What's your hottest take in Sea of Thieves?

  • I constantly see suggestions for changes and fixes to the game for a variety of different supposed problems, many of which I don't see as problems. For example, to me, dedicated PVE servers seem silly because it'll further divide the player base. All the grinders will go to those servers while pvpers will just fight with each other for no loot. To me, at its core I believe SoT is a PVP game.

    But, that's besides the point. My point is I find it really interesting that there is such a vast number of view points and perspectives in Sea of Thieves and I want to hear your most controversial opinions, what you think is the most important aspect of SoT to change, and why.

    Personally I believe working on increasing the server size, while a lot of work, would be a great way to increase player interaction. Following that, I'd love to see more varied combat mechanics, and after that I'd enjoy more interesting and dynamic quests with more interesting reward structures.

    What do you think the SoT needs? What kind of changes would you like implemented by this time next year? What kind of game do you think SoT is?

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  • @redheadedmut

    I think a thing that the Sea of Thieves could use is a new event, mimicking how the strongholds used to be. Some kind of massive stronghold, with a few hours between each spawn, and a massive payoff should you complete the event itself and fend off those who want it for themselves.
    Several suggestions for similar events have been suggested, such as a revamp of Molten Sands Fortress, or my personal one, being a skeleton infested region. An area with many strongholds, both functional and not, and it's own lore behind it, though I won't go into that fully here. Dominating this region is a large island, fortified like all others in the region, boasting towers, walls, trenches, a ring of offshore rocks and small volcanoes around it covered in more fortifications, skeleton ships surrounding the island, and a central tower twice the height of the normal sized one near it. Activation suggestions for it have ranged from random spawning, similar to normal strongholds and fleets, to completing a more difficult fleet and a more difficult stronghold (the ones in the region) and taking the skulls from both to awaken the main one, alighting the volcanoes around it and sending a fleet of skeleton ships to defend as well, by docking to and disembarking onto the island, circling the island and firing on anything else on or around it, and simply stopping nearby it and acting as another form of offshore defence.
    An arena mode could even be made out of this, where two teams are made: One which prepares ships, cannons, minefields, and anything else they can get around the stronghold itself, while the other arranges itself into a fleet attempting to siege the island and take what it guards, which could be a protected 'captain', an item of some kind, a destructible symbol such as a keg, or even just killing everyone on the team. Depending on how the match can be ended, a life system may need to be implemented, though whether it is pooled for all players or individual for players, or perhaps for crews, could easily change.

  • @ultmateragnarok The idea of another difficult region with better loot spawns akin to the Devil's roar does sound compelling, in fact I'd even go as far as to say that I find that idea far more fun than the Devil's Roar. It would be interesting to have a new high risk area for players to gather.

  • @redheadedmut super mario maker mode where we the players use the game tools in place design new game regions and game modes.

    This way Rare doesn't have to worry about new game modes as we will come up with it. They can concentrate on adventure mode more and lead us more into the story.

    I would really like a sea battle royale. Ship goes down and your finished. Players can respawning as long as they have their ship, and it includes all ship types. Have to stop at islands to resupply.
    Or a gun shooting range set up with gun powder barrels at different distances.
    Silly games that don't take too much time and are just fun to play within the game structure.

  • @redheadedmut
    My most controversial opinion is that tall tales should have checkpoints & voyage comms should be based off of maps completrd(with a x5 multiplier of course) instead of voyages, so people with less time can still get those things in adventure.

  • Creator crew spam is making it impossible to read the forums, and the mark as read doesn't work to get rid of it all. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    I liked being able to click all unread and finding interesting topics.

  • @pithyrumble Glad it's just me. Should really be a way to filter that out.

  • You should be able to shoot your mermaid with the penalty being that they won't appear again until you die.

  • You should be able to put away held tools/weapons while a radial menu is open.

  • @redheadedmut I'd like to see more cosmetics delivered in more interesting ways. I loved gradually unlocking a new cosmetic as I made my way through the faction ranks and kind of miss that approach so would love if there was a system that tied them to commendations - would love to unlock a fancy new compass for sailing 1000 miles with the Gold Horders, for instance.

    As it stands, you pretty much just make a lot of money and then buy whatever you want without there actually being a meaning behind the items. I guess I'd just like a little more bragging rights for completing in game challenges.

8 out of 10