Can't Reroll Pirate - Results in Lavenderbeard and Gingerbeard Errors

  • My sister and I are in the process of trying to reroll our pirate looks. We both found "the perfect ones," and as soon as we hit select and confirmed the use of our potions, each of us got a separate error, Lavenderbeard for me and Gingerbeard for her, losing the looks we liked. This has now happened twice. What can we do to avoid this? Is it a bug? Pretty bummed right now.

    We're both on PC/Windows 10, Steam-purchased copies.

  • 6
    windows 10feedback
  • The same thing just happened to me twice. Found a great pirate and got the Gingerbeard error both times.

  • Same here as well...Gingerbeard when I hit select. I put in a support ticket earlier and received a reply stating that they cannot assist with the pirate choosing process.

    I was hoping that my selected pirate registered somewhere, but sadly that isn't the case.

    I have unfortunately spent at least 20+ hours in the hell of IPG since SoT release and finally found my perfect pirate today...only to get an error!!

    I asked for a refund on my pirate potion...hopefully I get it.

  • @n0430bm I mean, I'm not asking them to select my pirate for me, just let me... ya know, select the darn pirate! Clearly, there's a bug here, and it needs to be addressed.

  • I'm having the exact same problem. I'm starting to think about asking for a refund on the potion.

  • Finally found the page to report a bug (literally had to Google it, couldn't find it on the site), and so it's now been reported with as much information as I could put together. Hopefully, they fix this. It's incredibly frustrating!

windows 10feedback
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