Hunters' Haul Event

  • First off, let me say that my crew ( @JudgedMeteor03 @jpedoto and @GizmosGizmos) and I are loving the new Gold Hauler Figurehead! The only issue we found is that it took our crew of four players around two and a half hours, give or take, of un-interrupted, non-stop fishing to catch 180 Ruby Splashtail. Only to progress in the Hunters Call by barely half a level. This was more than two hours of fishing with no player, skelly ship, megalodon, kraken, or any other kind of interuptions. It got a tad boring and tedious. 250 Doubloons are great and all, but we have thousands of them. We would have happily traded a doubloon reward for a good ol' Double XP event week for the Hunters Call!

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  • They've done xp bonus events in the past. I'm sure we'll see another at some point. But this Hunter's haul event is a new feature that's pretty exciting to wonder whats coming next.

  • i do that solo hes right its to grindy it takes the fun away for just a figurehead but i like the idea of live challenges ,i would prefer bring 250 chests to goldhoarders instead of fishing....was never a big fan of fishing in sot thats why i bought all the level for hunters call;)

  • Crew member of this expedition here.. While the Hunters Haul event may have been ‘grindy’ we finished it in one go, which I doubt was there intention. I had no problem with the time we spent fishing. I have a real problem with the fact I couldn’t even make it from level 38 1/3 to level 39 in Hunters Call. And yes we could have gotten more for cooking all fish. But the extra time that required wasn’t worth it. The xp you get for fishing is abysmal.

  • @jpedoto I suppose it depends on your starting point.
    I got half way last night in total catch and only about 30 Rubies but I went from Level 5 to level 10 in just over 2 hrs on my own. I assume it'll slow down the more I catch.

  • I like that they are doing an event like this and hope to see more of them. It is meant to do over 2 weeks time, with 1 week for each doubloon reward, so you can fish while traveling and make the goal easily. It's not really a grind unless you set out to do it all at once, which is on you not Rare.

    As far as leveling, it is the cheapest most common fish with the least rep. Don't expect a huge jump especially in high levels of the call. Wait until you get near the level 50 mark then you will see a grind.

    Getting doubloons is fine. It may help most pirates. I have 16,000 in doubloons so it doesn't matter that I get them but I will cause, well, I'm a pirate. Im also level 50 in Hunters Call so if they had made it double XP for that it wouldn't have helped me either nor would it have helped others that are max. My point being is that if they continue to do these events I'm sure they will change up what you get so just be patient. Every event is not going to be beneficial in rep or money to every pirate. The only way it's beneficial to all is if it's a reward like the figurehead.

  • Doing this solo would absolutely be miserable. Even having double XP probably wouldn't make it worth it for any crew smaller than 3. @Venomous-Sloth7 I dont think I ever would have finished this if we didn't grind it. There's no way I'd catch 180 splashtail, let alone ruby specifically, let without focusing on it.

  • I feel the XP is fine, and the reward. There are two weeks to complete this optional event, and it is only a grind if players make it one. The original Rep/Gold when the HC first formed was worse, which caused them to bump it up already.

    My wife and I are Legendary Hunters of the Sea of Thieves, so all of the fish are worthless to us aside from the final reward. Heck, so is the gold and doubloons, but we will complete this :)

  • Boring, but payout was worth it.
    2 hours? Whew not bad.

    Maybe come up with a game while your fishing, chat among your crew. Watch a video, play background music.

  • Remember guys. Splashtail gibe the least amount of money and exp. If you want to make some real money on fish go out in storms and fish ship wrecks. Always cook the fish. Gives a big boost to xp and gold. It is a grind. But just have fun with it.

  • If it took a 4 man crew 2 hours I guess me doing this solo will be 8 hours. Welp, at least Merrik is always good company.

  • Who needs to fish? You can do all that work - I'm going to server hop, find someone fishing, and steal 50+ ruby splashtails! MWAHAHA!!! 😈

  • @burnbacon I feel like fishing requires just enough attention that you really can't watch a show or anything at the same time.

  • @boomtownboss Why play solo? There are always people looking for others on the official discord server.

  • @fadingtojosh I'll do open crew every so often but I'm just bad at forming ingame relationships.
    And overall I'm a bad team player as I tend to wonder away from my computer during mid game. So at least when I'm solo I'm not inconveniencing anyone. I just aim the ship away from obstacles, raise the sails a little and let it go!
    That being said I consider my greatest achievements to include sailing my ship across the entire map without even being on it! And doing laps around islands while I'm savaging it.

12 out of 15