Character rerolling after pets being added.

  • Since smugglers fortune released me and my friends have been wondering if you will keep your pets or other stuff you bought with real money. I know that you lose every other type of cosmetic thing, even the duke stuff but you do keep the mixer rewards and what not that you redeem on your account. I can see that my purchases for coins shows up but anything i bought in game with those coins are not under my orders, which leads me to believe that i will lose everything if i reroll. And if thats the case then that needs to be changed so that you do keep everything fromt he emporium.

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  • @capitan-pitbull
    I believe mtxes are account locked,so rerolling won't make you lose them.

  • @blazedrake100 I reckon so too, but a maybe isnt a good enough answer.

  • Ahoy @capitan-pitbull,

    Pets are indeed account bound so you will not lose them if you reroll your character.

    I hope this helps!

  • @marrl Than you so much for your response! I appreciate it man.

  • @marrl That's a good answer for pets, but what about other cosmetic rewards, like from Twitch streams, codes, etc.?

  • @capitan-pitbull Mike Chapman said they will be adding the option to re-roll your pirate and still keep your items.

  • @galactic-geek You keep that stuff as it is account bound. Anything that you get from watching a stream or redeeming a code on your microsoft account is kept. Ive restarted multiple times and i still have my spartan ship, obsidian items etc. etc.

  • @fatallywound3d Yeah thats been comfirmed for over a year now and i cant be bothered waiting that long.

  • @fatallywound3d a dit dans Character rerolling after pets being added. :

    @capitan-pitbull Mike Chapman said they will be adding the option to re-roll your pirate and still keep your items.

    I all for that but.... that great feature should be put in emporium, so people don't change every day the character and would be like a aesthetic surgery all at your cost. Like 5 bucks for a little surgery (nose or mouth or teeth or eyes), 10 for medium one (complete face or body change) and 20 for a total rework... Because I don't want Rare spend time, ressources and money on that feature a lot of people will probably never use, like me, so those who want that feature should assume the cost and "sponsor" that feature! It would be smarter and more fair than selling overpriced nice ship skins and emotes in emporium.

    Plus, it can bring more life to the outposts and Arena's tavern area by adding an emporium surgery house/shop....

  • @rod-runner-67
    Agree with that! It should be a shop, much like the emporium...

    alt text

  • I talked about this well over a year ago - essentially separating the vanity items from the clothing shop and into a shop of its own, along with other expanded features.

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