Faction Battle Intrusions

  • In my experience, faction battles can be quite short or extremely long (especially if you're playing solo.) Unfortunately, if you're unable to sink your opponent fast enough, you run the risk of having the battle get interrupted by another crew totally unrelated to the faction battle and join the fight. The appearance of another ship HEAVILY disrupts combat between the original two duelists and forces them to engage the new ship in combat before they can focus on their main target. If the intruding ship decides to take sides and only targets one specific ship (for example if a GOF brigantine intrudes to assist a dueling GOF sloop), the dueling SOTF sloop is FORCED to fight an unfair battle that they can't simply run from due to the Hourglass of Fate. It's extremely frustrating when you're on the receiving end of this (especially if you emerge to see your opponent is allied with other ships), and it doesn't feel earned whenever you "win" by pure happenstance. Since the faction battle's focus is to keep the fight as fair as possible, matching galleons with galleons, solo sloops with solo sloops, et cetera, it doesn't make sense to force these ships to fight uneven battles against their will.

    I believe that the best way of fixing this issue is to give the dueling ships an escape option if they decide they can't handle another ship's sudden appearance. If an unrelated pirate or ship gets too close to the arena, it should warn both dueling crews and allow them to sail outside the arena and abandon the fight without being guaranteed to sink. If the dueling crews decide that it's not an issue, they can continue fighting like normal. However, if one of the crews decides that another ship approaching would put them at an extreme disadvantage, they can sail outside the circle to concede the fight to their opponent without sinking. The first ship to abandon the arena is considered the loser, but they won't explode and lose their treasure, supplies, hourglass value, or current win streak. The ship that stays to fight is considered the winner and will gain hourglass value and other rewards accordingly. To prevent server strain, the attackers will dive beneath the waves and appear in a new server once they leave the arena, or if they were the first to flee the battle. The defenders will be allowed to continue their intended business (albeit with a potential new enemy hot on their heels...)

    This method would give crews who feel overwhelmed by an intruding ship the option to concede the battle without feeling like they were punished for bad luck, while also preventing the other duelist (who might have had the upper hand!) from feeling like they were robbed of a potential victory due to the circumstances.

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  • Interesting takeaway, some suggestions on PVP have been going around about trying to reduce the arena to prevent long drawn out battles where both sides run out of supplies, but this could be a better option knowing about the alliance Defenders where the invader would be forced into a 4v1 fight.
    Instead of forcing a victory out of it if they survive long enough the arena is dismantled and then both can fight in the whole map or try to use the matchmaking to escape.
    It would allow them to get more supplies and continue fighting if they ran out of it during the fight. (Half of the defenders for some reason decide to fight near the border of the map, either to force a smaller place to fight or trying to bait invaders into the red sea, don't know)

  • I think a better option would be the hourglass blowing up the invader. We all have it on our ships now, have the barrier work both ways. Prevents the duelists from leaving, as well as preventing others from joining. If someone not involved in the duel is inside the circle when the fight begins, have the warning pop up, with about 20 seconds for them to have time to leave, before they are destroyed and booted from the server.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan this isn't the option to take matey I fear. It would break the basic concept of the game - emergent content.

    There should always be a risk of other crews invading the space I believe as this is not Arena.

    That being said, I love the OP idea of allowing a concession.

  • I think instead of allowing ships to escape there should be a system where the battle area is closed off to only the two combatants kinda like sailing off the map. If any ship not related to the fight enters they start to sink!

    This means however that you can only get ambushed in open waters and away from outposts or islands

  • Rare said that they want organic invasions to the battle, which sounds fine to me but 2 things were overlooked, the first being half the time they run out of supplies to sink the opposing ship forcing them to try and drive the opposing ship out of the arena, the other is people are catching up to the fact that they can just make a PVP alliance and get invaded and do from a 2v1 to a 4v1 defense and all of them get the kill point so it's more likely to increase the trend. And I sure don't want to feed into that so if I can escape for let's say 30 mins the world would open up for me to be able to either use the whole map maybe splitting up the alliance ships enough for me to pick them off 1 by 1.

    We don't need to force this to be a 1v1 arena we just need to balance it out better so that the invanders don't just get camped by the enemy ships.

  • Another major issue here not being considered is the fact that everyone with an hourglass gets a "win" when someone gets sunk. Encouraging alliance defenses where you're spawned in and forced to fight multiple ships, while the alliance only benefits. But a punishment to those abusing this system other than people "running away" needs to be considered, as this still only encourages the behavior, especially if a win is given to those who remain.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Faction Battle Intrusions:

    Another major issue here not being considered is the fact that everyone with an hourglass gets a "win" when someone gets sunk. Encouraging alliance defenses where you're spawned in and forced to fight multiple ships, while the alliance only benefits. But a punishment to those abusing this system other than people "running away" needs to be considered, as this still only encourages the behavior, especially if a win is given to those who remain.

    Not true, I had an hourglass and tried to sink 3 GoF Sloops after allying with a reaper camping the hideout and the end result was the only time the sink counted was when we sank a champion sloop. Maybe there were unforseen events that disqualified us from the prize but we killed the enemy players and damaged the ship but still the first 2 of the 3 sloops did not count as a sink and only the guardian one counted, it's possible they scuttled their ships due to feeling the unfairness of the fight.

  • @astralenigma I've had it happen multiple times. Got in a 4 sloop fight where nobody was "on the hunt" we just all had our hourglasses on and suddenly we were on a 3 kill streak due to sinks. Also, as a brig, we accidentally invaded a sloop faction battle. We got wins for the sloop who lost, then for sinking the winner.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Faction Battle Intrusions:

    @astralenigma I've had it happen multiple times. Got in a 4 sloop fight where nobody was "on the hunt" we just all had our hourglasses on and suddenly we were on a 3 kill streak due to sinks. Also, as a brig, we accidentally invaded a sloop faction battle. We got wins for the sloop who lost, then for sinking the winner.

    Yeah, what I described happened two days ago, maybe there was a shadow fix to that or not, did you get wins from a sloop from your faction sinking, cause that's what it sounds like on your post.
    Also, a possible conclusion for why I didn't get the win streak and points is cause the guys scuttled or drove themselves out of bounds and not so much a bug on me not getting the streaks.

  • @astralenigma I got credit from both. But we also got a cannon hit on both.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Faction Battle Intrusions:

    @astralenigma I got credit from both. But we also got a cannon hit on both.

    I got cannon hits on both and also got my teammate killing the guys. Don't know might have been a bug with the Hourglass being risen too recently compared to those fights. Or they might have scuttled denying somehow the sinking from thirds.

  • The appearance of another ship HEAVILY disrupts combat between the original two duelists and forces them to engage the new ship in combat

    Not really. Depending on who this new player is they may side with one or the other.

    Your so called 1v1 is misguided. Nowhere does the pvp on demand say it strictly 1v1 (ship vs ship). You found a like minded person who also seeks combat. In open world.
    If a skeleton galleon happen to show up, you can ignore it and still shoot your opponent, get lucky and the skeleton ship helps you? Who knows.

  • @burnbacon Then why would the game spend so much effort trying to find a crew with the same size and similar skill level as you when you queue if other ships were meant to intrude and roll the "who wins" dice? Smaller ships are at a disadvantage against larger ones in terms of sheer firepower; the sloop will never beat a galleon in a broadside battle, and is instead supposed to abuse its maneuverability to evade the galleon's rain of steel while trying to immobilize and trap it. Still, it's a 2v4 battle, and most sloops will choose to run from the galleon. In a faction battle, you can't do that, so if a galleon suddenly decides to show up and target you, you are FORCED to fight it directly, which is a dance you never want to perform with ships that have more cannons than you (this is probably why Rare locked challenging larger ships behind a "Faction Champion" wall.) Not only that, but even if you do manage to get the upper hand, the galleon can simply leave the circle that you are forced to remain inside of until you sink your opponent, allowing the galleon to repair and come back without any pressure.

    Also, remember how I said that galleons are balanced by making the ship harder to control and repair? If there is a second ship (IE. another sloop) against you, that downside is completely invalidated while still putting you in an unwanted 2v4 fight. When you are hopelessly outnumbered, no amount of skill will win you the fight. Rare offers an option to challenge LARGER SHIPS as a faction champion as a CHALLENGE, not MULTIPLE SHIPS by ACCIDENT.

  • @hanselpup said in Faction Battle Intrusions:

    @burnbacon Then why would the game spend so much effort trying to find a crew with the same size and similar skill level as you when you queue if other ships were meant to intrude and roll the "who wins" dice? Smaller ships are at a disadvantage against larger ones in terms of sheer firepower; the sloop will never beat a galleon in a broadside battle, and is instead supposed to abuse its maneuverability to evade the galleon's rain of steel while trying to immobilize and trap it. Still, it's a 2v4 battle, and most sloops will choose to run from the galleon. In a faction battle, you can't do that, so if a galleon suddenly decides to show up and target you, you are FORCED to fight it directly, which is a dance you never want to perform with ships that have more cannons than you (this is probably why Rare locked challenging larger ships behind a "Faction Champion" wall.) Not only that, but even if you do manage to get the upper hand, the galleon can simply leave the circle that you are forced to remain inside of until you sink your opponent, allowing the galleon to repair and come back without any pressure.

    Also, remember how I said that galleons are balanced by making the ship harder to control and repair? If there is a second ship (IE. another sloop) against you, that downside is completely invalidated while still putting you in an unwanted 2v4 fight. When you are hopelessly outnumbered, no amount of skill will win you the fight. Rare offers an option to challenge LARGER SHIPS as a faction champion as a CHALLENGE, not MULTIPLE SHIPS by ACCIDENT.

    It was mostly designed to give some balance into the game as it would be too unbalanced if solo sloops got paired with duo sloops though if another ship joined the fight organically it could join one of the sides or kill both giving it some randomness.

    I have been in a fight where my galleon won against an enemy galleon and sloop, and I have been in a fight where my duo sloop allied with a solo sloop lost against another duo sloop, those were both organic alliances.

    What is ruining matchmaking is people using meta connections to make alliance servers and waiting for you with a solo sloop and using it to ambush you with galleons, unfortunately there isn't much that can be done to fixing it without breaking other stuff, sure Rare could teleport both ships to a zone but what would happen to the treasure that was being collected some of these fights last way longer than it's healthy in that time if you were collecting the treasure on an island and you suddenly lose it because your ship gets teleported away, even worse the treasure on the boat could not be teleported with you and even if it was teleported with you what would happen to the treasure if you sank would the opposing team be able to take it back before being teleported back to it's previous location, would they stay there until they decide to leave making it possible to other ships to teleport to it's location?

  • @astralenigma You do realize your two examples of your win and loss were as evenly matched as a 1v2 can get right? XD I've won where it was our Galleon against the whole server before. Doesn't mean that solo Sloops should be getting dumped on by an enemy Sloop being aided by two Brigs, or a Galleon, or any other insane combo. Or even another Sloop. I've yet to see anyone post an actual example of Rare's commitment to "you should totally get matched up against alliances, that's what we want". And the matchmaking definitely speaks against that as well. There used to be a similar, yet opposite argument with a different mechanic. The alliance. Where people claimed Rare actively didn't want you attacking people you were allied with. Despite the mechanic intentionally allowing "friendly fire", and the announcement directly saying to beware as even your most trusted allies can betray you and take it all.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan indeed they are the most balanced because it happened organically, honestly I prefer to defend over diving due to 2 reasons, first I'm not stuck in queue doing nothing because the system somehow can't find a match for me to join, the second is because I have the most control of my fights, another time I got invaded was while I was doing the Legend of the Veil last chapter and that worked out for me cause the forts were fighting alongside me.

    The problem with this update is two-fold there's barely an incentive from doing quests while adding the challenge of being invaded and the guys that want to use this new feature they only want to PVP because of that most of what happens is people getting burned out cause they are invading each other and trying to survive and waste a ton of supplies and time.

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