Guilds: My Thoughts, Ideas and Suggestions

  • Hey Everyone, ive been thinking for a while now what could be added to the game that can help bring multiple of friends together, working towards the same goals even though they cant be on the same server due to how the matching making works for fair game play.
    So i thought that a guild system that unites there efforts all under one name/ roof or ship :D

    1. one idea is being able to have your own custom guild name.
    2. Guild Missions - this bringing multiple friends together working towards a bigger goal, all contributing to multiple achievements that unlock cool items for the guild.
    3. Guild Vs Guild in Arena, Game mode that allows guilds to settle there issues on whose the best pirates out there. (Some Kind of Rewards could be given for the winners or some kind of item that could be shown on the info about there guild to show there wins and defeats).
    4. Guild Menu - obviously for, invites but to be able to check on progress and other info that could be necessary.
    5. Guild player banners / Cape, an item of clothing that the guild leader can purchase and customise for the guild out of many different options to make a unique logo for the guild.
    6. Guild Ship Flags - like the banner idea but for ships to represent the guild before a battle has even started.

    please let me know what you all think of this idea.

    looking forward to reading your comments.

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