Save the game

  • Hello All,
    can you write me, how I can Save the game? I can´t find this option in this game. I have too much place on my X box.

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  • What exactly do you mean by "save" the game? It is installed at the main storage you chose in the xbox config setup. Beneath that, the game does safe your rewards and gold status online, but not the game itself. It allways starts at an outpost.

  • Hi Michel,
    thank you for your answer. I thought, that I save the game and I´ll start next time from the place, where I left the game. So I´ll ever start at an outpost. I didn´t know it.
    Thank you for your help :-)

  • @zdenek-ungr You got it. Whether you last had 100,000 cannonballs or not, you always have a clean, new start. That ensures equal opportunities. Everybody starts every day on the same level as everybody else.

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