A Plague of Sloops and Other Joykillers

  • Recently, players have taken to crewing the highly maneuverable sloops and simply depositing a crewmate in the water near a ship, whether at port, anchorage or even on the move.

    This is particularly frustrating for smaller crews, especially other sloops and brigantines, because the player will simply kill you, then remain on your ship and repeatedly kill you as you spawn.

    This happens fairly frequently, and makes combat with other players less than enjoyable. Not only that, but it poisons interaction with other players, especially when your ship is docked at an outpost and someone slips a gunpowder barrel aboard, which for some reason can sink a ship in under a minute. There have been times where I have simply spawned in mere moments before, and can’t leave the tavern without being murdered endlessly, having yet to even see my ship after logging on.

    My suggestions are as follows: Provide a short period of damage immunity when respawning. (A blunderbuss kills you instantly, so you have no time to react as it is now.)

    Secondly, make outposts non-combat zones, or at least provide them with some sort of defense on behalf of the companies. (It only makes sense that they would not want trouble when doing business. Perhaps they can have guards or cannons to shoot at aggressors. Maybe even patrol ships.)

    Finally, allow a bounty to be placed on enemy players, marking them on the map for all to see. (The bounty could come from your own funds, and be rather spendy or have some other penalty to avoid abuse.)

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  • First off, it shouldn't take 1 minute for a ship to sink. If you can keep them from repairing with a well-placed gunpowder barrel explosion, it should sink in less than 30 seconds, if that.

    Secondly, all of your suggestions are bad ideas that have been discussed to death here on the forums.

    Immunity was actually tested in the arena and found to not work effectively in terms of game balance. If you're having trouble dealing with spawn-campers, spawn in with your crew at the same time, so you have a potential numbers advantage. If you're solo, and can't get around them upon spawn, then scuttle to prevent them from stealing your supplies. If you have loot and that's what they're after, place them in hard to get/hard to spot areas of your ship, to help buy you time while respawning.

    Safe zones of any kind can be abused by campers and doesn't prevent players from stealing loot.

    Bounty systems over-complicate things and can also be abused. For example, someone fires upon you, but purposefully misses, convincing you to fire back and hit them first, allowing them to place a bounty on you for everyone on the server to take advantage of. Also, you can technically already do this due to the sandbox nature of the game - simply offer an alliance member some additional loot to hunt another crew that wronged you, along with their description and last known location.

  • I was just gonna say OP must be new here...

  • @inboardgolf1560
    Sloops have always been the most favored ship. Nothing new is happeneing.
    Sounds like you gotta listen for those ladders pay more attention to mermaids.

    @Galactic-Geek covered all the reasons why your ideas are bad. So no need for me to repeat.

    Lastly if you just loaded the game and got killed, it was very bad luck.
    I see players say this from time to time so it happens, but not often.

    I have never once been spawned with another player at an outpost. Not once.

  • I seem to have struck a nerve. I did not mean to upset anyone with my suggestions, but it is foolish to think that because you have not experienced something yourself that it is not a problem.

    Additionally, instead of just listing why you believe something won’t work, I would appreciate some constructive suggestions. As I said, the bounty system would have limitations. Perhaps the offending player must have killed you a number of times in quick succession, as is often the case with griefers who have no intention of destroying or looting.

    Furthermore, it says in the code that disputes are to be settled on the high seas, and while I have no problem with islands being fare game for good players and annoying wretches alike, (the chosen language is of course intended to stir the net-rage of those who I know will not be providing anything useful,) I still think finding a way to make the outposts non-combat zones, or reduced damage zones at least.

    If something does not work initially, tweaking it and experimenting is better than discarding the thought altogether. After all, sone players on console want to have a fun and perilous adventure, but don’t want to have to deal with PC players with Quake FOV insta-killing them with a blunder buss, and the silly sloop tactics take away from the fun of a good sea-battle.

  • @inboardgolf1560

    Apart from being ambushed right after logging in, the rest is solvable by simply minding your boat. Situational awareness. Head on a swivel. Thar be pirates about.

    No bounties, no immunity necessary.

  • @inboardgolf1560
    Theres really not any suggestions to be made here.
    The outposts were never meant to be safe.
    This was done on purpose. I suggest watching the old dev vids so they can explain. Loot is not yours until its turned in.

    Bounties have been discused hundreds of times. There will always be a way to abuse a bounty or karma system.

    As for your complaint about sloops, every ship has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Lastly the devs are working on a crossplay opt out, so u will get to play with only xbox.

  • @inboardgolf1560 said in A Plague of Sloops and Other Joykillers:

    Recently, players have taken to crewing the highly maneuverable sloops and simply depositing a crewmate in the water near a ship, whether at port, anchorage or even on the move.

    You begin with a false premise, as so many of these posts do. There's nothing "recent" about this tactic, and it has nothing to do with sloops. People have been pulling this move since the beginning of the game, in all kinds of ships. Experienced players see the move coming a mile away.

    This is particularly frustrating for smaller crews, especially other sloops and brigantines, because the player will simply kill you, then remain on your ship and repeatedly kill you as you spawn.

    Again, nothing new here. At worst, it's a one-on-one situation. Totally fair. At best you're talking about a three-to-one advantage. If you lose with those odds, I'm sorry but you don't need some artificial game mechanics to help. You just need more practice.

    This happens fairly frequently, and makes combat with other players less than enjoyable. Not only that, but it poisons interaction with other players, especially when your ship is docked at an outpost and someone slips a gunpowder barrel aboard, which for some reason can sink a ship in under a minute.

    If you don't see it coming, you've already failed. This isn't criticism, it's advice. The gunpowder play is pretty cheesy, I'll grant you that. But it's usually preventable if you're diligent and aware of your surroundings. When you see a sloop pass nearby, you can bet someone is already swimming to your ship, with or without a keg of gunpowder. Get your eye of reach and jump into the water. When you see them coming, blast them. If they don't have a keg, grab a blunderbuss and guard your ladders. It's easy to one-shot a boarder.

    There have been times where I have simply spawned in mere moments before, and can’t leave the tavern without being murdered endlessly, having yet to even see my ship after logging on.

    This is very rare. In over a year of playing, it's only happened to me a handful of times. When it happens, just leave the game and try again. It's pointless to press the battle. Just change servers and be done with it.

    My suggestions are as follows: Provide a short period of damage immunity when respawning. (A blunderbuss kills you instantly, so you have no time to react as it is now.)

    I believe they tested this at one time and found it to be too unbalancing. They have, however, made certain tweaks over time to give you more of a fighting chance. It's not too bad now. When you are spawn camped by a whole crew, it's very hard to turn the battle around and regain control of your ship. But one person is still a pretty fair fight. You spawn in with full health and ammo. I know it's frustrating but don't give up too quick. Think of it as PvP practice. If you get too frustrated with the situation, just concede the battle scuttle. You can't win them all.

    Secondly, make outposts non-combat zones, or at least provide them with some sort of defense on behalf of the companies. (It only makes sense that they would not want trouble when doing business. Perhaps they can have guards or cannons to shoot at aggressors. Maybe even patrol ships.)

    I used to be an advocate for safe outposts, but I've come to realize what others told me at the time. It would be too limiting and would prevent all kinds of really interesting and fun scenarios. Some great battles have been fought at outposts. Besides, if you make outposts "safe" then you open the door to even worse forms of abuse. Imagine getting jumped just outside the "safe area". You try to chase down your attackers, but they immediately enter the safety zone, completely immune from your attempts to avenge yourself and recover your loot. Someone could even sail your own ship into the safe area and sell your loot. It's just not a viable option in Sea of Thieves.

    Finally, allow a bounty to be placed on enemy players, marking them on the map for all to see. (The bounty could come from your own funds, and be rather spendy or have some other penalty to avoid abuse.)

    Bounties could be abused and would punish people for playing the game as intended. It's an idea that's been tossed around a lot but it doesn't hold water. There are all kinds of situations where killing and sinking other players is necessary. PvP hunters wouldn't be bothered at all by this, so it would mainly hurt people like me who aren't necessarily PvP focused, but will rise to the occasion when called for. I don't want a bounty on my head just for being a pirate in a pirate game. Besides, it wouldn't fit with the lore of the game. The Sea of Thieves is a world without laws, where everyone you see is a pirate, fortune hunter, and/or scoundrel. Who would be placing these "bounties" exactly? Nobody would dare, nor should they.

    So hopefully you can see that while your frustration is understandable, none of your ideas are unique nor are they needed in Sea of Thieves. This is an awesome world of high adventure, where anything can happen. PvP is a big part of the excitement, whether you choose to seek it or not. I'm sorry to be yet another "git gud" person, but there it is. The game does take some practice. But please believe me, it's worth the time. Every time you get ganked in the game, you learn something and get better. Stick with it and one day you'll find you're no longer one to be trifled with. There's no better feeling than turning the tables on some scurvy scoundrel who thinks you'll be easy pickin's.

    Best of luck!

  • @nwo-azcrack said in [A Plague of Sloops and Other Joykillers]

    I have never once been spawned with another player at an outpost. Not once.

    It's really rare. I've been on both sides. One time I spawned into the tavern and was instantly killed. Apparently they saw my ship pop up, ran to the tavern and started slashing me before I even finished loading in. I was outraged and complained bitterly about it on the forums. :) But others (like now) informed me it was a rare occurrence, so I let it go. It's never happened again.

    Another time I was busy unloading a big haul from a rowboat to an outpost when I saw a ship spawn in. Normally I don't bother fresh spawns, but I was at the end of my session and didn't want the hassle, so I kegged their ship and killed them. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for camping an outpost.

  • @genuine-heather
    Im not sure what Rare can do to fix this issue. The spawns work pretty well for the most part. I feel bad for OP, but i really hope he understands how rare this occurs.

    I had a friend over one day that wanted to sail solo. I watched him log in and someone was sittin at the tavern havin a beer.
    The guy offered a cheers and was pretty cool. Said he had been waitin for an hour for someone to spawn in and have a grog with.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in A Plague of Sloops and Other Joykillers:

    Im not sure what Rare can do to fix this issue. The spawns work pretty well for the most part. I feel bad for OP, but i really hope he understands how rare this occurs.

    I had a friend over one day that wanted to sail solo. I watched him log in and someone was sittin at the tavern havin a beer.
    The guy offered a cheers and was pretty cool. Said he had been waitin for an hour for someone to spawn in and have a grog with.

    I've had stuff like that happen too, recently in fact. I'd just spawned in with a brigantine, awaiting the rest of my crew, when a sloop suddenly rolled up. They turned out to be friendly, so I let them unload while I continued supplying my ship. When my crew arrived, we all had a few grogs and shanties before we parted ways. It was a fun way to start a session.

    You just never know what to expect from this game. That's a big part of the brilliance of Sea of Thieves!

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