Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?

  • Following the new dev update, I think Rare needs to be straight with us in the community about their vision and plans for the game.

    If you design a content update around an easter-egg hunt, then why not wait until it is actually Easter season to do it?

  • 31
  • @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    Following the new dev update, I think Rare needs to be straight with us in the community about their vision and plans for the game.

    If you design a content update around an easter-egg hunt, then why not wait until it is actually Easter season to do it?

    I don't think it is it's just so the pirates of the sea can find there Easter egg

  • @closinghare208
    Thats great... for them.

    So, is this what people have been asking for since the game launched? I've never seen anyone ask for an update like this.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    Thats great... for them.

    So, is this what people have been asking for since the game launched? I've never seen anyone ask for an update like this.

    nope but it's nice to be recognized

  • @closinghare208

    They are recognized with Easter-eggs already in the game. Next week, you can get a commendation for finding them. That doesn't sound fun and exciting.

    This sounds like an update for these people that are immortalized. What about the rest of us in the community?

  • @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:


    They are recognized with Easter-eggs already in the game. Next week, you can get a commendation for pressing F to them. That doesn't sound fun and exciting.

    This sounds like an update for these people that are immortalized. What about the rest of us in the community?

    idk but it's ok I like it you don't have too

  • @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    This sounds like an update for these people that are immortalized. What about the rest of us in the community?

    The wonderful thing is that, with the way it's set up, more can always be added. Do something amazing and see if you can become a part of the lore yourself! 👍

  • The way I see this is to enrich the current lore in the game and to explore it in more depth in the game itself.

    People have to think about these hardcore lore community players too.

  • @galactic-geek

    That doesn't sound wonderful at all. I don't care about that.

    I care about the threads and the time people have been putting in on these forums for nearly 2 years with ideas on a better game and this is what Rare comes out with; something nobody made a thread for (or if they did, then its so low it's negligible versus the things people wish for out of this game).

    This feels like when Blizzard announced Diablo Mobile - asked nobody.

  • This was an easy update that could be put together during the holiday season when they are short staffed. Can't fault them for that.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Maybe you should read the first post. Easter egg hunt should be for Easter season.

  • @lord-szarvas None of this content is easter themed, and you missed the point completely.

  • I am confused - they aren't doing a real easter egg hunt (i don't think)... I think they are referring to easter egg's as hidden elements in the game that not everyone will find. They are called 'easter egg's'. :p

  • I get the feeling from the latest video that there are also other new things coming next week and we will find out more in due course.
    I'm happy with my current tattoos my avi has and don't need doubloons, so I might or might not attempt the hunt.

  • This is a small update because they have been on vacation and they couldn't do much more. At least we have an update that brings at least some content, not like last year that it only removed Xmas decorations and fixed a couple of bugs.

  • As far as i see, the plan they follow is :

    Keep adding stuff no one cares about and pay 0 attention to gamebreaking bugs

  • @galactic-geek said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    This sounds like an update for these people that are immortalized. What about the rest of us in the community?

    The wonderful thing is that, with the way it's set up, more can always be added. Do something amazing and see if you can become a part of the lore yourself! 👍

    Come on now we all know the only people becoming part of the lore now are the big twitch streamers or famous people playing the game or maybe some big fan with a terminal illness

  • i want my poem to be in a book in the game - would be awesome :P

    There twas an old sailor named Bugaboo Bill
    Who roams the sea to this very day still.
    Whether merchants or kings or an old privateer
    The sight of his flag filled the whole world with fear.
    A butcher, a madman, the vilest of swill
    But there’s more to the man… that they call Bugaboo Bill.

    On the flip of this coin we see the kindest of giants
    For child or woman he was always compliant
    Had no need for the old or the scraps of the poor
    For glutton and greed was his only true score.

    Now you can try your luck against the words of this tale
    Fill your hold with cargo and dare to set sail
    But when old Bill’s flag you do happen to see
    You’ll be sorry, you didn’t listen to me~

  • Easter eggs in video games have nothing to do with Easter....
    They are just hidden collectables

  • @darthrevan4003

    I just laughed so hard at your response I started coughing lol thanks 🤣

  • @galactic-geek

    I love the enthusiasm! Maybe one day it could be us! Lol if so id frame it and hang it on my wall lol

  • @tubiansayne IKR!?

  • @lord-szarvas said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:


    That doesn't sound wonderful at all. I don't care about that.

    I care about the threads and the time people have been putting in on these forums for nearly 2 years with ideas on a better game and this is what Rare comes out with; something nobody made a thread for (or if they did, then its so low it's negligible versus the things people wish for out of this game).

    This feels like when Blizzard announced Diablo Mobile - asked nobody.

    Its just a small nice update i dont know what you are expecting from it, its not the anniversary update sometimes there are big updates and part of the monthly update is an incentive to do something.
    We all want more biomes and new sea creatures but its not either this or a "easter egg hunt" we get both so stop complaining.
    And they dont have to add only things that we asked for, they should have the freedom to be creative and they dont need to cater people 24/7.
    They do listen to us most of the time and compared to other devs they are doing remarkable job with caring about the audience, in my opinion most of the time they did a great job but messed up at some points but the overall is good.

    And at what point they havent been clear?
    If you want to see the big updates then you just have to wait im afraid but they dont have to drop each month the "Forsaken Shores" size update it would have been great but not in our reality.

  • I'm not interested in this next update either. Depends on the time limited swag, if any.

    But this does highlight the games development history, and as mentioned, may set up another platform for future use.

    Prior experience tells me this will be probably be more entertaining than I expect.

  • I, for 1, am absolutely excited for this update - it's going to give me so much more to do and things to look for! I've found a lot over the past 2 years while exploring, but I still don't believe that I've found everything, much less understood it even if I did find it. This update will help shed some light on some of that, and even reward me in the process, be very beneficial to newer players, and further reward pirates making a legend of themselves. So, why not?

  • I'm looking forward to this update just to know what the story is behind all those names that are in the game. I've seen a few names pop up in the forum and I love to look for those small things that've been added to it. I do know that there are gonna be people who won't like to go out and find all these easter eggs but it's only fair to the people who made it in the game to get at least their story out to everyone who comes across their easter eggs

  • @lord-szarvas

    While I think this will be a cool update, I strongly feel that there’s a bunch of other stuff that should have come before it. I don’t really understand their order of priorities at this time.

  • @lord-szarvas if it where actual eggs yes, but no...

    Easter eggs are just a name given to recognitions in a game and in this case for actual players that played the game.

    Not all updates are for everybody and not all ideas posted are easy or at all possible to implement.

    You might not like this content update but guess what you have to wait no more then a month for the next one.

    And whilst not specifically asking for this content alot of posts can be found which ask for an enrichment and growth of lore available in the actual game... and guess what, WE are the lore of this game, WE the ones who did weird stuff during alphas, betas and in retail, defeating the OG meg naked with a chicken on board for instance.

    Thats the thing what rare has always been saying WE as a community, We the players are sea of thieves.

    Yes they are immortalized, which can happen to any and all of us btw, and we are going to be tasked by Umbra to find these immortalisations so that they can be charted and all that

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Is this an out of season Easter-egg joke?:

    i want my poem to be in a book in the game - would be awesome :P

    There twas an old sailor named Bugaboo Bill
    Who roams the sea to this very day still.
    Whether merchants or kings or an old privateer
    The sight of his flag filled the whole world with fear.
    A butcher, a madman, the vilest of swill
    But there’s more to the man… that they call Bugaboo Bill.

    On the flip of this coin we see the kindest of giants
    For child or woman he was always compliant
    Had no need for the old or the scraps of the poor
    For glutton and greed was his only true score.

    Now you can try your luck against the words of this tale
    Fill your hold with cargo and dare to set sail
    But when old Bill’s flag you do happen to see
    You’ll be sorry, you didn’t listen to me~

    well I want my skelly ether to be hanging on a gallows or on a shipwreck

  • @callmebackdraft

    You and others act as if I don't know the difference between a game easter-egg and an actual easter-egg from the holidays. I guess you don't appreciate the irony and throwback to the Blizzard red-shirt guy and his question. Maybe that went over your head.

    Anyways, its funny that when me or others come on here to give feedback on what Rare is doing with the game you always fall back on the monthly update (oh just wait for the next one - arguement). Which is really sad because many updates ago, people have been dissatisfied.

    Although you have a point about the community being highlighted, that's not why most of us play the game. We don't play it just to be famous within the game. We play with our friends and have fun making adventures. But, with that, requires for things to do in the game, which many of us that have been critical have already set out some good ideas to see it better.

    And, I have seen easter eggs but I don't really know anything about them. Ive seen one-in-a-million shots/clips from the game all over Youtube/Reddit, but quickly those memories are forgotten and I moved on. It was fun to see it at the time, but I don't sit back and wonder about something someone did in Alpha/Beta. Again, this update is 'good for those already immortalized' as I see it.

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