Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?

  • It's not even fun to go against blunderbuss users, especially with the bugged sword mechanics against them. It is the only weapon that can one shot in the game, it does so much damage at even medium range, and you cant simply get away from people who use it, they can just chase you down and then reload right next to you and theres nothing you can do about it, even if you somehow manage to get a shot off on them you will still be absolutely wrecked in the next second. It is also the easiest weapon to use because it requires a very tiny ammount of aim. It is supposed to be a "close range only weapon" but literally all of the player to player interactions (except ship battles) are close range. So why is it not getting nerfs? Is there something im missing here?

  • 20
  • @bennythebanana said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    It's not even fun to go against blunderbuss users,

    Yes it is. They're easy to avoid - there are 20+ ways to not get 1-shot by them. Did you know that?

    especially with the bugged sword mechanics against them.

    Sword works just fine as long as you keep moving and don't attack them from the front.

    It is the only weapon that can one shot in the game, it does so much damage at even medium range,

    It only does significant damage at point-blank to close-range; not medium.

    and you cant simply get away from people who use it,

    20+ ways to do exactly that, as mentioned before.

    they can just chase you down and then reload right next to you and theres nothing you can do about it,

    If they're reloading right next to me, then there's plenty that I can do, especially to punish them for doing something so dangerous that close to me.

    even if you somehow manage to get a shot off on them you will still be absolutely wrecked in the next second.

    If you're shooting them at close-range with anything other than a blunderbuss, then you're making a mistake. The whole point is to either stay out of their range or line-of-sight.

    It is also the easiest weapon to use because it requires a very tiny ammount of aim.

    Aiming actually makes it better due to the tighter spread. Try this - hip fire at the ground, move to the left or right, and aim and fire at the ground to see the difference. Regardless of firearm, aiming is ALWAYS the better, more accurate option, unless you're in a pinch.

    It is supposed to be a "close range only weapon" but literally all of the player to player interactions (except ship battles) are close range.

    Not true - in the water; on islands. There, I just disproved you twice. The only reason it seems that way is because pirates love boarding tactics due to how much more fun it is. Ironically, it's not even the best way to sink ships - it's the high-risk, high reward method.

    So why is it not getting nerfs? Is there something im missing here?

    No, because it doesn't need them. Nothing's missing other than your skill and experience at how to counter it. Maybe my responses will help you with that.

  • @galactic-geek said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    @bennythebanana said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    Ironically, it's not even the best way to sink ships - it's the high-risk, high reward method.

    What is the best way to sink ships then? I'm truly curious. I've always thought that boarding was the most effective method.

  • Its damage is per pellet.
    It doesnt need nerfed you just need to stop being a noob leaving yourself open to it.

    Its point blank to kill you.

  • @propheteyes6235 said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    @galactic-geek said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    @bennythebanana said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    Ironically, it's not even the best way to sink ships - it's the high-risk, high reward method.

    What is the best way to sink ships then? I'm truly curious. I've always thought that boarding was the most effective method.

    Ship to ship with smart usage of cursed cannonballs. I've been able to sink 2 galleons on a duo sloop within 5-10 seconds with that strategy.

  • @galactic-geek Excellent tips there. Thanks.

  • @bennythebanana

    Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?

    Because of the feature mentioned at 1:09 in this youtube video on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel.

  • @galactic-geek I play on 100 ping, and thats the least I can even do, theres no way to simply avoid a shot.
    Has your sword dash ever been cancelled by a blunder shot? If it has you would know what im talking about, it glitches out and youre stuck with it equipped and youre unable to attack for a couple of seconds. It does a lot of damage at medium range, an aimed down shot can easily take down more than half your hp. When you go to sink a ship, do you lead them to an island and fight them there? Like 90% of PvP battles are on ships, what are you talking about?
    You also keep saying how you have 20+ ways to deal with every situation, what ways are you talking about?

  • @bennythebanana Yes, the blunderbuss can dish out a lot of damage, but a lot of damage does not mean dead. If your opponent's not dead, it means that they can counter-attack, run away, and/or heal - and in all likelihood, they'll be able to, beyca you will either be reloading or changing weapons. Furthermore, if you don't 1-shot them, you're only making your job harder because the knockback effect ensures that unless you knock them off your boat or into a corner, your next shot will be harder to pull off.

    A lot of combat does take place on your boat, but that only happens if you let them board to begin with. Effective pirate crews would never let that happen.

    I have always said there are 20+ ways of avoiding being 1-shot by the blunderbuss - that's it; don't try and misrepresent what I have said.

  • Blunderbuss is a shotgun basically. Basically you are saying in the world of all shotgun holders and guys with blunders must now load cotton balls into our weapons. This is how silly nerfing a blunderbuss sounds.

    Eye of Reach does maximum damage and longer ranges and pistols do medium to long range damage to an extent.

    I guess I'm loading popcorn ammo from now on.

  • @galactic-geek I use the blundy myself sometimes you know, you cant just lie to my face. "If you dont kill them, they can kill you" is literally PvP in a nutshell, and yes, high damage does mean youre gonna die fast. You keep saying that you will have a "hard time pulling off your next shot" but... Do you even play the game? It is so easy to aim because of how slow your targets move compared to their hitbox. All you need to do to be a good blunderbuss player is run up to a guy, hold down RMB and shoot and you automatically win any fight.
    Look, just saying random things and then just saying "youre not gonna die because its not op" is not making any points, youve said they can "dish out a lot of damage but a lot of damage does not mean dead"... Did you read that before posting it? Thats literally what a lot of damage means. Saying "just dont get into fights with them on ships" is still not making a point, i can just say "if you dont like Sea of Thieves, just have fun playing it!" but that doesnt do anything. You still havent presented a single way of avoiding dying to blunderbusses, give me actual ways next time. Its not like the blunderbuss is a slow heavy weapon either, its the second fastest reload speed and it does a lot of damage. Make an actual point in your next arguement will you?

  • @mad-jack-ketch Sea of Thieves isn't your average fps game, you dont have anything like a submachine gun or an assault rifle to counter shotguns, you just have slow shooting weapons. Plus, there are almost no long distance fights where you cant just use a cannon instead.

  • @bennythebanana said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    @galactic-geek I use the blundy myself sometimes you know, you cant just lie to my face.

    I wasn't lying.

    "If you dont kill them, they can kill you" is literally PvP in a nutshell,

    I was emphasizingthe idea that if they're still alive, they're still a threat.

    and yes, high damage does mean youre gonna die fast.

    Not necessarily. It can mean you MIGHT die faster, but that's only likely, not guaranteed.

    keep saying that you will have a "hard time pulling off your next shot" but... Do you even play the game?

    It is hard to pull off your next shot, because you will either have to reload or switch guns - there's no getting around that.

    It is so easy to aim because of how slow your targets move compared to their hitbox.

    Expert sword users can move faster than you can turn at the highest of sensitivity settings; I have tested this. Furthermore, you turn slower and narrow your field of view while aiming, so good luck with that.

    All you need to do to be a good blunderbuss player is run up to a guy, hold down RMB and shoot and you automatically win any fight.

    Only if they let you do it or don't see you coming; most won't et you get close. Did you know that there's 20+ different ways to avoid being killed by a 1-shot blunderbuss?

    Look, just saying random things and then just saying "youre not gonna die because its not op" is not making any points,

    I have made numerous valid points, and none of it is random. They're directly adressing you and what you've said. Not only that, but they have directly refuted and debunked your claims.

    said they can "dish out a lot of damage but a lot of damage does not mean dead"... Did you read that before posting it? Thats literally what a lot of damage means.

    A lot of damage is not 100% damage - it can be anywhere between 51-99% to be considered a lot.

    Saying "just dont get into fights with them on ships" is still not making a point,

    It is, because it's more effective, faster, and safer.

    i can just say "if you dont like Sea of Thieves, just have fun playing it!" but that doesnt do anything.

    Yes it can - it might make you look at things a bit differently the 2nd time around, particularly if you're the kind of pirate that likes to work and grind.

    You still havent presented a single way of avoiding dying to blunderbusses, give me actual ways next time.

    Read my post history for the 20+ ways of doing exactly that. I'm sure someone will be happy to link to them. I would, certainly (if I could just find it). Do a search yourself, if you'd like.

    Its not like the blunderbuss is a slow heavy weapon either, its the second fastest reload speed and it does a lot of damage.


    Make an actual point in your next arguement will you?

    How'd I do? 😅

  • @BennyTheBanana Found the thread I was referring to:

  • @bennythebanana Double guns are the real issue here. The single blunderbuss is just fine, but when a pirate double shoot it's ridicolous...
    I can tell you they've already fixed this and I dunno why they came back with this solution... it seems that developers like this way, we can't do much about it

  • @ziobasi Just to be clear, there's nothing inherently wrong with double-gunning. It's the double gun EXPLOIT that's always been the issue. Try not to let poor naming conventions confuse others into believing the wrong thing is an issue. If anything, it should have been called the double tap exploit or something similar - that would have been more on the nose.

  • If you want to fight them, simply use a longer range weapon or use sword hops/sword charges. If you block before you sword charge you can move freely while charging it up, making yourself harder to hit. You can also sword hop from side to side to throw off their aim and get them while they're reloading.

  • @galactic-geek "It is hard to pull off your next shot, because you will either have to reload or switch guns" everyone needs to reload, no matter what you do, so how does this suddenly make the blunderbuss hard to play? I am an expert sword user, and anyone with a mouse can turn at whatever speed they want. Maybe on xbox the blunderbuss isnt as much of a problem thanks to this, but on PC it is impossible to avoid a 1 shot by a decent player. Do you ever fight sloops? Anyone can wreck a sloop with a blunderbuss, i even have a clip of a brig not being able to get away from my blunderbuss and not being able to do anything, they jump in the water? I jump after them and just spam the blunderbuss. They stay on the ship? I run after them and just spam it until they die. Blundy vs blundy combat isnt really fun either. I play a lot of PvP and i feel like the blunderbuss is just ruining PvP, as it does the most damage and punishes its users the least, unlike the EoR that has a very long reload time, or the pistol with its relatively low damage and medium range efficiency.

  • @bennythebanana said in Why isnt the blunderbuss being nerfed?:

    @galactic-geek and anyone with a mouse can turn at whatever speed they want.

    Tell that to any PC-based pirate on a cannon...

    but on PC it is impossible to avoid a 1 shot by a decent player.

    Good thing we don't have PC-pnly servers then...

    Do you ever fight sloops?

    Every day.

    Anyone can wreck a sloop with a blunderbuss,

    You can potentially wreck any ship with a blunderbuss because it's a tighter space - it's kind of what it's designed for.

    i even have a clip of a brig not being able to get away from my blunderbuss and not being able to do anything,

    They could do something, they probably just couldn't think of it in the moment - happens even to the best of us.

    they jump in the water? I jump after them and just spam the blunderbuss.

    Anybody with decent health, food, and either a flintlock or EoR would destroy you in this scenario if they simply swim backwards away from you, shoot back, and hit you.

    They stay on the ship? I run after them and just spam it until they die.

    Now you're just making assumptions...

    Blundy vs blundy combat isnt really fun either.

    I agree. That's a matter of who has the better timing and spacing with their shots.

    I play a lot of PvP and i feel like the blunderbuss is just ruining PvP,

    It isn't.

    as it does the most damage and punishes its users the least,

    It only does the most damage in a very specific scenario, and I've already given you 20+ ways that it came be easily punished.

    unlike the EoR that has a very long reload time, or the pistol with its relatively low damage and medium range efficiency.

    Reload of the EoR doesn't matter if you're double-gunning and can hit your mark; the flintlock is easy to use, the most accurate with hipfire, and does not have low damage (defined as 1-49%) - it will still kill in 2 shots, with each taking exactly half of your life.

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