Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions)

  • @zaannox pirated didn't pirate to pirate they pirate for that ya know gold. If a ship has nothing that pirate is not gonna waste life money to attack a ship with nothing for them to gain.

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @zaannox pirated didn't pirate to pirate they pirate for that ya know gold. If a ship has nothing that pirate is not gonna waste life money to attack a ship with nothing for them to gain.

    You forget that pirates also sunk and killed for sinking and killing's sake. People were "sailing their waters" and so they sunk em. Marking their territory persay. So no, you're wrong.

  • @zaannox we left there water they waited at the island they knew we were going for a whole hour doing nothing how is that fun lol

  • @way-to-go-champ Pirates steal things. You can be a green-hat pirate (adventure, find things, and sell things), or you can be a black-hat pirate (sail around looking for people who find things, steal them, and sell them).
    If you're a green-hat pirate, you gotta play a lot more carefully, not blame the black-hat pirates for the way they play.
    Blue-hat pirates sulk and drink grog. Maybe try that in the future- but also, be careful otherwise a black-hat pirate might kill you for that sweet Kraken tankard! #BeMorePirate

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @zaannox we left there water they waited at the island they knew we were going for a whole hour doing nothing how is that fun lol

    Did they sink your ship and take a valuable item from you? If yes, then they win; and waiting for that moment to happen is fun to them. Same mentality as people who tuck on a ship or in a fort for hours; wait for people to finish and then sink their ship. Playing patiently and waiting for the right moment to strike is fun!

  • @zaannox

    Nope, they didn't take any item. They were simply greifing, simply trying to prevent us from completing a tall tale and they got clowned at the first island when they tried to prevent us from even starting it so they sailed to the end and waited out of bitter spite, got sunk, and killed a few times each only with pc you cant keep them on the ferry for more than 30 sec while our guy who passed in killing 2 of theirs was gone well over a minute so after their ship is sunk its still 3 on 2 and we handled 2 of em but the 3rd managed to keg us while we were STILL waiting for one of our guys to come back.

    They got outplayed and lucked into a kamakaze no ship/no loot Pyrrhic victory, but its not like it was about that, it was just about greifing.

  • @natiredgals Sounds like a cool story to me. Not a story about griefing. Unless these guys were throwing slanders around and insults; this is just the type of things that makes SoT so much fun to play. Maybe if you looked at it in that light; you wouldn't want "Special protection" while on a Tall Tale.

  • @zaannox said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals Sounds like a cool story to me. Not a story about griefing. Unless these guys were throwing slanders around and insults; this is just the type of things that makes SoT so much fun to play. Maybe if you looked at it in that light; you wouldn't want "Special protection" while on a Tall Tale.

    Nah, Standing nothing to gain from it, they wasted my time. that was their goal to ruin my experience if there was something in it for them that would be one thing, instead they were just dicks, who got outplayed twice and because they were playing for nothing with nothing to lose, and benefited by the way that black screens for Xbox players get about 2x as long any time theres a PC guy in the vicinity, they lucked into wasting our time. Nothing fun about it. And as I've told others purposely ruining peoples tall tale experiences is pretty disrespectful to the work the devs put into it.

    Dont put words in my mouth, I never asked for special protection. I would rather not have it, I'd rather SoT's community be better and not grief for the sake of it, which is all that camping tall tales is.

  • I play this game as a fishing/merchant crew and sink most who come my way. That being said anyone so pathetic to attack me while fishing or stuck in ink for my 3000 ancient chest is just an idiot. These are the same pirate legends who wont even help there new friend cause "it's not enough money" while they sink empty ships and spawn camp people until they quit the game. After play the cursed rogue 10 time and only completing 3 all of my new friends coming to the game or coming back have quit due to people sinking us for 0 profits. That's what I call the worst pirate ever. Honestly that's not even piracy it's just evil greed wanting to make people suffer. I actually enjoy a good scrap with a skilled pirate and full hull but this isn't that

  • @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

  • This is beyond real. And it’s not just tales. I just signed in three separate times just to be fortnited.
    I don’t understand these people who just want to kill and grief anyone. I had nothing on me literally just signed in three separate times to be griefed off the game. It’s terrible that this many members of society are so entertained by being complete lowlifes... if you’re not getting anything from it and it’s 3 on one is it really necessary to sink me anyway ... for each and everyone of you who act like this, you are below me. I will make you chase me all over the map and sign out if you ever catch me. Go have your fun somewhere else. You’re toxic and I grief griefers not reward them ....

  • @sircaptainobvio said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower I often am - but a galleon with kegs camping a spot means you either leave the server and hope to get one without, losing progress, or die against them, losing progress.
    I've baited people into chasing me across the map, killed their entire crew and sunk them. I've been the "better player" - but the game is very lenient on you if you're NOT doing a tall tale, and if you sink once doing it, you lose all your progress.

    Also, how about you don't say horrible ignorant TOXIC stuff on a public forum?

    Sir, or ma'am, please quote what I said that you feel was toxic because I have no idea.

    Edit: if you think my simple suggestion of just being a better player is horrible and toxic then I would just say that you probably haven't visited many gaming forums

  • @nabberwar said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):


    People who are only trying to complete the new quests aren't taking anything away from your pirate game. We have nothing of value on board. If you really want some ships to endlessly pirate I suggest cruising the eastern half of the map. Plenty of players have completed the tall tales and do go back to digging up valuable loot.

    What is being complained about is that many are only griefing the players who are trying to enjoy the new content.

    Everything you just said has zero connection to what I just said. Your arguing things I never even said.

    You mean he's strawmanning you? :D

  • @killer-rick964 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

    Experience is profit

  • @natiredgals did you ever consider that crew was simply doing the same tale as you and just wanted to get you out of the way? Just for the record, tale 6 starts at plunder valley...the second stage is at plunder valley...the third stage can be plunder valley or discovery ridge...the fourth is always sailor's bounty...then you go to mermaids hideaway. Sounds like they were doing the same thing you were..you've gotta at least agree there's a good chance they were? I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, instead of assuming the worse. But, to each their own.

  • @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @killer-rick964 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

    Experience is profit

    oh yea the wicked useful experience of attacking players busy doing pve... I'm sure its very valuable experience for a real dread pirate roberts like yourself.

  • @bkj-seven

    Yea we considered that on approach, they were there before us and we approached the other side of the island, they actually ran barrels across the whole island trying to prevent us from even landing. Failing to sink us, they tried to keep us from starting the quest by sailing around and attacking us. at any point if they were just trying to do the quest they could have but thats what we actually did, was land a dude, fight on while he got the spyglass and left. Knowing where we were going to end up they sailed there and waited. They weren't at the island itself, but near enough to see. Futher, msgs rcv'd by them made it clear that they were just griefing.

  • @natiredgals yup.

    Edit: I would never attack someone who i believed was on a tall tale but i won't necessarily fault those that do

  • @natiredgals fair enough. It just kinda sounded like they maybe were doing the same thing as you guys. I've encountered this a lot on tall tales. My friends and I don't take chances these days though. We just sink whoever is where we need to be, finish our mission and move on. May seem a bit harsh but I blame those who betrayed alliances with us a few times over. We don't trust anyone anymore. This play style is a lot more fun for us as well. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about, having fun.

    So, for those who run into us, don't take it personal :p

  • @bkj-seven said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals fair enough. It just kinda sounded like they maybe were doing the same thing as you guys. I've encountered this a lot on tall tales. My friends and I don't take chances these days though. We just sink whoever is where we need to be, finish our mission and move on. May seem a bit harsh but I blame those who betrayed alliances with us a few times over. We don't trust anyone anymore. This play style is a lot more fun for us as well. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about, having fun.

    So, for those who run into us, don't take it personal :p

    Never trust a pirate :)

  • @bkj-seven said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals fair enough. It just kinda sounded like they maybe were doing the same thing as you guys. I've encountered this a lot on tall tales. My friends and I don't take chances these days though. We just sink whoever is where we need to be, finish our mission and move on. May seem a bit harsh but I blame those who betrayed alliances with us a few times over. We don't trust anyone anymore. This play style is a lot more fun for us as well. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about, having fun.

    So, for those who run into us, don't take it personal :p

    I wouldn't if it were anything other than what it plainly was. Trust me, i communicated with them their whole goal was to mess up peoples experience doing the tall tale and drive them from the server.

  • @natiredgals yea I don't agree with that, I'm with you. I'm all for pvp but purposely trying to ruin the game for others is low down. These sound like the kinda guys my friends and I would enjoy sinking. Sorry you had that experience but just know, not all us pvpers are like that, in fact, most aren't. Glad you bested them. 👍

  • @way-to-go-champ If it takes you two hours to do a tall tale solo you should probably be playing open crew. The game comes with risks!

  • @natiredgals yeah. I finished playing them all 5 times, but I was attacked twice. I was doing the Stars of a Thief and was attacked by three French people on a brig. I barely succeeded in taking them down, but it was annoying nevertheless as I was having to speed run it to get it done before I had to leave the house. For some reason it is always the French that have it out for me. I was also at the Shores of Gold once, and luckily I had completed it, but as I left through the waterfall I saw a brig right there and sprinted to my ship. Luckily they hadn't spotted it yet and I quickly raised the anchor, but two of them boarded me and they were of course both toxic Athenas 10 losers. They of course attacked even though I was trying to be friendly. I don't know how but I killed them both and was able to escape. It is definitely annoying that there are toxic people out there with literally the only goal of ruining other people's experiences. This does need to be fixed. Maybe a PVE server specifically for Tall Tales? They could just make it so you can't do any other quests or sell things to factions.

  • To be honest the only solution I'd accept is there being some kind of back-up checkpoint system for players who lost the critical quest items after they reach certain stages of the quest.

    Like say for example you get the totem piece to unlock a puzzle room, but on the way to the right island you get sunk (be it by players, AI, etc...) - instead of being forced to go back to the very start of the quest you can instead go to the nearest Mysterious Stranger, who will then drop / give the items you've lost to you allowing you to keep on with the quest.

    This system would serve to be beneficial to multiple players - for the Tall Tale victims it'd give them a way out of having to start the quest over and over again, and for players NOT doing the Tall Tales it'll change absolutely nothing because chances are they're looking just for someone to sink or whatever actually valuable loot you have on you rather than your Tall Tale items.

  • @way-to-go-champ Killing players in a PIRATE GAME is not toxic at all its very anmoying but they can do that.
    Saying its toxic just overshadows real toxic beheviors.

  • @faceyourdemon

    Ah, the good old PIRATES in caps argument, lol.

  • @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sircaptainobvio why not just be a better player?

    Why not just be a better person?

  • @natiredgals ahh Yes that one argument that you cant fight against. Hate that one......

  • @faceyourdemon said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals ahh Yes that one argument that you cant fight against. Hate that one......

    I don't have to fight it. I'm a Pirate too. I sink ships for fun/profit. I bought the game knowing its a pirate game. We all did, which makes the whole "uh its A PIRATE GAME HELLO" argument pretty derpy.

    Thing is, you can be a pirate and still have a brain when it comes to pvp and still respect the dev's work and refrain from putting your own jollies in front of taking a dump on other peoples experience for no gain.

  • @natiredgals I totally agree with how uncool is to deliberately sabotage someone's tall tale but some people are pirates for the thrill and chaos and that is welcome to Sea of Thieves.
    one thing that they should do is a tiny check point if you lost an item you can get one more chance to get it, you lose it again its game over.
    Again those people are horrible but thats part of life and they are welcome too.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals I totally agree with how uncool is to deliberately sabotage someone's tall tale but some people are pirates for the thrill and chaos and that is welcome to Sea of Thieves.
    one thing that they should do is a tiny check point if you lost an item you can get one more chance to get it, you lose it again its game over.
    Again those people are horrible but thats part of life and they are welcome too.

    Indeed, all are welcome. And all are allowed to play however they want/can within the pirate code and terms of service and the like. I just generally hold myself to a higher standard, fully understanding nobody else HAS to and that not everyone will. I just like pointing out its an option for everyone too.

  • @natiredgals Just give it time it wont last for long and like in the past people have found ways to communicate white flag if you are friendly, bilge rat flag is when you are doing a mission and raising your cannons and making sure you lanterns are on to prove that you wont do anything.
    Over the time we got through the madness and we shall overcome this time aswell.

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sircaptainobvio why not just be a better player?

    Why not just be a better person?

    I’m quite happy with my situation. You are not. Who needs to change?

  • @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sircaptainobvio why not just be a better player?

    Why not just be a better person?

    I’m quite happy with my situation. You are not. Who needs to change?

    You can be happy and wrong at the same time, lol.

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