Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes

  • Can we sell MM after the event for commendation or they need to be grind out before it ends?

  • Guys i have some questions about the new Black Powder Stashes quest.... so... What I understand is that u need to pay doublons to do the quest, but what's the purpose of the quest... Bring some TnT to some npc? Cuz my questions are, Is there a special TNT that we have to get to deliver, cuz if it is, what if it gets destroyed? I have to pay again for getting the quest? Or does it get cancelled by something else? What if I just run out of doublons and cant buy again the mision... I just dont understand how it works...
    Can someone explain it to me?
    Thanks maaates!

    Spread the curse in the seaaaas!

  • @nukdar They are standard/Stronghold barrels, you're just able to turn them in to any of the factions for your reward. If you choose not to turn in any, that's up to you - you will still get credit for completing the voyage as long as you get all of the Xs.

    However, there are still commendations for giving 20 barrels to each of the factions. So if you dig them up and choose not to deliver them you will not get credit toward these commendations. You can still use found barrels for this even though.

    Hope that helps!

  • @nukdar
    Reaper's Run voyages are just like regular voyages, completion relies on simply digging the items not actually turning them in. So hypothetically as long as you dig every mark on your maps, the voyage gets completed even if they all go boom before turning in.

  • @badrobott @Nabberwar ooh I got the normal barrels deliver, I was mroe asking into the reapers one... So as long as u dig up all the "special" barrels of the REAPER ones... that just counts for the quest? even if it blows up?
    Thanks for ur responses! I was afraid to fail the quest!

  • Pretty solid update, though I was hoping the Bilge Rats would move away from simple redoing voyages for their commendations. Other than that, the hatches pique my interest; Are they helpful in scenarios other than sniper duels?

  • @nukdar
    I have yet to do this run, but if its like any of the past ones you will recieve map/s with X's to mark digging. Most likely some will be regular Kegs, while a few will most likely be Mega-kegs. As long as every X is dug as well as every chapter of the voyage, if any, you will complete the voyage.

    The only chance of failing the Voyage is if you quit mid voyage. Otherwise, you will most likely be forced to purchase it again.

  • @gutterangel your guess would be wrong. There was only one person on our shop and our sails stayed up there's no way he smuggled 80 planks out. It's a bug

  • @xcalypt0x yeah I killed myself twice. Once by gunpowder barrel, once by shark. Even tried catching the mermaid back to see if it would help. Only thing that fixed it for me was a full game restart. 6 hours latet, same server, my brother then got hit with the bug. Stripped him naked and unequipped his things as well. He had to restart his game too. It was frustrating because I spent an hour gathering those supplies. XD. RIP time.

  • Gladly turning in Fort Barrels for Athena rep but sad that GPB only net the normal 125g for a turn in. I thought the companies would be paying the amount for merchant quests for these across the board so that players would farm them. Not worth picking them up at all. If they were all worth 1k then most ships would be carrying them and it would be a blast! (pun intended)

    Also missed opportunity with the harpoons. Now that pooning a keg detonates them you can no longer quickly load (or steal from a potential bomber, skelly or otherwise)
    I tihnk this would have made for very interesting gameplay.

  • who wanted to close the windows on a sloop and brigs???

    That seems to be a pointless bit. Also why nerf Devil's Roar and take EoR skellies off of island spawns? I'm a bad player and all but these were unnecessary. Not too fond of mermaid gems being findable loot now. I took a great deal of pride knowing I've soloed red statues repeatedly enough to have the commendations from the first wave and almost enough for the hunters' call. Hope they go back to statues only after this event.

    grumble grumble

  • @pithyrumble Don't let your pride cause innovation to suffer.

  • Repeated from another thread for effect, along with a few relatively minor edits here and there:

    I played for over 12 hours straight, completing all 4 smuggler runs and the 1st reaper run of the west. We allied with 4 other ships on the server, and all was good...

    ...until it wasn't. Midway through the reaper run, and with 800+ cannonballs on our brigantine, we were attacked by a sloop.

    The fact that they attacked doesn't bother me. We expected this, and were ready for it. What does bother me is the manner in how it occurred.

    They sailed by, not firing a shot. We watched them from the boat, the fort, and from under water (I was on the boat). Despite this, they managed to board us without ever making a sound. There was no splash as they climbed the ladder. We fought back valiantly, but they consistently disappeared and reappeared, sword-dodged while holding guns, recovered instantly from sword-charges that missed, 1-shot us every time even as we hit them with the sword, stunned us with every hit, and they survived 2 straight shots from a flintlock with no health items in between as well as 5 sword-slashes without ever dying, all in quick succession. Also, despite being in front of us, we never saw any names or titles, so we can't even report them or see what platform they were on.

    To make matters even worse, an allied brig was at the same fort, and despite a call for help, they did nothing. When I questioned our allies about it later, they told me 2 of their crew were AFK and that they didn't want to risk it because they couldn't do anything anyways. This made me livid, because coward or no, I genuinely believe a distraction would've been all we needed to win. Still, in the end we lost all 800+ cannonballs without ever firing a shot, as well as everything else. We lost 20+ GPBs and at least 1 SGPB.

    I've been playing since the alpha and have never lost to such BS. Yes, BS. Being outplayed is 1 thing - but so many impossible things happened.

    Thank God I got my figurehead and finished the 1st Reaper Run...

    I got messages from all of our other allies later, all also in brigs. They were also sunk by this dastardly duo at various points in time.

    To put it simply, there is a LOT wrong with this game's on-foot combat since the changes that fixed the double gun exploit (that was a good thing BTW), which changed far more than what was actually needed, and for the worse, despite the fact that it mostly fixed the DGE.

    Don't get me wrong - I love this update. The new accessibility settings, digging up worms, opening and closing windows, etc. are all great additions to the game.

    My favorite is the tap to pickup accessibility setting - it makes things so much easier! ...except for when you're switching weapons at the back of your boat to shoot a meg only to accidentally drop your rowboat. I kid you not, we lost at least 6 rowboats because of this.

    I can't wait until we can open and close doors on the galleon in much the same way we can now close the windows on the sloop and brig. Speaking of which, did anyone else notice the latch and sliding grooves at the top of the brigantine stairs? I think we might soon have a way to open and close it! 😁

    I also learned a few things today despite my extensive experience. I learned:

    • how to use a single barrel at the end of a harpoon on a sloop or brig to quickly pick up supplies from floating barrels.
    • how to quickly harpoon turn 180° by pointing the harpoon backwards and down in shallow water near islands.
    • how to identify your ship from other similar allied ships using the white outline (which I had never noticed before).

    All in all a good 35th birthday that left a sour taste in my mouth close to the end, but I digress. I got to blow out my candles, and my were they explosive. 😊

  • @galactic-geek
    Dont let it bring you down on your birthday.
    I have run into those same cheats a couple times lately. Seems like its time for Rare to drop the hammer on some fools again.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes:

    Please bring back the EoR Skellies :(

    No, No, Just No, NOOOOOOOO!

  • @galactic-geek That stinks but I will say I am kind of happy they got you... alliance with 4 ships on the gunpowder voyages? That is cheap and no way to enjoy the game. Blow someone up next time!

  • @mentimjojo said in Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes:

    @archangel-timmy said in Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes:

    Please bring back the EoR Skellies :(

    No, No, Just No, NOOOOOOOO!

    They weren't that difficult for us, but we never reallt had them spawn more than 2 at a time. If it is a numbers thing, then they need only to tone them down, not remove them.

  • @lewisjf95 said in Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes:

    Since the update a few hours ago, do we know if mermaid statues still spawn?! I’ve been playing around an hour and I’ve seen the washed up mermaid gems but not any statues?! I need to destroy 1 last red one 😭

    Can confirm, they are still there. Actually found more statues last night than just gems laying around.

  • @archangel-timmy yeah I found them in the end! Yeah I found the statues and gems to be equal to be honest! I think it should be like that though! I like the spawn rate

  • So since this is the first monthly update does that also mean we have four weeks to earn the time limited items?

  • Did anyone say why they removed the HUD toggle keybind from the interface options? I rather liked being able to take cool screenshots without my health bar or players' names cluttering the scnee.

  • I thought they where bring the other ships to the arena????

  • Hi,
    THX so mush
    I play at thisgame but my internet connection it's not very good.

    2h after finish soon and alone my quest Athena. Reboot of my Internetbox. I lost everything What the f... !!!!! It's very stupid like this. juste because 10 seconde have not internet i lost 2h of adventure. F.... it....
    You don't imagine how i m hungry after that

  • Hey @dennisdear said in Release Notes Discussion 2.0.5 - Black Powder Stashes:

    Will y’all ever release pc and Xbox options to play diffrent?

  • So i did the west Reaper Voyage 3 times.
    My biggest issue is that the skellys that spawn are just regular skellys..... i can kill all 4 in three swings by just taking a step back....

    Next time please have these spawn as one of the different types of skellys so it may be a little more of a challenge.

  • 'Ranged & Melee Weapon Hit Detection – In areas of intense movement simulation, players may experience firing shots or striking a target that subsequently do not cause damage to their target. Scenarios of ship to ship and water combat are the most affected.'

    Rare, you do realize the hit registration issue occurs on islands and when the ship is sitting still shooting at skellies on islands and shooting at stationary ships from a fort tower. it isn't only ship to ship and water combat.

  • I like that we now have to look all over the map to find a fort; other islands are easy to find after a year+ of play.

    I don't like that a lot of things got nerfed; e.g EoR skellies didn't need to go.

  • I don't know if others have mentioned this yet, but I am loving the new setting 'Reduce Held Interactions'. My only issue with it is that it might be too easy for a crew with these settings to accidentally cancel a voyage; can this be tweaked to help avoid this? I also like the new 'Sticky Radial Items' setting.

  • Do you guys know how much time this update will be on? Like 3 week, 2 weeks?

  • @nwo-azcrack

    I'm doing the West and East one by one each but yesterday, I did the West with the Reaper flag (as usual) and when I did the East one it didn't count as Reaper flag.. =\

  • Enjoying the update thus far, not really much too add that hasn't already been said.

    … except the update is called 'Black powder stashes' and there isn't a single event moustache cosmetic in sight. Missed a trick there.

  • The changes to the Accessibility options which allow me to click rather than hold down the button is a godsend for those of us with hands that ache and may not have the dexterity they used to. Well done and thank you.

  • None of my crew are getting The commendations regardless of how many voyages or barrels we hand in what’s the deal with that???

    Pointless playing if there’s no reward at all

  • @j0k3rs-r3v3nge I got no money or rep for turning at seapost. Get the icon saying what I've turned in and that's it.

  • @j0k3rs-r3v3nge @Bullitt-115 there is an issue in rare's end. It should be resolved soon

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