
  • Just curious but have you guys any thoughts on lowering the damage of blunderbuss? And what I mean is it’s inconsistent and it’s all based on luck right now as hit registration is a huge problem and has been since the early days of sea of thieves. What I propose is you guys should make the based damage when hit with all twelve shots the same as the eye of reach. Meaning you would need one sword attack to finish said enemy. AT LEAST UNTIL HIT REGISTRATION FIXED. Because otherwise it makes it so you have to always run the blunderbuss in your weapon wheel. Leading to not having the ability to branch out and use the other weapons at your disposal. Or having to double gun to compensate for bad hit registration. Would love to hear your thoughts on this issue and maybe give an idea as to make the sea a bit more inviting to new players.

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  • @roxahz said in Bluderbuss:

    maybe give an idea as to make the sea a bit more inviting to new players.

    something I throw around is what I call the training grounds

    it'll be accessed through the sea dog tavern

    tally mode combat without deaths and camping, people can practice their shots against players and targets

    bring in targets that can be shot out of cannons to target practice

    another idea I have had is a firework that shoots out a bunch of targets that people can shoot at in the sky

  • Definitely needs a rework or a "nerf". There is a reason why everyone is using them, I personally hate shotguns in games and try to never use it. But last time I was against a person with something other than blunderbuss was probably in 2020. Its not good for the game. Either increase damage to other guns or weaken the blundy. The seas needs a variety if playstyles

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Bluderbuss:

    Definitely needs a rework or a "nerf". There is a reason why everyone is using them, I personally hate shotguns in games and try to never use it. But last time I was against a person with something other than blunderbuss was probably in 2020. Its not good for the game. Either increase damage to other guns or weaken the blundy. The seas needs a variety if playstyles

    Tinkering based on random poor performance is just picking winners and losers. All weapons in this game have performance issues. Everyone gets randomly hit with the issues.

    In my sessions I see people using everything based on their preferences and strengths and the scenario

    None of the weapons are bad for the game because none of them are ideal for all situations. People have preferences and strengths but every weapon has pros and cons. They all have counters even with random poor performance.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Bluderbuss:

    Definitely needs a rework or a "nerf". There is a reason why everyone is using them, I personally hate shotguns in games and try to never use it. But last time I was against a person with something other than blunderbuss was probably in 2020. Its not good for the game. Either increase damage to other guns or weaken the blundy. The seas needs a variety if playstyles

    Why do you not like shotguns?
    You don’t rely on cowardice like other guns. You run in and BLAST EVERYTHING to pieces!!!!
    And then you pump it like “chi chic”
    Oh my godddd
    Clearly you don’t understand the beauty and simplicity of a shotgun
    It is supposed to be POWERFUL and BLOW YOUR ENEMIES BRAINS OUT!
    And while the blunderbuss may be a bit more…chunky than a regular shotgun and it doesn’t have the cool “chi chic” sound and I prefer to use flintlock because flintlock looks cool, the blunderbuss is still a FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH and I still use it from time to time because of it’s SHEER AMOUNT OF BULLETS.

  • No… lowering damage output isn’t going to help with hit reg. Without it’s one shot capability, the blunderbuss is useless.

  • @realwebber69

    Probably from fps games back in the day, where using a shotgun was an indication that you have 'dog s**t' aim and cant use any skilled weapons (I'm most certainly not implying this for Sea of Thieves).

    I always preferred pistol over shotgun for close range, because of mag size and rapid fire, so as long as you could hit someone in the head quick enough, shotgun had barely anything over its competition for close range.

    Sea of Thieves is a different animal as there are no headshots ^^

    I would use shotgun if it was easier to access it, but when solo slooping and multitasking 100things a minute, adding another thing on top of it personally feels like a chore and I just confuse myself later.

    Let's say someone kills you and boards you. I swap to shotgun, get rid of the invader, but then I forget to switch back to EOR and lose, because of it. So I simply try to quick scope and use sword, feels more natural to me :D idk

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Bluderbuss:

    Probably from fps games back in the day, where using a shotgun was an indication that you have 'dog s**t' aim and cant use any skilled weapons (I'm most certainly not implying this for Sea of Thieves).

    Not sure where you got this idea but shotguns in games have never been an indicator of any players skill. People just like to use various playstyles and will often swap between ranged guns and shotgun builds based on what they feel like.

  • @hefty-henri Early 2000s - counter strike 1.6 would be one of them. Also this could probably depend on a country where you lived, now days everything became global and you can play against people from different countries so the communities kind of merged. Back in the day you could not play with people from a different city properly due to high ping. So my comment might be completely nonsense in one part of the world and true in another

  • Because otherwise it makes it so you have to always run the blunderbuss in your weapon wheel.

    I’m sorry. What’s making me?

    Only time I need the buss is

    1. expect boarders
    2. know I’m gonna fight gold skeletons

    Rest the time it always sword and pistol.
    So don’t be forcing yourself by believing you always need it. It only good in a CQC fight which sadly is in every pvp fight

  • Blunderbuss aren't as big an issue really. I almost never use it. They cannot one-shot me if they never get close. And they won't get close if I spam blunderbombs to their face. :p

    Use blunderbombs more, they are the real OP stuff.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Bluderbuss:


    Probably from fps games back in the day, where using a shotgun was an indication that you have 'dog s**t' aim and cant use any skilled weapons (I'm most certainly not implying this for Sea of Thieves).

    I always preferred pistol over shotgun for close range, because of mag size and rapid fire, so as long as you could hit someone in the head quick enough, shotgun had barely anything over its competition for close range.

    Sea of Thieves is a different animal as there are no headshots ^^

    I would use shotgun if it was easier to access it, but when solo slooping and multitasking 100things a minute, adding another thing on top of it personally feels like a chore and I just confuse myself later.

    Let's say someone kills you and boards you. I swap to shotgun, get rid of the invader, but then I forget to switch back to EOR and lose, because of it. So I simply try to quick scope and use sword, feels more natural to me :D idk

    Shotguns require no skill? No.
    What a shotgun says to me is “I don’t care about range I care about DAMAGE!”
    Even if headshots are more effective, nothing can beat the power of blowing your opponents brains out with a shotgun.
    I mean who can forget the super shotgun? Or the terraria shotgun, leading to one of the easiest to craft, powerful gun. And the power of a shotgun massacre…

    But one man came in and said “What if…we take the range and nimbleness of a pistol, and combine it with the ammo and feel of a shotgun?”
    That…was the birth of the most POWERFUL shotgun in existence..the shotgun pistol…aka the wrangler from halo…the most blessed thing in existence, it even comes with blades to bash peoples skulls in….sniff

    And no matter how powerful the blunderbuss gets I still think it isn’t as bad as going close range with an Eye of Reach. It’s like trying to stab someone with the back of a knife. If you try hard enough, you can pull it off, but you’ll end up looking stupid either way.

    Anyway, I don’t know why I’m talking about power. I mostly use flintlock, because it just feels…right…plus there’s no gun that fires at god speed.

  • @burnbacon which this is in reference to pvp. And even with a nerf a overall damage it would still be viable against boarder, im not saying get rid of the knock back effect from said blunderbuss

  • @wolfmanbush again that is due to hit registration being an issue lol

  • @grog-minto it’s a little different if they already achieved a board and are now able to spawn camp you, again this will likely make newer players not want to play. I’ve been playing since beta and I can tell you a majority of pirates run blunderbuss for it’s one shot capability

  • @wolfmanbush sadly arena at the time was the best way to get any experience with pvp with out the detriment of loosing loot. And learning basic like boarding and etc.

  • @zig-zag-ltu agreed. And it’s not that I’m against there being the ability for a one shot blunder, but at times it can almost feel like it’s RNG/Luck based and that’s only because of hit registration being such an issue.

  • @realwebber69 Well shotgun does obviously require skill, but its about versatility. The reason people were saying that - was that people who used shotgun, could not do anything with any weapon in mid/long range. So using shotgun was the only way for them to have some kills.

    And honestly I do not agree with you on the eye of the reach, perhaps the mechanics in sot are a bit clunky and slow, to properly pull off quick scope or no scope shot with it, but can certainly be done. However, without having an actual 'pro' scene, we can only rely on our own assessments or streamers.

    May I ask if you ever swap your flintlock for another weapon, if so, why?

    I'm honestly struggling to find the perfect balance for me. I do need the range of EOR, but I also need the damage of blunderbuss, however a sword will forever be with me as its a pirate game, also lunges :D any tips you could recommend?
    Would getting used to constant situational swapping between the three help me?

    P.S. is there any in depth guide for naval warfare?
    I constantly find myself lost in thought and loosing precious seconds when decisions need to be very quick. For example:
    Was doing solo veils, when suddenly a three man brig started chasing me. I tried to board them, but judging how they always saw me, saw my attempt with a keg, how quickly they killed me on ladders, their maneuvering etc - they were a solid crew, I had no chance to win that one fair and square.
    I lured them towards a fort, managed to jump out of the ship without being noticed somehow (you can see soulflame costume from far) and got myself into one of the fort towers with cannons, with an inventory full of cannon balls, fire bombs,chain shots and curseballs.
    I have quickly took at least one of their masts down, put a lot of holes in them, set them on fire, and before delivering the killing blow with more cannonballs I wanted to use curseballs. But the time it took me to choose which one gave them enough time to get back on their feet, fix their masts, fire a cannon ball in my face and continue the pursuit. If I had made the right decision on the curseballs quicker, im sure I would have sank them, but i was just starring the the Q wheel trying to figure out which one to use and where to aim it and trying to find the right one (wanted to pick the sleeping one,anchor and ballast) - so yeah, any tips on how to improve or this is just basically lack of experience and practice?

    I unfortunately have not played any of the games you have mentioned, but the cannon pistol I had in mind is Desert Eagle 5.0 - basically a pistol with a power of a rifle.

  • @roxahz said in Bluderbuss:

    @zig-zag-ltu agreed. And it’s not that I’m against there being the ability for a one shot blunder, but at times it can almost feel like it’s RNG/Luck based and that’s only because of hit registration being such an issue.

    Really, at one point 3 of my crew shot the same guy point blank with blunderbusses within a couple seconds, and he still survived without eating.

    Now I just use a sword because there's at least a chance for a quick followup hit, but now sweatlords always scream in proxy "omg you're using a sword you're bad"

  • @scheneighnay again thats due to hit registration, further proving my point. As it can feel very luck or RNG based, are you not familiar with those terms? Lol

  • @roxahz Well sure, people run the blunderbuss for its one-shot capability. They wouldn't use this weapon if it wasn't capable of OS since it's strictly worse in all other aspects. If it did 70% dmg (7% per pellet) at point blank, people would just run EoR + Flintlock or sword instead.

    While I agree that Spawncamp isn't fun for new players, I disagree that what makes it unfun is the use of the blunderbuss. New players being spawncamped don't stand a chance regardless of the weapons used.

    Imo while you can adjust some things about the blunderbuss, damage isn't one of them. Because it is the main redeeming quality about that weapon and without it, it may as well not exist.

  • @grog-minto with that logic the eye of reach might as well be a one shot weapon as it’s a sniper. Even if you on does 90 damage at least it gives the other player a fighting chance, and I’m not saying keep it as this. I’m only saying as a temporary fix until hit registration is fixed. Most frustration comes from the shear fact that you can shoot a person get a hit marker and deal no damage. And this is for all weapons, but most rely on using a blunder because of the one shot potential. But again that’s not always the case. I have shot someone from the same distance they shoot me, my blunder doesn’t kill but their shot kills me, seems unfair right, again because hit registration, see where I’m going with this?

  • @grog-minto and the main redeeming quality actually is the knock back done with the blunder as it can knock enemy pirates off the ship, which again no other weapon has. Blunderbombs are throwables and as they can be considered a weapon, at the end of the day it’s a throwable.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Bluderbuss:

    @realwebber69 Well shotgun does obviously require skill, but its about versatility. The reason people were saying that - was that people who used shotgun, could not do anything with any weapon in mid/long range. So using shotgun was the only way for them to have some kills.

    And honestly I do not agree with you on the eye of the reach, perhaps the mechanics in sot are a bit clunky and slow, to properly pull off quick scope or no scope shot with it, but can certainly be done. However, without having an actual 'pro' scene, we can only rely on our own assessments or streamers.

    May I ask if you ever swap your flintlock for another weapon, if so, why?

    I'm honestly struggling to find the perfect balance for me. I do need the range of EOR, but I also need the damage of blunderbuss, however a sword will forever be with me as its a pirate game, also lunges :D any tips you could recommend?
    Would getting used to constant situational swapping between the three help me?

    P.S. is there any in depth guide for naval warfare?
    I constantly find myself lost in thought and loosing precious seconds when decisions need to be very quick. For example:
    Was doing solo veils, when suddenly a three man brig started chasing me. I tried to board them, but judging how they always saw me, saw my attempt with a keg, how quickly they killed me on ladders, their maneuvering etc - they were a solid crew, I had no chance to win that one fair and square.
    I lured them towards a fort, managed to jump out of the ship without being noticed somehow (you can see soulflame costume from far) and got myself into one of the fort towers with cannons, with an inventory full of cannon balls, fire bombs,chain shots and curseballs.
    I have quickly took at least one of their masts down, put a lot of holes in them, set them on fire, and before delivering the killing blow with more cannonballs I wanted to use curseballs. But the time it took me to choose which one gave them enough time to get back on their feet, fix their masts, fire a cannon ball in my face and continue the pursuit. If I had made the right decision on the curseballs quicker, im sure I would have sank them, but i was just starring the the Q wheel trying to figure out which one to use and where to aim it and trying to find the right one (wanted to pick the sleeping one,anchor and ballast) - so yeah, any tips on how to improve or this is just basically lack of experience and practice?

    I unfortunately have not played any of the games you have mentioned, but the cannon pistol I had in mind is Desert Eagle 5.0 - basically a pistol with a power of a rifle.

    First off the thing about range…you are half right. There are times in games like Terraria or Fallout where I prefer to keep my distance and just pull out a gun. (Enter the Gungeon is also on this list but it’s way too obvious I do that.)
    But then in games like Halo…oddly I turn it into more of a first person hitter than a first person shooter and if I actually do try to shoot, you bet it’s going to be something like the default assault rifle or shotgun pistol and not one of those snipers.

    I’m not a big fan of using snipers even if I use other guns. Waiting for an opponent to come to me and find a vantage point isn’t my cup of tea.
    The only time I use snipers is in Hitman (which isn’t a traditional shooter, but I got suit only, silent assassin and sniper assassin all at the same time so that’s pretty cool.)
    If you want to close range with a sniper, fine, to each their own I guess.
    But that tells me you:
    1.Don’t understand shotguns or don’t know anything about them.
    2.You’re opponent attacked your vantage point and you are now panicking double gun (why can’t we just akimbo blunderbuss come onnnnnn)

    As for tips, can’t help you much there. I’m not gonna act like I’m a pro here. Been in only a couple of fights myself but here are some tips:
    1.blunderbombs are effective against enemies, and not just your friends!
    2.commit arson. All the time.
    3.being a coward is ok.

    As for weapon swapping, I use blunderbuss when I want to just murder everything, eye of reach when I went to pick on enemies from afar and flintlock for everything else.
    Why is flintlock good? 2 reasons: can adapt
    2.STYLE. Flintlock and cutlass is the best combo and no one can convince me otherwise.

    And these two points can fit into my problem with the game right now: no one cares about style, they care about results.
    Some pirates started off using the blunderbuss. Then some found out they could easily use it to spawn camp. So they do. Then the spawncampees realise “oh why blunderbuss good!” so they adapt. They use blunderbuss. Then you filter in things like hit reg, double gun, and suddenly everyone cares more about results then STYLE.
    Using eye of reach and blunderbuss because it deals the most damage, using cosmetics to gain advantage over style and spamming rolls on deck laughing over and over again, instead of using flintlock and pistol to show people they rely on the TRUE classics, using cosmetics to look good and doing a little jig on someone when you kill them.
    Yeah sure, if you’re not that good, go mostly for efficiency, not style, but sometimes you need to live fast…and dangerous (don’t act furious unless you want a spiel about family.). Try and 360 noscope someone once in a while. Don’t care if you lose, because if you win, you’ll feel satisfied that you successfully styled on your opponent. If you lose, at least you’ll have the knowledge you (probably) had more style than your opponent.

  • @roxahz said in Bluderbuss:

    @scheneighnay again thats due to hit registration, further proving my point. As it can feel very luck or RNG based, are you not familiar with those terms? Lol

    I was agreeing with you

  • Wait... If The Blunderbuss, a weapon that only works on real close range deals the same damage as Eye Of Reach, a weapon that can be used in all distances...

    Why would anyone use the blunderbuss?

  • @thorumsu
    Yeah it's a problem.
    I hate the OHK meta but some other tweaking would need to be done with the blunderbuss if the damage gets nerfed.

  • @roxahz

    it’s inconsistent and it’s all based on luck right now as hit registration is a huge problem

    I don't understand how nerfing a weapon is even mildly a temporary solution to what you've stated as the problem. Your solution doesn't correlate to the problem whatsoever.

    Every weapon (sword included) has hit registration issues and is

  • @realwebber69 said in Bluderbuss:

    Why do you not like shotguns?
    You don’t rely on cowardice like other guns. You run in and BLAST EVERYTHING to pieces!!!!
    And then you pump it like “chi chic”
    Oh my godddd
    Clearly you don’t understand the beauty and simplicity of a shotgun
    It is supposed to be POWERFUL and BLOW YOUR ENEMIES BRAINS OUT!
    And while the blunderbuss may be a bit more…chunky than a regular shotgun and it doesn’t have the cool “chi chic” sound and I prefer to use flintlock because flintlock looks cool, the blunderbuss is still a FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH and I still use it from time to time because of it’s SHEER AMOUNT OF BULLETS.

    Honestly I never run the blundie in SOT because I love the EOR for taking out PVE enemies at range (especially keg skellies) and I'm too garbage to go double-gunning. Plus I just love the mobility of the cutlass. So cutlass and flintlock/EOR for me. Also I'm on console with a controller AND a casual, so it's not like I'm trap shooting like some of the PvP gods on here anyway. I do decently in naval, and almost always falter when they manage to board. Such is life.

    Shotguns in other games, though...heck yes! My favorite being the auto-shotty from Left 4 Dead 1. Second favorite being a double-barrel from Fallout 4, and third probably the N7 Piranha in Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer when playing as the Alliance Infiltration Unit. Good times.

  • @roxahz a dit dans Bluderbuss :

    see where I’m going with this?

    That right there could be the problem : I really don't. Pellets distribution is random. Even with no hitreg whatsoever, at a set distance you will have RNG. That's one of the offset for running a OHK weapon : at suboptimal range, there is RNG. The hitreg comes into play because even at optimal range you can have some hit not register (same with all weapons).

    So I'm not sure what your "solution" is for.

    with that logic the eye of reach might as well be a one shot weapon as it’s a sniper.

    It could, but it would be bad design. The blunderbuss being a OHK at close range and useless at mid / long range is way more balanced than the EoR being a OHK at all range. Because in one case you might consider a long range weapon instead, in the other there is no better weapon to choose from regardless of circumstances.

    and the main redeeming quality actually is the knock back done with the blunder as it can knock enemy pirates off the ship.

    That's just blatantly false. There is only 1 source of OHK, there are 2 sources of knock back (including one that you will have available regardless of your weapon choice). Having the least time to kill in the game is more valuable than to double down on knock back potential.

  • @scheneighnay my bad, wasn’t sure exactly what you were Implying that’s on me.

  • @grog-minto you quote me but leave out I already established blunderbombs as a throwable weapon, and it’s not doubling down on knockback, if your not killed by a blunderbyss it does knockback damage and can throw you off a ship. I’m again the blunderbuss would still be viable and as seeing most pvp situations pirates double gun a sniper and blunderbuss. Which you would still be able to do with this change. This wouldn’t make that blunderbuss useless, that’s completely FALSE. And again I only propose this change until hit registration is fixed, which again that causes more frustration then just being killed by said shotgun, if hit registration wasn’t a HUGE problem I have no issue with OSK by it. Your taking it at face value rather seeing how this might allieviate the problem we have as of right now, plus if you are already injured a blunderbuss or eye of reach and still OSK you in game

  • @roxahz said in Bluderbuss:

    @grog-minto most rely on using a blunder because of the one shot potential. But again that’s not always the case. I have shot someone from the same distance they shoot me, my blunder doesn’t kill but their shot kills me, seems unfair right, again because hit registration, see where I’m going with this?
    Again if your going to quote me, use all the info given not what suits your agrument, hit registration is broken and has been acknowledged by the devs and has been a known issue lol

  • @sweetsandman exactly and only one weapon allows one shot kills sooo….

  • @grog-minto if you are so against a nerf of the blunder, what would you suggest as a temporary fix to alleviate issues with hit registration? as another in this post said why not buff the other guns? Obviously we won’t be seeing a fix for hit registration anytime soon, and as the devs have been looking into a change to hit scan, I would love to hear what you would propose as a fix or suggestions to this problem?

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