If you need someone to do this with, I’d suggest going over to the public discord – it literally took me 10 seconds to find 3 random people to do this with me so that I could make the video. Gold crazy over there.

  • 27
  • Boring as hell way to play the game

  • @rigging-rob So i only got Voyages to Acient Spire when i was on Galleon Grave
    Did you maybe confuse the Outposts? Cause when i took a Voyage neer Dagger i have to bringt the Stuff to Galleon

  • @noisa1992 I think the OP switched em.

  • Genius. I wish they would overhaul the merchant quests to bring them in line with the other company's, but it is always fun to see people read the system as it is and make it work.

  • Voyages always plot you towards where other ships are so it will not always go to Daggers Tooth, you can even get Plunder. I had one time where there were friendly ships at the outpost I was at with lots of leftover chickens and snakes and the Merchant Voyages picked the same outpost over and over so I was able to just unload everything.

  • I started doing this as a solo player. Hoarding all the golden chickens, getting quests until I get a golden chicken one, sell golden chicken, cancel quest.

  • As people said before: Boring way to play the game...
    I prefer the regular method...with that you can find shipwrecks, messages in a bottle whatever...maybe it doesn't work that fast, but i don't care

  • @personalc0ffee Boring way to play, agreed. But I would hardly call this a cheat. It’s merely farming, which is a legit feature in every game ever made... so long as it DOES not tie the thing being farmed to in game advantage over other players. In which case that would just be an exploit/broken game mechanic.

  • Voyages now have reduced stock.
    You can only buy 3 voyages each day from any trader.
    If you cancel, quit the server or your ship sinks you lose the active voyage.
    You are forced to wait until 6am the next day in game.
    Now it really is a slow grind to reach pirate legend.

  • "Galleons Grave only gives merchant voyages to Dagger Tooth."
    Currently this method does not work. Only a few contracts per pirate can be bought. And it indicates different outpost.

  • @ghostwolfviking said in Merchant Alliance 16k per hour and fast rep - A guide:

    Voyages now have reduced stock.
    You can only buy 3 voyages each day from any trader.
    If you cancel, quit the server or your ship sinks you lose the active voyage.
    You are forced to wait until 6am the next day in game.
    Now it really is a slow grind to reach pirate legend.

    And suddenly all the people that complained about boosting to legend wish they had done the same.

  • @x1-two
    Found out if you quit and join a new sever all trader voyages are immediately restocked.
    No waiting.
    Reputation and gold have been reduced after the patches too.

  • @ghostwolfviking said in Merchant Alliance 16k per hour and fast rep - A guide:

    Voyages now have reduced stock.
    You can only buy 3 voyages each day from any trader.
    If you cancel, quit the server or your ship sinks you lose the active voyage.
    You are forced to wait until 6am the next day in game.
    Now it really is a slow grind to reach pirate legend.

    Again: there is a workaround for that exploiting game mechanic: if you leave the game and rejoin, you reset the stock of voyages. You need to have at least 1 person in the game so you are able to rejoin the crew though. No way doing that solo.

  • @fatbeardedguy42
    Yes. New character created tonight.
    Already level 25 for the Merchant Voyages in 4 hours.
    Not bad at all. No one attacked my crew. No ships spotted. 👍

  • @ghostwolfviking congrats brah, real legend thur 👍

  • @brutalpandax
    Almost as good as the 1st pirate legend. 😄
    Had a bug that forced me to reset my pirate.
    I was not able to do emotes.
    New pirate is working smooth.

    Hope they change the merchant quests to be more fun.
    Maybe players won't exploit if it was not such a boring grind.

  • What I would like to see is when you do a merchant quest the way it was intended, and are sailing towards your destination with 3 cages and suddenly your ship is sunk. Then when you respawn you have a new ship but with no cages but still have the active quest. Visiting a merchant does not give you replacement cages I've found, so I have to terminate the voyage and buy another. Hopefully there is a workaround to this for those trying to do it the right way?

  • Takes like 10 minutes to do a merchant voyage properly anyway, and doing it this way you miss out on bottles, random loot, shipwrecks and it makes you a sitting duck, people will roll up on you super easy and one lucky cannonball will set you back a long way in progress due to dead chickens, better off just cycling through voyages and doing it normally, you'll end up with more gold per hour, 10 minute voyage earlier got me 7k and I'm only lvl 31 merchants

  • @personalc0ffee It's more an exploit than a cheat.

  • There is a much Worther exploite

    You Cañ finish a Merchantvoyage on every Outpost, except one And you will always getting voyages at this outpost . So you can easy dock your ship at this outpost and Cashing in your chickens.

  • So your leaving one guy guarding stuff at dagger tooth?
    Hope to find you 🤣👍

  • @ghostwolfviking
    What i feel they should have done in the early levels of merchant is to just make it chickens or pigs and not specific colours. So people warmed up to the idea then slowly get specific, 1 golden chicken and 1 pig and then higher up get 1 white chicken, 1 black pig and a snake. Then in the final 10 levels all 3 be specific colours

  • You dont have to have an active mission to sell the coup, just start the mission collect the crates then cancel the mission and start another one to collect more crates. Then you can collect the animals and sell them to any merchant.

  • @vuarapung said in Merchant Alliance 16k per hour and fast rep - A guide:

    You dont have to have an active mission to sell the coup, just start the mission collect the crates then cancel the mission and start another one to collect more crates. Then you can collect the animals and sell them to any merchant.

    I believe you get less than a 1/10th the price when you sell them outside of contracts. ?

    But good info on stocking crates.

  • @honestfuture85 when i did do a merchant quest i got like 20-50 for the chickens it asked for (red speck and whites) without mission gold is worth about 100-170 and red is worth about 60-80

  • @wipe-nd-clean said in Merchant Alliance 16k per hour and fast rep - A guide:

    Boring as hell way to play the game

    To each their own I'm gonna be doing this to avoid that annoying grind on the MA missions. They rest are easy because of forts.

21 out of 27