New Meg balance

  • It's way to easy to kill megalodons now. One or two holes per bite?? And small????
    My 6 year old can solo a megalodon.
    And the rewards???? Omg... A red and green gem, plus other items.
    Making it way to easy. If there is no challenge, then who cares about the glory

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  • @lawnpaul while we are on the topic why is the kraken so easy? Yes I know solo players complain, but if you have two people on a sloop it is the easiest encounter the game has to offer.

  • @lawnpaul it was manageable solo as well, just not if you are not good at the game. They don't need everything in the game to be super hard, but designing everything for the worst players is a quick way to ruin your game.

  • @william-flint exactly. I still miss the days when forts were scary because of the cannon fire when approaching!

  • Totally agree. Everything is so easy now. Its pathetic

  • It tends to become boring.

  • Haven't PVE community been asking for easy mode all the time? Why aren't they happy now that everything is easy.

    RARE made PVE easy so PVErs can hoard tons of treasures, so when PVP happens they don't cry so much about losing it because they can easily replace it. At the same time PVPers can get more action and good loot since PVErs gonna care less and carry more of it now.

    The change invigorates the game's dynamics.

    I'm quite happy that PVE is easier, I never really wanted to bother with it anyway so if I can get a quick 3-4 pieces of mega meat before going for PVP I'm happy.

  • @lawnpaul I was recently on a galleon and the meg we fought was super aggressive and went in for a bite every 15 seconds and put in multiple large holes. The meg even instantly killed one of our crew at full hp in one bite. We quickly got to mid deck water from the fight. I think some mega are just easy and some are much harder. Also depending on your ship type. But that fight was the hardest meg I've ever fought besides the original.

  • @starquest that makes me happy to hear.
    How about your feelings on the kraken? I solo'ed one last night, and was sad at how easy. only need to take out 2 tentacles (sloop), and it's done.
    We should be deathly afraid of that thing. It's a damn monster!

  • @lawnpaul The kraken is pretty easy if you know the mechanics. I still see many people who dont know how it works and to them it seems hard.

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