
  • What an apsoulte waste of time. Seriously you have probably just lost half your playerbase, This update is so bad. So we spend an hour sailing around to get 1 rtitual skull? you think thats good content? [Mod edit]

    Along side this, Lets look at some of the issues our amazing patch day has brought us. 200 - 600 Ping spikes (usualy 50) Barrels / Sails / Ammo Crates wont render. Items in inventory wont show what they are, just show numbers. Skeletons get hit and then hit you and magically dissapear. Come on guys what have you actually done for this month?

  • 3
  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts containing callouts, aiming to confront the dev team or demanding certain actions be taken, do not offer anything constructive for the community to discuss. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in [Feedback & Suggestions.] (https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/67/feedback-suggestions) This topic will now be locked.

  • @eggyboffer97 Ahoy matey!

    Please remember what happenes in Insider, stays in Insider... I have removed the part where you discussed this from your post above.

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