Hazelnutbeard leading to Redbeard

  • I know this will be a controvesial subject, and this thread will likely be removed or “anchored” by a mod, but this is not a minor issue, therefore, needs to be thrown some light on it.

    I write this post, not with the intentions to sabotage Rare, but instead, to make sure Rare gets aware of this issue, so all the players/customers affected can keep relieved and trust this will be solved eventually. And what better place to talk about it than the official forums?

    Some of you may be unaware, and some of you may happened to have the same issue. Since the lastest content update (the one that released EAC and came with tons of bugs) some players have been unable to set sails, getting constant Hazelnutbeard errors.

    Rare is already aware of this issue, and looking for a solution, but seems to be a big one and after three weeks, there is not a solution yet, neither an update from the devs of any progress made.

    Looks like Easy AC is detecting some safe files as “malware” and blocking these players’ account, eventually leading to a Redbeard (Shadowbanned) if they keep trying to play the game.

    All the players that have reported this issue, are having the same exact troubles, so there’s a pattern that shows it’s likely the Redbeard error is caused by the same thing that is causing the Hazelnutbeard. Here you can see some examples:
    - Link 1 - MS Support.
    - Link 2 - Reddit.

    The only answer from Rare is “you’ve been banned for cheater and we won’t discuss our detection methods, this is our last answer”... Well, looks like you should discuss or inspect about this...

    Mistakes happen in life, and things don’t always work 100% of the time... and being Rare, we all know errors are an usual thing...

    If you are one of the players affected, send Rare a ticket sharing a log of your "msinfo32" file (Instructions in the first link). So far, it's the only thing that can help Rare to find a solution.

    @beckyfr0st @Musicmee pardon for tagging you, but as mentioned above, this is a mayor issue and needs to be acknowledged and solved. Otherwise I wouldn't take your attention. I hope you can talk Rare devs about this so they can start working on a solution. You sure know me from Insiders' forums and know that I'm a good supporter of the game and not a troublesome player. Thanks for reading me. Cheers!!

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  • More than a week... and this post is not closed yet, and no mod has said a word... umm....

  • I haven't played Sea of Thieves for a couple years due to it getting very buggy. I finally decided to try to start playing again with my 3 kids, they are getting old enough to actually form a crew and run a ship.

    I got it working on the kids computers but couldn't get my computer to last longer than 45 seconds in a server without a Hazelnutbeard error. I contacted support and tried all their solutions but nothing worked. After a few rounds they gave up and said they can't help me.

    In a last ditch effort I forked over another $40 and bought the Steam version. I would have waited for a sale but my kids where really excited to play.

    The Steam version worked with no errors. I'm disappointed in Rare that they can't get this fixed after weeks and it soured my return to the game.
    In the end I can play with my kids, so paying the extra money was worth it.

  • @kludgeguru Ahoy! What you said makes even less sense. A friend of mine who has got Hazelnutbearded, was playing on Steam... Oh Lord! Don't get me wrong, the art and music teams of this game are awesome, but the ones that are in charge of this errors not rolling out to the game are a bad joke. Yet, Rare haven't said anything... cause they don't know how to solve it.

    I'm glad your children are having a good time! Enjoy with them the most you can, they grow so fast!

3 out of 4