Making outpost safe zone

  • Perhaps the outpost need to be a forced safe zone. It’s frustrating as a single player having people just camp the outpost. Make the outpost a safe port that when you get on land you can’t take damage and can’t use weapons at all. Still gives people plenty of time to be a a*s before they get to a outpost.

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  • Nahh, no safe zones in pirating. Scout out the out post on approach, if not happy sail onwards.

  • @spookytoymaker Well, it wouldn't be very piratey for you to just be able to run to land to avoid conflict. Unless ye be a lamdlubber?!

    In all seriousness, I believe back in the old days, it was mentioned that it was intended for it to not be a safe zone for the exact reason of allowing some pirates to come by their treasure by taking it off the hands of unsuspecting and otherwise unprepared pirates.

  • @lostscotman It seems like you like to do the camping on the outpost. I too would like this to be a safe zone, and then a certain distance away you can be hit. Seems unfair if people are just "ganking" and not letting people do their work especially if they are single players. The seas can be lawless, but the lands should be governed a tiny bit.

  • @crush-in-hell said in Making outpost safe zone:

    @lostscotman It seems like you like to do the camping on the outpost. I too would like this to be a safe zone, and then a certain distance away you can be hit. Seems unfair if people are just "ganking" and not letting people do their work especially if they are single players. The seas can be lawless, but the lands should be governed a tiny bit.

    nah i don't camp, been sailing all around doing quests. I just don't like the idea of safe zones in a game themed around pirating, it defeats the point. If I or someone wants to try to steal your treasure as you off load it, then great. That's what pirates do. Like I said if you see a ship(s) already at an outpost and you're not happy sail on by, or wait out at sea to see if they leave.

  • @spookytoymaker Ahoy there, I moved your thread over to the Beta feedback section of the forums!

  • Well I may not be too keen on making the outposts safe I do believe this game would benefit greatly from a social hub, an area like in monster hunter where you can make friends, arm wrestle, post for help etc.

  • I killed a poor bum while he was shopping last night. NO PITY.

  • I was solo and pillaged a crew of 4 earlier... I don't think safe zones are needed.

  • I think being able to attack / be attacked while in the outposts is great. I spent 20 minutes this morning “trapped” by a galleon that sank my ship and were getting some pretty good shots on me. I managed to swim out and kill em all once before succumbing to a hungry shark. It was a great time.

  • I fully agree with the OP. The open sea and the islands you land on are dangerous enough. If you actually manage to make it to shore on an outpost, you should be safe from ganking by jerks who get their jollies by wrecking other people's enjoyment of the game.

    Seriously, Rare, have you not been paying attention to the world of PvP-centric MMOs? There should always be safe zones at the city hubs and turn-in points. Look at how many players avoided ArchAge entirely because of the myriad ways you could be ganked at the last minute while trying to turn in a trade pack. ArchAge's primary design flaw was that ALL the risk was on the trader, and NONE of the risk was on the gankers! Don't make this same mistake!

    TL;DR - there WILL be an entire class of player who does nothing but hang out on an outpost just for the lulz of attacking crews (and especially solo players or 2-person crews) trying to turn in their chests or whatever. There WILL be a LOT of players like these, primarily because it is ZERO-RISK behavior with your current game mechanics. ALL of the risk is on the crew/player trying desparately to turn in their chests and trade items at the last moment. There are MANY players who derive their gameplay pleasure from purposely wrecking other peoples ability to enjoy the game. Are you really going to subject everyone else with a sense of "fair play" to the whims of this minority of "jerks"? That's a sure-fire way to kill your game.

  • So @Lostscotman, the fact that this is a game your idea of pirace can't be aplyed, in fact, if we wanna be realistic in this then we would have protection in the outpost by a bigger pirate that control the outpost or a Governor. Why would anyone even use an outpost to sell their tresure if it's never safe. I am in agree to make it a safezone specially thinking about the solo players beeing ganked by 4 players camping the outpost that even if killed will eventually respawn in their ship that is parked right beside the outpost and come gank again.

  • I'm playing alone as well and it gets frustrating sometimes to complete the mission and get robbed but at the same time I understand that the game was named Sea of Thives by some reason. hahahah

  • Pls no safezones. All you have to do is to scout the island, even if they abonded their ship you can spot the mermaid and sail away. With safezones there will apear other problems...

  • Now with the spyglass in game you have no excuse to sail into an Outpost that has a ship docked at it. If you see a ship and don't want to run the risk, go somewhere else. There are six Outposts in the world. You have options!

  • TL;DR - there WILL be an entire class of player who does nothing but hang out on an outpost just for the lulz of attacking crews (and especially solo players or 2-person crews) trying to turn in their chests or whatever. There WILL be a LOT of players like these, primarily because it is ZERO-RISK behavior with your current game mechanics.

    That's my main issue... agreed

  • @baphometrix I have to agree with you that it gets annoying sometimes. As Im playing single player too I got killed several times by the same crew over and over and it takes all the fun of me, I can't even enjoy the game. :/

  • No outpost need to stay the same make a Port a main hub were you can't fight just meet up check out people buy a hose etc.

  • @crush-in-hell get good then. I’m so sick of people who just whine and cry about games being too difficult or too competitive. GET GOOD. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING IN LIFE YOU SNOWFLAKES.

  • @pereraaa said in Making outpost safe zone:

    I'm playing alone as well and it gets frustrating sometimes to complete the mission and get robbed but at the same time I understand that the game was named Sea of Thives by some reason. hahahah

    A sea of thieves can have safe outposts where rule of law is enforced by the local governer. :)

  • @the-baken8r said in Making outpost safe zone:

    @crush-in-hell get good then. I’m so sick of people who just whine and cry about games being too difficult or too competitive. GET GOOD. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING IN LIFE YOU SNOWFLAKES.

    Outposts make up what total percentage of the game area? What? like 1% of the total map? Us "honorable" players with an actual sense of competitive fair play are NOT asking for a care-bear game. We're asking for a wee bit of balancing mechanics that doesn't favor the ganker types with a lopsided risk-reward mechanic.

  • No way !

  • @baphometrix said in Making outpost safe zone:

    A sea of thieves can have safe outposts where rule of law is enforced by the local governer. :)

    Or a Pirate Codex! hahahaha

  • So people want a pirating game to include areas where pirating can not happen because you are too scared or poor at the game to defend yourself, fight back or avoid the situation. . Sounds silly. Safe zones don't exist because it would not make sense, the game is called sea of thieves, not sea of thieves unless your on an outpost. if you approach an outpost scope it out, if you really are that scared of getting your treasure stolen, then don't go near it.... oh and I will try to thieve off anyone that I see off loading their treasure. I am pirate with out care.

  • @spookytoymaker not this again, no safe zone just better pirating is all thats required.

  • I agree with the OP to a point. After playing for the first time last night i jumped straight into a 4 man crew. Once we were at an outpost, we didn't camp for other pirates, but when going to leave, we did see a single player and promptly robbed him of his chest and sent him to the bottom of the Ocean.

    Although i assisted in this endeavor, i didn't feel right. But at the same time as some people have said, this is a game about pirates and that would i assume involve robbing others of their loot regardless of where they are in the world.

    Instead of making all outposts non-PVP, maybe have some specific outpost non-PVP for not only handing in chests and the like, but also more of a social hub, where you can drink grog and play music without fear of being killed.

  • I too think it's annoying that there were outpost campers, and honestly since they don't get anything I don't share their joy of killing people without loot over and over again, but I wouldn't want to see a safe zone. "Thieves" is in the title.
    One thing I'd recommend is checking out the port before trying to dock. If you don't like the look of it, catch the wind and move on to another port. I don't know what the final population will be in any instance, but I did this once last night to safely deliver my chest, and it should get easier as I get more familiar with handling the ship and better acquainted with the map.

  • @xmcluvin-407x I like this idea a lot. Maybe remove the ability to hand in quests/buy quests with the Gold Hoarders and other pirate type factions. But have the tradesmen type factions readily available at the port. That way players can choose, but still run the gauntlet of the open sea’s.

  • to all the people saying thats not the pirate way. i will point out pirates operated in the oceans not the land. the land had order and law. even pirate ports had some semblance of order and code. Im not telling you to not be a jerk i am saying that perhaps you do it on other islands and the sea.

  • Have any of you actually tried to 'camp an outpost'? It's impossible. There's six different outposts, and not enough players in a server to make camping ever worthwhile. Your ship is visible from miles off, and player's can always just keep sailing onward to another outpost. You'd be sitting around waiting for ages. It's much more profitable and fun to just play the game as it's meant and only attack other players when the opportunity arrives.

    The only real danger at an outpost is another ship coming along when you're already ashore, and there's lots of tactics you can do against that,

    1. keep someone always on the lookout with the spyglass for incoming ships,
    2. hide your treasure somewhere on the island and come back for it,
    3. don't drop your anchor, just raise your sails so you can make a quicker getaway,
    4. don't even dock, just send someone to cash in the chest while the crew keeps sailing, you can either pick them up later or they can just take a mermaid to catch up,
    5. lay a trap for them with the explosive barrels,
  • @the-baken8r , Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

  • I agree it's frustrating but this is a pirate game. Just don't buy it if it isn't something you like. That's my plan.

  • Welp, if you guys are so worried about the name of the game, it should have been Sea and Land of Thieves, right!? This is not a discussion to make the game easier but fairer, so those guys that can only say, "oh u suck" shouldn't be comenting at all. I am yet to face this problem (cuz I never found anyone, really, never) but I can see that it can became a problem if not dealt with it. If you guys don't want safe zone there might be other ways to solve it.

  • @saintgobnait Unfortunately that only works if you have a crew... if you are playing solo, you can't do most of that

  • Rather than making it a safe zone, why not make it more dangerous to make trouble? Some local NPC enforcers that turn hostile if you start a fight while in the outpost. That wouldn't stop determined pirates from ambushing people and stealing their treasure, but it would make it more challenging. It would also make sense... I can't imagine those shops etc... surviving for long without someone there to guard them.

    I'm just thinking back to Ultima Online when some towns were "protected" by NPC guards... but that didn't stop high-end characters creating chaos when they turned up looking for trouble.

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