Flipping my Sloop and still being able to sail

  • While sailing in SoT, I was going to Galleon's grave to sell a skull, i hit anchor right before hitting the dock, and whooooosshhhhhh i flew off my boat and it was upside down. While upside down the ship was fully functioning, yet it was all upside down, my pal and I raised the anchor and it sailed away, upside down. The boat sailed for a solid 10 minutes before it sunk, but that was the greatest time I have ever had on SoT.
    If you want game clips of the even, go to these gamertags
    Mike K 9711

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  • @tmrealsy I've seen this a few times, but it was always a dc... You guys were able to keep playing?

    I'd love to be attacked by an upsidedown ship!

  • Never had one flip over, but have definitely had them float away on me once or twice.

    This one was right before a disconnect, though. You can see that the barrels are starting to glitch as well.

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