DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method

  • @zormis
    I can agree with most of what you said, but guns right now are the worst weapons in the game from my POV.

    In the first place blundere will not always kill from close range, usually sword will win if it is not a one tap. Even though it is usefull in the upper deck if you use it to boop people off the ship.

    Moreover in longer distances the sword can travel really fast thanks to the jump-charging mechanic and even though you manage to hit a shot, if the sword gets you is gg because cc won't let you go.

    Tbf, we can agree they both have its uses in certain situations but that the sword cc is a bit overtuned and makes the sword better in situations it should be on a disadvantge.

  • @vorondil1
    Sure, if he lets me know it is OP but doesn't really have an experience of getting outplayed in a situation where he should have the upper hand with the sword, the comment doesn't really have a basis. So i assumed hes got outplayed in some situations by guns when he should've won. This bother him apparently and he wrote that "remider of civility" (i don't really know another way of calling it XD) and took it personal... which i don't really quite understand yet.

  • @skyrush-bro

    You do not know what you are talking about. Your assumptions are totally wrong. I do not hate guns if that even matters. I use them a lot if that matters. No need for anymore more discussion.

    Your reply totally applies to what I said at the end of my post. Thank you for further illustrating this typical behavior from many here on the forums. Thanks again for making it so personal. Hope it makes you happy. At least you are not attacking something else.

  • @skyrush-bro If you're stuck close quarters the sword is superior, especially if you're fighting multiples. But in open area or on a galleon it's not (unless you get cornered).
    Another example, fought another PL10 on an island Sat, he only used his sword I only used my pistol, I just kept running and jumping out of his way and fired at him, 2 shots, he was dead. The only time I got hurt was the first initial surprise attack he did from behind.

    Not saying the sword fighting couldn't be fine tuned but in my experience it's not OP. It's something rather hard for me to test and judge as people skill levels varies.

    The nice thing about this game is we are all on equal grounds in the meta, it's factors like skill, input device and latency that factors the winner in most 1 on 1, the skill factor being the greatest factor.

  • @skyrush-bro aye. Since it would be impolite for @x-Crowheart-x to brag, I'll do it for him - he is an excellent PvP-er with little experience losing. That gives him more credence, not less, in voicing an opinion that a particular meta is overpowered and inappropriate. Don't know why his skill and ability to overcome even the disadvantage of having enemies double-tap suddenly makes his opinion invalid. You're making a lot of assumptions here with no evidence.

    This feels to me like another example of finding any excuse to dismiss someone's opinion, whether it's related to their opinion or not.

  • @vorondil1
    The only thing i asummed is that he's got outplayed by guns in certain situations where he should've had the upper hand, which justifies why he would've said guns are broken (limit of guns, broken from board, etc..) . He dissmised it and said he haven't been outplayed by them, so i thought "ok, then why are you stating they are OP if they haven't caused you any issues?" and made it personal and then there was no more to argue as there wasn't really an argumment.

    If you haven't even experienced being "unfairly" killed in a situation you should've won and base your agumment on it, by saying you encounter people with double gun pretty often... then, whats the point? People use it sometimes so it should be nerfed?

  • @zormis
    Don't remember saying the sword is compeltely OP tho, but i apologise if i did. The sword is a bit overtuned, but i don't mean is Game Breaking, what i mean is that there is certain situations that shouldn't happen, but that are possible thanks to the sword being a bit too strong in the meta.

  • @skyrush-bro gotcha, makes a bit more sense. I got the wrong impression that you were trying to say he just needed to get better, then he would realize double-tapping is actually fine. My mistake for misunderstanding you, sorry!

    As for my own opinion, I haven't seen too many people using it again, but a few. My disagreement with it is basically just that it's a de facto one-hit kill. Even the sword has the delay after 3 swipes, so that it's not quite game over when you get caught in close quarters by a sword -- though you have to be skilled to capitalize on the delay. Blunderbuss is irritatingly difficult and inconsistent to get a one-shot. But a double-tap, with the barest of delays for the sprint-switch, is essentially the only way to get a one-hit kill at long range or close-ish range. Which I think makes it an unfair combo. So that's my logic for why I disagree with it, all of which is in excess to the devs just flat-out stating that they consider it an "exploit."

    So that's how I came to my anti-double-tapping opinion. Any of that make sense to you, or do you disagree (happy to hear if so)?

  • @vorondil1
    Thank for understanding, still im spanish and my english is a bit scuffed so i apologise for any inconvenience.

    I talked before in this post about it with another person, i think that what is broken is the hitbox from the characters. Double shot has a huge punish for missing and it doesn't require that much of a good aim because every character has the same box, nvm if he is fat or slim, meaning that you can hit the air sometimes and still manage to hit... i personally get impressed sometimes when i hit a shot like that. If the hitbox was reduced and the players with good aim had the chance to show off their good aim by actually clicking on the player, the game would be far more balanced from my pov as we would be in a skill meta.

    What are your thoughts about it? :)

  • @skyrush-bro hm well I like the idea of making double-tapping require serious skill, such that it deserves to be rewarded with a kill. But the difficulty increase would have to apply only to the double-tap -- I don't want it to get harder to use my flintlock by itself as a side effect! But that's definitely on the right track!

  • @vorondil1
    Also as a csgo/ow hitscan player i find a lack of settings in order to make my shots more accurate. For example sensitivy calculators from different sites give different values when trasnfearing my sens making it so much harder to get use to a new sense, would be nice if rare implemented a EDPI calculator in their game of at least say the multiplier.

    Furthermore, the game is not that well optimized meaning input lag from weapons it a serioues thing, having over 10 ms latency can be a huge difference in some cases. Moreover i have a 1G connection, having avg 20 ping on other games while in sot the avg is 90 which adds more latency to the shots.

    What i mean by this is that unless they really improve that, hitboxes will have to be that big in order to make it playable. But at the same time in order to improve it they will need more players, lets hope the anniversary update attracts more people.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method:

    Yep starting to see guns everywhere again being used in similar manner as before. Probably will always be a problem as long as it is possible for two guns to be carried at the same time. Even encountering players again yelling to use guns and not swords. Rare needs to bite the bullet and just limit to one gun unless they want this to continue and go back to drawing more of the wrong element back on to the sea.

    Agree with this 100%. Double Gunning should not be the meta. Cutlasses are a Pirate classic and I should not feel disadvantaged because I'm using one.

    I had to double gun to compete with the double gun back when it was prevalent. Although I was successful, I hated it. I wanted to use my cutlass so badly, but I would be subject to dying at a distance.

    Ranged combat might be cool for Call of Duty or something, but we're not playing a shooter here folks. We're playing a Pirate game, and pirates use cutlasses.

  • @skyrush-bro

    Stop talking talking about me, making false assumptions about me, and saying things that I did not say and you do not know anything about. I am sure you understand English enough from your convertions here to Stop!

  • @vorondil1 said in DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method:

    @skyrush-bro gotcha, makes a bit more sense.

    It does not make any sense as he was wrong.

    I got tshe wrong impression that you were trying to say he just needed to get better

    Exactly what he was doing.

  • @x-crowheart-x aye...I jumped on the opportunity for common ground...whatever he was saying earlier (which was certainly out of line), I was glad to exchange a few more civil words with him after, as an example of how conversations on the forums should actually go -- point and counterpoint, a compromise here and there, and whether or not they agree, both parties understanding the other's position. I do disagree with his position (I think double-tapping is OP and shouldn't be allowed in any form), but I was glad to hear his logic once he stopped the personal attacks.

  • @x-crowheart-x I never use two guns (except for fighting megs/kracken) and I personally don't believe that they should force people to use a sword.

  • @vorondil1
    Still, the conversation was pretty good, appreciate it.

  • Haven’t read the comments yet, but my suggestion is to force all players to use the sword, plus their choice of a gun. This would end the double shot.

  • @bullet-pr00f-xx the sword is more broken then double gun atm...

  • @skyrush-bro absolutely! I've actually never heard anyone give a reasonable argument in defense of double-tapping, so that was interesting to hear. I agree that skill (ie, good aim) should be rewarded, but I just don't like double-tapping. Would you feel a bit more satisfied if they added locational damage? Such that a very difficult head-shot got you an instant kill? That would be a way to reward real skill without nerfing weapons, and making the skill bar high enough that only really exceptional players would manage it consistently.

  • @bullet-pr00f-xx only because it's bugged atm.

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