Rare fish/HC rank correlation?

  • Is there a correlation anyone's seen between your rank with the Hunter's Call and the likelihood of landing a rare fish? In the past week I managed to net my first Shadow Stormfish, Muddy Wildsplash and Bone Ancientscale, as well as a piece of garbage. All of this has been since I hit reputation level 23 with HC. I seem to recall the other trading companies had similar progression/reward trees.

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  • @doctorfork I am not sure that this is a thing..because I know a lot of people on the forums have been posting about this saying that it should be a thing..higher level you get..the higher the chance is of getting rare fish..but I think you may just be getting lucky! :D

  • At level 50, your chances of seeing the Shrouded Ghost improve too???

  • @nathanuserectus said in Rare fish/HC rank correlation?:

    @doctorfork I am not sure that this is a thing..because I know a lot of people on the forums have been posting about this saying that it should be a thing..higher level you get..the higher the chance is of getting rare fish..but I think you may just be getting lucky! :D

    Could be! Maybe I think there's also some server specific variables that come into play. I get the general impression that some servers have certain spawns be more common. (Last night I found 3 ruby mermaid statues-the first time in over 2 weeks that I'd even seen one)

  • @surveyorpete

    I sure hope so! (Perhaps there's a secret progress tied to killing other flavors of meg, tho?)

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