The Mystery Begins!

  • @courtingnose1

  • @hell0666 said in The Mystery Begins!:


    I did because [mod edit].. that's the short version.

    As for a nice new big clue a lantern on ANY of the wrecked rowboat and you'll find a note with a encrypted phrase. He made it to the island by rowboat. My personal favourite is theives haven't where the new rowboat underneath says "I did cover my tracks well enough" then if you follow the clues to the top of the galleon, around the island to the 3 graves one marked with a skull and crossbones and you hold the lantern and it says "this isn't a joke" as in 3 sailors walk into a bar.

    Maybe you should check out the new world its more green than I remember thats for sure.

    Those notes are from earlier in the mystery and have nothing to do with the current step. You said it was a log book with a cover matching the ones found on the ship, not a note. You should probably know what you're talking about before calling other people idiots.

  • @d3adst1ck these boats appeared AFTER the update and are on EVERY ISLAND

  • @hell0666 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @d3adst1ck these boats appeared AFTER the update and are on EVERY ISLAND

    No they didn't. The rowboat and grave notes appeared weeks ago (graves notes appeared May 24th, rowboat notes appeared June 8th). There are also notes that appeared in the Shrines weeks ago (appeared June 20th).

  • @d3adst1ck I can understand that confusion. There is a logbook on crescent Island under a row boat, i know this because one of the users posted a picture of it on the discord a month ago. While that means it's an old Easter egg it could also mean we were supposed to find his rowboat ages ago.

    However at the proof of him rowing to shore it explains how he got from J6 to seadogs rest.

  • @hell0666 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @d3adst1ck I can understand that confusion. There is a logbook on crescent Island under a row boat, i know this because one of the users posted a picture of it on the discord a month ago. While that means it's an old Easter egg it could also mean we were supposed to find his rowboat ages ago.

    However at the proof of him rowing to shore it explains how he got from J6 to seadogs rest.

    Now you're referring to Legends of the Sea II, which is not part of this mystery. There is no proof he rowed anywhere yet.

  • @d3adst1ck so you gonna tell me he teleporting from the bottom of the ocean to sea dogs rest?

  • @hell0666 No, I'm telling you there is nothing in the current mystery that explains how he went from the Howling Wolf shipwreck to Sea Dog's Rest yet.

  • Let's put it this way I'll only use the current evidence that I KNOW you have.

    So the howling wolf meets demarco day 3 of the voyage and the pirate captain pays the crew to let demarco stow away on board smuggling him. He gets on the ship and they sail under the guise of being the captain while he's on board. The crew feel distaste for his decisions and they want swagger back as captain. So they kick him off the boat. Then the ship thats following him catches up to the howling wolf and kills the crew and sinks the ship. I count 3 sailors in a grave and demarcos skeleton, where's captain swagger.

    What is the guilty captain wasn't the pirate lord but the original person who sat in that chair.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Mystery Begins!:



    The Passage of the Howling Wolf, as decoded from the log book directions and confirmed on the official SoT Twitter, is as follows:

    Passage of the Howling Wolf:
    Aim for Barnacle Cay
    Bear NW
    Past our old home
    Due North
    Clear the old fort
    Turn before the bastion
    Hold course
    Into the shroud...

    That's the course that DeMarco's ship, the Howling Wolf, was following before it sank at J7.

    I asked whether anyone had actually taken a Shroudbreaker (from the Shores of Gold Tall Tale) and attempted to follow the stated passage. From the absence of an answer amidst the chatter, I take it that the answer is no. I'll try that route tonight and see if there's anything noteworthy there.

  • @b0ttle-0-rum My post was in response to something that has since been deleted and made absolutely no sense. I probably should have quoted it for posterity.

  • @b0ttle-0-rum yes I did sorry I have been busy, I have tried running the entire length of the tall tale with the lantern looking for the clues. We visit a large cluster of clue islands. And it has given insight largely into the larger tales direction.

  • Imposter say hi btw, and the information you seek as evidence is at the sailors grave beyond the veil, ask calypso if you need clarification.

  • @hell0666 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Imposter say hi btw, and the information you seek as evidence is at the sailors grave beyond the veil, ask calypso if you need clarification.

    Now I understand why your posts don't have any connection to the mystery and I know to basically ignore your nonsense. Thanks!

  • @d3adst1ck

    Yeah he told me about you guys too, like when he sat down and explained it to me I was sceptical myself, he's a weird guy but his results have actually shown a followable trend that makes sense in the context of what the developers of the games would try and make you do.

    You did shroudbreaker
    You went looking for gems
    Now your in what looks like sea of the damned and there's rowboats everywhere...

    Is that showing what would be a formable pattern?

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Mystery Begins!:

    In other news, has anyone seen the new Bilge Rat section on the website? Seems like we might be nearing the end of the first mystery.

    @d3adst1ck said in The Mystery Begins!:


    Do you mean something specifically in one of the tabs (nothing is showing as unusual or new to me), or the page in general?

    If the latter, this page isn’t new. It’s been around a good few years- I use it regularly to check my comms :)

  • @thetwistedtaste said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @d3adst1ck said in The Mystery Begins!:

    In other news, has anyone seen the new Bilge Rat section on the website? Seems like we might be nearing the end of the first mystery.

    Do you mean something specifically in one of the tabs (nothing is showing as unusual or new to me), or the page in general?

    If the latter, this page isn’t new. It’s been around a good few years- I use it regularly to check my comms :)

    Looks like it's been fixed now, but there was a new category for 'Mysteries' beside the one for Sea Forts. It only appeared on the website, and not in game, and only had one commendation for solving the DeMarco mystery. It also had the placeholder 'NO ICON' graphic, so I think it was an oopsie leak.

  • @d3adst1ck Oh I see! Definitely an oopsie leak in that case 👀

  • @d3adst1ck

    It would make sense that you'de get something or everyone would be angry with the developers for an over stretched wild goose chase for nothing.

  • Is it possible that an order of souls madame could help with the memory charade? They seem to be focusing on the order of souls on social media a bit lately and on the lore part of the order of souls wiki, it says:
    “Members of the Order of Souls are adept at magic, and may read the minds of living and dead alike.” Does that also possibly mean they could alter memories as well?

  • Finally managed to get over to J7 to check out The Howling Wolf shipwreck.

    Me and my crew scoured the wreck, looking under the rugs, behind books, behind paintings and in cupboards.

    All we found were 2 Crew Logbooks (revealed by the Lantern) which housed some dialogue mentioning “The Witching Hour” capitalised in a way a Ship’s Name would be 🤔

    I’m unsure if this is new information, but thought worth mentioning anyway.

  • @thetwistedtaste there is a third logbook ;) The one on mid deck was hard for me to find.

  • @d3adst1ck said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @thetwistedtaste there is a third logbook ;) The one on mid deck was hard for me to find.

    🤦🏻‍♂️ I thought I would miss something 😅

  • Ide like to bring my crackpot revelations to the table but tbh.. I took the way out. I packed the cursed bounty and set sail through the shroud. To anyone who may find my ship in future and I don't make it, tell them escape is the best option.

    Thats not even a clue anymore I'm just gone.

    My 3 last clues ever.

    1. When I put on the cursed captains sails the water turned green and rowboat appeared everywhere. No other player has found this as far as I know. But it's greenest at ancient spire. And ships long dead appear more than ever before.

    2. I went and saw calypso and had the lantern in my hand, she said to find one who dead I seek I must read her books for clarity of his story.

    3. At the row boats on the islands that have lanterns 4 sailors phantoms appear, 1 of them is demarco.

    My last theory was if I light the beacons like in the story it will bring the ferryman into our world.

    Respond any obscenity you want its on deaf ears now.

  • @hell0666 👋

  • Was that guy just trolling or was he actually serious?
    I looked through his earlier posts and he was just contributing like everyone else then he started coming up with nonsensical riddles then he started talking about stuff that hasn’t been revealed such as the Pirate Lord bribing the shipmates about 2 days before it was actually revealed so then he talked about being ahead of the curve and having info that nobody else had so it kinda sounded like he was a data miner.
    Then in the last 48 hours he started talking about The Pirate’s Life tall tales being linked to the mystery so that was weird then he exchanged a bunch of insults with another forum user with about 5 posts each that both parties deleted afterwards.
    In summary, he was kind of ruining the vibe here so maybe he was genuine and really trying to help and be a nice person but had got the wrong idea but I cope he has a good day, whatever he’s doing! 😊

  • @courtingnose1 He got warned in the official discord for making stuff up and derailing actual conversation about the mystery. Nothing he says is ever verifiable, it just causes other players to go off on wild goose chases.

  • From some of the posts he was posting here I couldn't make out what all he was talking about. Almost like he was talking in riddles, and started thinking he was just messing around with us or something.

    If what he is saying is true, and if he happens to be a data miner, that's gonna ruin more of the mystery. Dunno why people gotta do that sorta thing. Such kids in my opinion :/

    In other news has anyone found anything else since your guys' last finds? Is the PL the real culprit in this mystery? Are we wrapping this first mystery up? Is there more to be revealed in the future?

  • @capt-brookes
    It appears that we might be nearing the end of this first mystery or at least the first part of the mystery because in the hours before they released Season Seven, the Bilge Rat commendations part of the website has a new section above the Sea forts section called Mysteries.
    In it there was a title that said it was unlocked through finding out DeMarco’s fate - it had no image attached to it and they removed it when Season Seven came out so I assume it was a leak or a mistake.

  • @courtingnose1 said in The Mystery Begins!:

    It appears that we might be nearing the end of this first mystery or at least the first part of the mystery because in the hours before they released Season Seven, the Bilge Rat commendations part of the website has a new section above the Sea forts section called Mysteries.
    In it there was a title that said it was unlocked through finding out DeMarco’s fate - it had no image attached to it and they removed it when Season Seven came out so I assume it was a leak or a mistake.

    Saw that, and I am thinking that it could have been a remnant of something previously planned that was part of the season seven version of the site, so slipped in when the site update for the season posted, but maybe was a canned idea. It was intriguing and would be cool, but could be something that they decided to not do after all. It could have been a nice way to get more people motivated to take part in trying to figure out the mysteries.

    As for if it is over or not, worried it might be. :/ We have had no idea where to go from here and nothing new has come out. Maybe we are missing something in the notes and ship log. Maybe if they are all put together in the right way, that could show DeMarco's real fate, but I don't know. Worried that the signs leading to the Pirate Lord Ramsey could indeed be the end now, and nothing further could be done (Personally would find it disappointing, although I would understand why, if not as many people are into the mysteries as was hoped). Those of us who are theorizing that Ramsey may be framed, and wondering what else might have been going on, could have to keep wondering.

  • As a side note, Honamar the Hoarder had found a plant that glows red on Lone Cove, but I'm wondering if that did that before the Mystery started too. We had gone over Lone Cove and hadn't been able to find anything beyond the note on the grave that was already there for an earlier stage of the Mystery, for the conversations.

  • @wyvernkraehe said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Saw that, and I am thinking that it could have been a remnant of something previously planned that was part of the season seven version of the site, so slipped in when the site update for the season posted, but maybe was a canned idea.

    I think it's not because it was planned to be added with s7, but rather due to forum commendation section having it's own will on what to show as this isn't the first incident.

    Forums teased all Glitterbeard coms about a week before the update came out.
    Forums also teased the Sunken "Crystal" aka sunken pearl and dark brethren around s1 or 2.
    Sea bound Soul also slipped into the main game about a week or two before it came out, though it has nothing to do with forums.

    So I think it's still likely that we'll get a title for it when the first mystery ends (if it hasn't yet), or when the next one starts.

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