Gunpowder barrel fights

  • Since we've got that spectacular event most of the players are sailing with reaper's mark flag and few GP barrels on the board.
    There is a reason to use GP in sea fight but please.. there is nothing special when you are going to ram us with GP in your hands.

    My crew will always wait till you blow up yourself with that barrel, patch holes and start to sink you like we did with many ships yesterday.
    Please use some maneuvers to outplay us, just try. There are really many ways to engage fights in Sea Of Thieves that are more effective than swimming under our ship with barrel or ram us.. or what's even worse engage with anchor turn :D
    There are video tutorials on youtube How to PvP so go there and watch them because 90% of the fights are boring.
    We managed to sink 2 ships yesterday who engaged us on a fort when one of our crewmember was afk.

    I want to meet really experienced pirates who know how to protect yourself and engage in the battle.

    Also reaper's mark flag.. I know that you are sailing with it because there is questline for it but for gods sake.. BE A PIRATE.. do not runaway like a chicken when you see other ship.. you're sailing with REAPER'S MARK -> the flag for PvP..

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  • But it's my play style. Try and catch me! 😁🧜‍♀️

  • @pithyrumble hehehe.. pretty crazy that you took the path of losing a fight.

  • @avecrux

    Running a reaper flag doenst mean u have to engage on sight.
    Maybe i run so u chase me. If u chase wrong i can easily board u. Even sink u. Even running is part of a tactic.

    Maybe i run towards an enviroment area which will give me the upper hand. U never know why a ship is "running" away.

    Also maybe im just solo on my ship. U want me to be that sitting duck while u roll in with your full galleon crew?

    Nah i rather "run" to get to a position i get the upperhand.

    Tactics and strats is what makes a good battle. Not just head to head.

    One more edit: U state there are many ways to engage in battle. But as u read my comment the "running away" is one way of the many ways to engage in battle. But than u say dont run away. What do u want? It so contradicting.

  • @weakdexx i do not mention exactly solo sailors because we meet few yesterday and we are leaving them alone when they aren't aggresive to US. I am talking more about brig 3man/galleon 4man crews which we met yesterday. For me sailing with reaper Mark is an invite to fight.

    Sea fight is sea fight. There aren't any UP and downs while you are on the sea. It's Just crew vs crew. Running away for 10 minutes (max Time for chase which Our crew detrmined as right) isn't any tactic for me

  • @avecrux

    Well i solo brigs. When u see my brig how do u know its 3 man crewed?

    And altho its not a battle it appear to be a pr0 tactic. U stopped chasing and they got out, still a float, still got their loot. It is just not in your favor. Not your tactic but appereantly it is someone elses.

    Pirates will always react diffrently and thats the charm of the seas to me :)

  • @weakdexx this isn't russian war tactic when they were running away the villages were burned by them so attackers cannot resupply. It's just sailing away without any engage to fight so naming that "fight tactic" isn't right.

  • @avecrux

    Its gonna be a back and forth of our diffrent views and that is oke to me :)

    U gave up the chase maybe if u engaged for longer they got to a point to make a stand-off u never know because u stopped chasing.

    Maybe they tried to board but failed hard and u never even noticed them failing at it.

    Maybe they run and dropped kegs of their ship. In such a bad way u didnt need to divert route or even noticed there be kegs in the water.

    Still could be a "fight tactic" just one which went unnoticed.

    As it seems we have a diffrent point of view on this matter. Like i said thats oke.

    I will "run away" from this back and fort and not engage in discussion battle more than i have done :)

    I wish u luck on your ongoing adventures! Hope we can meet on the seas to battle it out :D

    Small edit: The flag is not a PvP flag per definition. Its a flag that shows u on the map. Maybe u want others to find u so u can alliance up.

  • The thing is, if we're carrying one or more mega-kegs, the wisest move is to avoid battle if possible. There's no safe place to put them. We could use one to try to blow up your ship, but that's a costly tactic. Sometimes running is a sound strategy. Running also takes control of the battle, so if/when we fight, it's on our own terms. It's chess, not dodgeball.

  • Well if you are hauling lets say 20plus GPBs plus 2 of the bigger ones on a sloop, you and your ship are instakilled if any cannonball hit you from the side. (You cant really store them in the mast anymore, and not at the bow as there they are easily seen and sniped away.)

    SO the only tactical thing to do in a sloop is to flee, as the backside is the only protected part of the ship. The gallon has more spots to hide the GPBs, and you need to pretty much fire along the ship to find them (you hear the big kabooom when you do).

    As a sidenote... many gallons were actually fleeing from our sloop yesterday.. i guess they were hauling GPBs and did not feel safe. :)

  • @genuine-heather @Ghostfire1981 it is, but high risk = high reward. we were engaging with over 60 barrels on our ship and managed to stay alive. That's just matter of how to engage without being destroyed by 1 bullet. Cursed cannonballs solved that problem for us.

    When we are fighting with risk we are more accurate, more focused on our tasks than when we've got nothing on board.

  • @avecrux

    " high risk = high reward"
    A normal barrel is worth 120-180gold... and if you have millions in gold, even the big GPBs are not really worth anything except for getting you to the achievement. :)

    Naah, we are going to stealthily get all the GPB things (achievements) done, and then we can start hunting every one... accuracy doesnt really matter when your prey is hauling explosives. ;)

  • The Reaper's Mark is for PvP!? 😱

    I thought it was for making friends! 😘

    Do you get what I'm saying, @avecrux ? 🤔🙄

  • @galactic-geek We've been using the Reapers mark as a means to form fleets on a single server. It requires a group all queuing ships at the same time, and using the Reapers mark to designate your position. If no one is on your server, just rinse and repeat.

  • Clearly someone hasnt engaged The Brethren of the Coast yet....

  • @avecrux not when I run away. I don't lose if you can't catch me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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