Ship customization

  • The customization that is currently available for the ships is nice. Pick which ship you'll sail in. Pick what to put on your ship in the customization bix for your ship, Then sail. But have you ever felt like it's a bit restricted after a while? No real way to change anything on your ship after that. Everything from the look of the hull, to the ladder, placement of barrels, the map, and the other things that could be changeable, are frozen in place. Now am I saying we should just be able to pick it up and put it in our spot of choosing? No because i easily see a stacking competition taking over the seas. But the ship should have some adjustability to make it feel more unique.

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  • They worked hard to balance the boats perfectly. Everyhing on the ships were placed there for a reason. If u got to move stuff around it would throw the balance off.
    Another problem is in open crews, players will move everything around in purpose. Who gets to decide what moves?

  • @wolf11712

    Moving the placement is a tall order, but the idea of sprucing up other areas of the ship is certainly appealing. A fancy border for the map table, a Bilge Rat or Order of Souls themed cabin and lanterns. That kinda thing.

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