Poor support

  • It has been 2 days since I submitted a report of a player who did nothing but call me racial slurs, homophobic slurs, and threatened my family. I'm a 51 year old Army vet so I am stubborn and can take the language. Nobody is going to chase me off the ship.

    [Mod edit]

    I don't know what he was trying to do but why does it take so long after I send a report to address this?

  • 17
  • Be patient.
    There is an abundance of bugs being reported from the captaincy update..
    Theyre working thru them on a first come first worked basis im sure.
    It took about a week to hear back on my report last week.

  • I certainly understand that but this wasn't a bug it was a player that was truly bent on hurting other players. I also understand that anybody can claim another person is abusing them but I sent screenshots of the player in question making these threats. I'm not so concerned, he wont find where my family lives, I'm just wondering what the priorities are. I feel like maybe they should have a department that focuses on bugs and maybe a small group that can work on bugs but quickly respond to real abuse.

  • It feels like "I know somebody threatened to kill your children but we are working on a keg bug, we will get to it in a few days"

  • The game's moderation team doesn't seem to actively monitor reports during the weekend. They do have representatives to handle the receiving of the reports, but for actions to be taken, that will have to come during the weekdays when the team is back at work.

    Even then, the team won't use any actions without evidence. Recording and taking a screenshot of the offensive stuff happening with the user's name in clear view is necessary for "immediate" action to be taken on their behalf. It may take over a week for that player to be punished of any kind. Patience is going to be needed for toxic player reports.

  • I know this but as a conversation do you think this is reasonable? Keep in mind I did send screen shot evidence with the other players user name and I know it will take time, but I'm trying to find if the community thinks this is reasonable. In my old days I used to get support from many games when I had a bad problem. I'm just trying to figure out what has changed. In the days of Everquest I could summon an in game helper in 10 minutes...what has changed?

  • What I'm fishing for is and answer to "am I being being unreasonable in this day and age to expect a reasonably quick response to an abusive and threating player"

  • Ive not been allowing my son to play because this other player threatened to kill him...when do you think would be a reasonable time to expect a response before I complain?

  • Lets put it like this....I can't post screen shots here because I would most likely be banned. So forget whether or not what I say its true....Lets make all that I have said hypothetical. Give that situation, what is a reasonable amount of time before I should contact Rare and figure out whats going on with my complaint submission?

  • @simo-hayha-46 Ahoy matey!

    I have just removed your examples from your post above. As you can imagine we don't like that language in game so equally don't want it in our social spaces.

    In terms of support, it can take a few days for the team to gather evidence on players and work through the many reports that they get. If you have submitted evidence there is a high chance it will be dealt with swiftly and you will receive an automated response to tell you the outcome.

  • @Simo-Hayha-46
    As you are specifically asking for opinions, I'll give you mine: don't expect too much from Rare. The sort of person you had the misfortune to come across are all too common on the Sea, unfortunately. I suspect that for every person Rare does get around to banning, another 2 pop up. They are the primary reason I have taken months-long breaks from SoT, despite my love of this game.

    I will also say that when I do run into such unsavoury characters, I do indeed leave the ship/server, and I would advise you to do the same. There is nothing to be gained by staying there and putting up with such nonsense - 'you can't argue with stupid', as the saying goes. This is not an irl encounter after all; I fully believe that people who behave like this are cowards who would never say such things to your face. Staying aboard ship/server with them just gives them the opportunity to spew their vitriol. Don't afford them this opportunity, that's my advice.

  • ntraills I do appreciate your advice and will endeavor to heed it from now on. Musicmee I am very sorry. I thought I included enough *** to keep keep most readers safe. I apologize for that.

  • @simo-hayha-46 It's all good. Sorry about your wait though... Hopefully, someone from the Player Support team is in contact soon.

  • I don't feel like I gave enough attention to ntraills advice. For anyone reading I highly suggest you follow what they said. If I had I would not be in the position I am now.

  • While I agree that leaving the server instance is good advice, I maintain that I simply shouldn't have to - bullies should not win.

  • I'm not trying to start an argument. I agree that the bullies should not win which has been my stance, but if you cant get help to shut down the bullies (shrug) what can you do? I'm trying to fight the bullies but I'm quickly getting tired because not many seem to care.

  • @simo-hayha-46 as your query has been addressed I’ll be dropping anchor for now :)


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