A couple more months

  • Well the release is coming up and unfortunately it’s during the time where I will still be deployed, until then I want to know what the verdict is from players who participated in the Alpha and Beta. I’ve been waiting for a game with this much potential to be released and I will admit I’m a fan of the art style. Is there anything that you didn’t like or that you weren’t expecting? I’ve already purchased the Limited Edition Controller and will most likely be grabbing the 2TB Hard Drive to go with it. Hope you all enjoy the game and I look forward to joining you!

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  • @trap-fiend said in A couple more months:

    Is there anything that you didn’t like or that you weren’t expecting?

    Merchant Alliance is garbage.

  • other players scuttling their ships instead of putting up a fight / surrendering lol

  • @lizardheart is that essentially their form of clans?

  • The call it factions at this point, and they don't really offer anything but quests.

  • @copenhoggin no faction rewards?

  • To the best of my knowledge only cosmetic items, and items (cosmetic) that can be purchased upon rep gain.

  • @trap-fiend said in A couple more months:

    @lizardheart is that essentially their form of clans?

    Neh me lad, not that we know of ...
    Although, one interesting thing is that if you cancel your merchants trip right away, there is no way to do another one right away. So there is a kind of behavior/moral code !
    (or it could be to stop idiots like me from trying to have a Noah's arch too easily.)
    Can cancel the gold hoarders quests without a problem and start other again ...
    Don't read too much into it but since the game is a service; even if it's not appealing in 2018, I'm sure it'll get better and better as time passes.
    (Given they do not do the same mistakes as other devs who listened to a minority. Equality of chances but not of outcomes!)

  • There are 3 alliances at release date, Merchant alliance, Gold Hoarders and Order of souls.

    Merchant alliance will ask you to collect animals and leave them at an outpost (Get the golden chickens, they are worth far more than anything else. 1700 gold or more.
    Gold hoarders give you puzzles/maps for treasure chests which you can hand in at any gold hoarder in all the outposts.
    Order of souls wasn't in the open betas, so I don't know exactly, but supposedly you kill some kind of pirate captains.

    Now, the game really doesn't offer any linear progression, meaning your character/your ship doesn't get better stats.
    The only thing you do with money so far is buy buying skins/customisations for you and your ship.

    Generally it's a buttload of fun to sail around with your friends, but I don't think the game is meant to be grinded. It's more like "Heyia friends, let's go on an adventure by playing SoT and find some fun stuff to do."

    (Oh and, faction rewards are specific skins for their tools. For example the merchant will let you buy a golden spyglass and watch if you level your reputation with them by doing quests for them)

    Right, the combat with other ships is pretty fun too :D But everything is meant to be with friends. And for that end, the no stat based progression, makes it really easy for a new player to play with you immediately. So you can invite your friends to play, and they get the full experience immediately. They won't have to play for weeks/months to get to max level to be able to play with you :D

    Hugs 'n' kisses
    Cpt. Lancia

  • @sir-lancia very detailed review so thank you. I wasn’t aware of the clans so that’s very interesting, can you only play if your friends are in the same clan? I personally prefer games that let you flaunt your efforts with personal customization so this seems very fun!

  • @trap-fiend sagte in A couple more months:

    Is there anything that you didn’t like or that you weren’t expecting?

    Disclaimer: I love this game and every aspect of it. Love pvp, pve, it's social aspect and unexpected encounters with friendly pirates and exploration.

    But as you are asking for what we didn't like, this is my point: I've put hours and hours into exploration but sadly that isn't really rewarding. Of course, you get to see so many stuff, since knowledge and skill are the only two advantages you can get by playing a lot. But as of right now, the things i found never rewarded me with an "Aha!" moment. Things on islands are mostly there to tell environmental stories. I haven't found any chained clues to understand things about the game's lore yet.

  • @icecrawl3r I see what you mean, so basically more of a back story to the world. Do you think there will be factions stories? And it could be because it was the beta, however I can see where some players could feel repetitive aside from running into more skilled players in open waters. Out of curiosity is there ground combat?

  • @lizardheart Am I the only one who actually enjoyed Merchant Alliance quests? It seems like I am.

  • @firetadpole7469 I loved it for the gold..:D
    @trap-fiend You have 4 weapons to choose from (shotty, sniper, pistol and a sword). With these you can battle..well, wherever you are. Either jumping onto enemy ships or if you and an enemy crew happen to be on the same island I guess. Usually it will be when boarding another ship I can tell you :D

  • @firetadpole7469 I've heard a very small population express that they like the MA, and that's fine, but I just hope that Rare lets us actively ignore the MA and still become a Pirate Legend. I, and many others, find it to be very tedious and not-at-all exciting. The reason I'm so vocal about it is because I don't want it to be an obligation to reach endgame.

  • @trap-fiend Everything in Sea of Thieves has a background according to Rare. But apart from them telling us the NPCs background of why they are there. I couldn't discover any story by myself.

    There is ground combat (mostly close combat) as everyone can travel through the open world seamlessly. E. g. i had a situation, where i parked my small sloop in a bay and saw another incoming ship coming from the opposite site of the island. I chose to leave as i didn't want to engage into pvp and they must have been surprised when they saw me coming around the island out of nowhere.

    I also had pvp action going on at outposts, when i or others try to turn in chests etc. Once a reward is achieved, it's yours. So there is just a limited time frame if a pvp situation at an outpost might be rewarding for the attacker.

    @FireTadpole7469 Merchant Alliance is awesome and encourages social interacting between those who do MA quests as you can trade with your chickens, pigs etc.

  • Ive been looking for a list of controls for pc keyboard and pc controller. I do not know how to aim pistol without firing. Or... to show map to others. I simply couldnt figure it out. Any help?

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