Game needs better matchmaking

  • started playing a month ago and continuously get wrecked by very skilled players. I'm discovering this game is not designed for casual players. I work 50 hours a week, so only get a few hours to play each week. Why can't newer players be matched with each other so we can explore the islands without the constant threat of getting murdered and sunk and losing all our progress?

  • 12
  • How it feels like being a new players...
    This game's designed for everyone but it's just a matter of skill here, everyone was like you and the fact that you constantly encounter skilled players is because skilled players are the main ones to be seeking other players.
    Through time you'll figure out logical strategies and reflexes to keep on progressing in this game but you just have to be patient with yourself on this one.

    If you were to only be putting new players together things would then happen slowly and there would be no fun if nobody knew what to do or how to do it, it'd be irritating.
    Same goes for skilled players being put with new ones it's just as annoying...

    Don't try to make this gigantic division between every member of this community to benefit you with easier fights.

    There's so many things to say about this I'm just trying to get to the points I'm making and keep it short but it's simply not possible.

  • Being new at SOT just means you need to learn that we all have the same means toward triumph or defeat. Skill is not matched by levels just by experience and the best way to form that experience is to play the game.

    Try different strategies, learn from other crew members and form your own style of playing the game.

  • There is never any reason in this game to combine exploring with loot gathering.

    Since it's not necessary to combine loot gathering with exploring there is no risk to exploring. If you get killed or sunk you can easily go back to the spot you are exploring with no progress loss.

    This game is very easy for a true casual player because casual players aren't participating in the serious grinds.

    Never stack loot you aren't willing to lose. This is a giant mistake that so many never learn from and it's a mistake that isn't exclusive to new or casual players.

    You can play however you enjoy playing and it's fine if you only have a short amount of time per week to play but you don't get guaranteed outcomes or success in adventure. Success in adventure is a combination of effort,strategy, performance, and a couple dashes of luck.

    Everyone needs everyone for this game to work

    That's how a risk/reward foundation works. That's how a game that thrives on random interactions works. The longevity within the game is found within the unknown and different types of people occasionally bumping into each other.

    Most content/events for a couple of years have been literally designed around casual play but this game as it was designed cannot survive with guaranteed outcome. The losses and the functioning food chain are necessary for this specific game to work.

  • very skilled players

    Or a random lucky player who just has better connection.

    A good chunk of players play solo on a sloop. To me they are casual player, and they have no issues. (So don’t use that as an excuse)

    Your Real life issues doesn’t really work when it comes to how games are played. If you can’t manage a video game and your own work hours. That on you.

  • @burnbacon said in Game needs better matchmaking:

    very skilled players

    Or a random lucky player who just has better connection.

    A good chunk of players play solo on a sloop. To me they are casual player, and they have no issues. (So don’t use that as an excuse)

    Your Real life issues doesn’t really work when it comes to how games are played. If you can’t manage a video game and your own work hours. That on you.

    So your saying everybody that doesn’t have 5-8 hours to play like paid to play streamers shouldn’t play? Unfortunately PVP is totally pointless in SOT. Their is no ranking system which means zero matchmaking capability. For the record in over two years I’ve never had a crew mate, been in two short lived alliances. Pirate Legend with only being able to play one day a weekend. 93 reknown season 4. Played 8 hours today, never once attacked by anything other than Skeleton ships on a single server.

  • @flamenoir4280 pretty well said.

  • @wolfmanbush There is never any reason in this game to combine exploring with loot gathering. r u serious? one of the biggest things in this game is exploring!! you are also wrong that casuals dont get targeted. just the other day i was just starting at an outpost loading up the ship with a buddy and here comes a non reaper attacking us…he is absolutely correct that there isnt really a good way to ease your way into this game which is a big flaw.. maybe have a server selection that reads your stats so you can only enter certain servers?? like a beginners, intermediate, expert, pirate, and pirate legends servers?

  • @madfrito99 said in Game needs better matchmaking:

    @wolfmanbush There is never any reason in this game to combine exploring with loot gathering. r u serious? one of the biggest things in this game is exploring!! you are also wrong that casuals dont get targeted. just the other day i was just starting at an outpost loading up the ship with a buddy and here comes a non reaper attacking us…he is absolutely correct that there isnt really a good way to ease your way into this game which is a big flaw.. maybe have a server selection that reads your stats so you can only enter certain servers?? like a beginners, intermediate, expert, pirate, and pirate legends servers?

    Why take the risk when it's not necessary and when it doesn't benefit you in any way?

    There is nothing to gain from looting while truly exploring. It's like stacking. It makes no sense. People think they deserve it or that they should be left alone or over-estimate their skills but it makes no sense.

    Loot or explore. Separately both are fine. If someone choose to take on the risk of both when the reward is minimal to none that is on them.

    Ego is what gets in the way of new players and skilled players and experienced players alike. That's the struggle in this game.
    People don't like to lose, they don't like to run, they don't like to chase, they don't like to fight, they don't like this or they don't like that and rather than just make the choices that make sense at the time they choose to battle reality and waste their time.

    All of us that are loaded with gold and done with most or all of our commendations started out just like everyone else. Over time this game has become more and more casual friendly. It's very easy to start and play this game now. Nobody has to fight over world events anymore. Plenty to do.

    This game takes time and it takes effort but that doesn't mean it's not an experience casual players can enjoy.

    Set short term goals and hit them and make choices that make sense for the goals rather than investing in ego driven choices and the game goes smooth.

  • @wolfmanbush what game are you playing?? everyone still fights over world events lol yiu are right its going more casual…bout time lol most of the game is catered to pvpers afterall…need to balance that out quite a bit(theft, arena, reapers, emissary flags)

  • @madfrito99 this game is far to dead to have segregated servers like that. A server where it is xbox only and max rep only would be the most dead server, on top of the fact that region based servers exist and you have the perfect combination to find 1 to 2 boats per server it would kill the game.

4 out of 12