Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode

  • The Big Picture

    The best thing for everyone who enjoys playing the SoT is if Rare continue to produce quality updates and free events to keep the game fresh and fun for many years to come. And the best (and possibly only) way of insuring this happens is to “grow” the player base. In other words, attract as many new players to the game as possible.

    To this end Rare has to demonstrate its value to its owner, Xbox Games Studios. Perhaps surprisingly to many, Xbox Games Studios doesn’t really care if the SoT is any good as a game or whether Rare makes money or not (although this is obviously preferable to the alternative). Microsoft’s interest in the SoT goes only as far as to how much it helps promote their main goal… gaining a larger portion of the World Gaming Market. More specifically, increasing the amount of Xbox consoles sold. For example, Rare recently attempted this when they released Arena Mode which was aimed at a certain market segment (Target Audience) where Xbox’s competitors are currently doing quite well. The more potential Xbox Games Studios sees in Rare increasing their market share the longer they will continue to promote, support and finance Rare.

    Put simply, more new players means more SoT.

    So how would PvE mode help achieve this?

    There is a definite interest in a PvE Mode. It is the most requested feature on almost every SoT forum (with PC/Xbox discussions a distant second). It also targets the exact market that is essential to the longevity of SoT. New players. A PvE game mode is specifically attractive to three groups of players/buyers. Parents of small children, starting players (Noobs) and hardcore PvE-ers (players looking for a less aggressive form of entertainment). 

It is debatable what percentage of the Market these three Groups make up in total. What is not debatable is that they represent a potential source of new players. One that Rare would do well to cater to.

    SoT is a beautiful cartoon-like game with many simple and fun mechanics. With the introduction of Tall Tales it lends itself even more to adventure/exploration. Exactly the type of things that appeal to these target audiences.

    But a PvE-mode will ruin my enjoyment of this game!

    Unless you are the type of person that enjoys picking on little kids, inexperienced helpless players trying to learn the game and people that really, really just want to be left in peace, then no. A PvE Mode will not affect your experience whatsoever. In fact, it’s more likely to improve it.

    There will still be a 6 ship max on the server in Adventure Mode. As long as there are a few hundred people online playing at any time any change to your actual “in-game” experience would be negligible.

    In fact, it may actually improve that experience. At least if you play in a Random Crew. Gone will be most of the Random Anchor Dropping Noobs and Microphone Screeching little kids babbling nonsense. Gone will be the crew mate who just wants to sail around looking at things and avoid other players. The quality of the average random pirate in Adventure Mode will actually increase on average. Making your game experience all the more satisfying.

    And if the player count has dropped so low that there aren’t enough players to make up a full server then the SoT is finished either way. PvE-only or not.

    PvE Mode players don’t deserve the rewards

    Not true. For game balance PvE Mode should reward less gold and reputation for exactly the same reason that you earn more in the Devil’s Roar. Adding the risk of Volcanoes ups the ante, taking away the threat of PvP lowers it. But those are just two of the challenges that players face. There are still many challenges, Megalodons, The Kraken, Skeletons in various forms, Storms, Rocks to name some.

    Then there is the fact that you have to actually go out and find/dig/slash your way to your goal and return to sell the loot. So yes, PvE mode players still "earn" their rewards. The rewards should be a bit less because it's just a bit easier. Like the DR is a bit harder.

    Nothing you do in SoT has any real intrinsic value in life or to you as a person. There is no accomplishment in this game that you should invest more than a fleeting sense of pride in. You aren’t actually learning to sail or fish or shoot a cannon you know? Apart from it’s escapism and relaxation SoT (and all computer games) are a hollow nothing (Unless you work in this industry in which case it is your profession).

    If you invested that time learning a new language, taking sailing lessons or practicing to pick locks you would be improving yourself as person and be justified in taking pride in your achievements. Who cares how another player gets their Sea Dog Jacket? What does it matter? If that is actually important to you then you need to take a long look at yourself in the mirror.

    It goes against Rare’s Original Core Concept?

    So what? Rare have never made any secret that SoT was a game in development. Things change, as do concepts. Look at Arena Mode. They needed to do something to appeal to a larger market segment. What other potential markets are still out there to be explored, I wonder?

    At the end of the day the more players the better for all of us. Players leave so new players are needed to maintain a healthy player base. Exploring new markets is essential to this goal. PvE-ers are a potential market.

    If you don't like a PvE mode simply don't play it. Same goes for Arena or Adventure modes. Problem solved. “What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander”.

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  • @viperishemu2992 why every day comes a new thread about this? Even when Rare already said, there won't ever be any kind of PvE/private/offline server...

  • @schwammlgott Read the thread and the "why" will be self evident.

  • Arena is pve race mode no time to fight just dig avoid combat and deliver xD

    Adventure is pvp pirate hunt you game :p

    A pve adventure and a pirate fleetbattle arena would be nice indeed :")

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @schwammlgott Read the thread and the "why" will be self evident.

    Too long, no, thank you...read so many of these "suggestions" that I'm getting sick of it...
    Pure PvE would be against Rare's vision of the game...yes, they said every ship is another crew and now we have skellie ships...ok, they made compromises, but an offline or pure PvE is COMPLETLY against the whole idea of this game...
    What would you do, if you made a game and someone wants it to be changed in a way that goes completely against your idea of it? Will you change it?

  • @schwammlgott

    Yeah sure if its a big market put in the extra mode and sell it?

  • @ruigtand-nl "It's not about the gold, it's about the glory"

  • @ruigtand-nl maybe ask that again, when a Sea of Thieves 2 comes out...

  • @schwammlgott

    Dont get me wrong i actually like the excitement from pvp and like arena fleetbattles but my guess reading all pve posts is its a interesting market to make a solo or pve mode somehow

  • @ruigtand-nl like I said...maybe when a SoT2 comes out...or whatever it's called then...probably "Sea of I wanna play alone" ;p

  • @schwammlgott said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @viperishemu2992 sagte in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @schwammlgott Read the thread and the "why" will be self evident.

    Too long, no, thank you...read so many of these "suggestions" that I'm getting sick of it...
    Pure PvE would be against Rare's vision of the game...yes, they said every ship is another crew and now we have skellie ships...ok, they made compromises, but an offline or pure PvE is COMPLETLY against the whole idea of this game...
    What would you do, if you made a game and someone wants it to be changed in a way that goes completely against your idea of it? Will you change it?

    If you didn't read the article then commenting on it is pretty ignorant. Do you also sign documents that you don't read first? Not smart.

    Since taking the time to inform yourself on a topic is too much of a challenge for you I can't really do much more than to sum the whole argument up into bit-sized chunks that you can process.

    More new players good for the game.

  • @viperishemu2992 dijo en Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @schwammlgott Read the thread and the "why" will be self evident.

    Everyone can reinforce an st@#d premise with fallacies

    If you don't like a PvE mode simply don't play it. Same goes for Arena or Adventure modes. Problem solved. “What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander”.

    If YOU ALL don't like Sea of Thieves in the way was conceived and sold (PvPvE), don't play it. Problem solved.

    PD: no, in a PvE only mode, players don't deserve the rewards because there's no risk, at all. Maybe is difficult for you, but the PvE of this game is nearly a joke.

  • Well although I understand your thought progress.
    I dont know how many groups there are. saw something about 8 or 9

    There are few to none games, that can appeal to all gaming groups, an to try to make a game or several gamemode that are succesfull.

    Now we have 2 gamemode, Fun yes, but not perfect.
    an to just make a 3-4 gamemode to try pulling more players in, then the changes for making a bad game increase.

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:


    Dont get me wrong i actually like the excitement from pvp and like arena fleetbattles but my guess reading all pve posts is its a interesting market to make a solo or pve mode somehow

    Ah you get it. But you are Dutch like me so you would.

  • @amancebacabras It's not to difficult for me I solo-ed to PL10 a long time ago.

    It's about "growing" the player base to enhance the game for everyone. 1 mode, now 2 modes, why not 3.

  • @viperishemu2992 dijo en Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @amancebacabras It's not to difficult for me I solo-ed to PL10 a long time ago.

    It's about "growing" the player base to enhance the game for everyone. 1 mode, now 2 modes, why not 3.

    It's been explained too much times, but lets go again... people think that a PvE mode don't harm the player base and can only bring new players. That's roundly not true, and I'm not even talking about the fact that players that PLAY alone do nearly nothing for the health of a multiplayer game, I'm talking about the fact that we live in a world where the new generations (specially the "snowflake" one) don't want to work hard to improve, only want to receive things. And when you let them do a lot of less work for the same reward, they are not going to chose the hard way only for self-achievements, they're going to use the shortcuts.

    When you start to let them at "safe spaces" and you treat them like candy teddy bears, they enjoy the treatment, of course, but for a while. And after some time, they get bored, because this game have actually nothing to offer without the thrill of other players stealing your loot (and a "PL10 since long ago" should understand that, without enemy players, this is about boring grind only).

  • @ViperishEmu2992 Every one of these points have been discussed and refuted by many of us countless times before. There is not a single new perspective in this post that has not been addressed in multiple mega threads. Even the same tropes (“if you don’t agree then you must like to punch toddlers”).

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ruigtand-nl said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:


    Dont get me wrong i actually like the excitement from pvp and like arena fleetbattles but my guess reading all pve posts is its a interesting market to make a solo or pve mode somehow

    Ah you get it. But you are Dutch like me so you would.

    Ik ben er og. Groetjes uit Keulen :-)

  • @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ViperishEmu2992 Every one of these points have been discussed and refuted by many of us countless times before. There is not a single new perspective in this post that has not been addressed in multiple mega threads. Even the same tropes (“if you don’t agree then you must like to punch toddlers”).

    Then refute them. Or provide me with facts that suggest that a PvE mode would hurt the player count. Because at the end of the day that is all that really matters. We all benefit from a larger player count and suffer from a smaller one. Any step that increases player count is good for everyone.

  • @viperishemu2992

    Jup i really appreciate you so i send you the private message with a gift code the other day xD

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:


    Jup i really appreciate you so i send you the private message with a gift code the other day xD

    Ik heb een paar dagen niet gespeeld (werk). Ik ga zo kijken, alvast bedankt!

  • @viperishemu2992 Not in million years.
    And PvE wont ruin because we like to bully small kids its because it will ruin the natural flow of Sea of the game and will ruin the value of many items because players will grind that "easy mode" and it will ruin the value of the hardship that many of us have been through and earned it respectfully.
    Guess what? We are pirates and if you bothered to read Tales from Sea of Thieves the great book about Captain Flameheart even there people got suprised while doing a voyage, because it makes sense.
    So i feel that the devs have the right vision for Sea of Thieves and they know how important to keep everything open and i hope that it will continue.
    The only solution is private servers with no character progression on your main character, i can see all the good things we can do in it i would enjoy it but i will not allow lazy people who would complain for easy mode even of club pinguin to shape the game into an ugly mosnter.

  • Tbh, since the release of Arena i have not encountered many PVP'ers in the Adventure mode....besides from the new ones who don't know what they're doing which i don't count as PVP'ers as they are way to easy to kill anyway.

    So the PVE mode is now Adventure mode from my own experiance.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ViperishEmu2992 Every one of these points have been discussed and refuted by many of us countless times before. There is not a single new perspective in this post that has not been addressed in multiple mega threads. Even the same tropes (“if you don’t agree then you must like to punch toddlers”).

    Then refute them. Or provide me with facts that suggest that a PvE mode would hurt the player count. Because at the end of the day that is all that really matters. We all benefit from a larger player count and suffer from a smaller one. Any step that increases player count is good for everyone.

    As soon as you share your facts and source to back up your arguments that not having PVE mode is hurting player numbers. In the meantime:










    There are so many reasons not to do this. It has been covered to death. These are just some of the larger threads over the last months. Smaller threads making the same points pop up all the time.

  • At some point, there will be private servers - the devs have made that clear. That will be when PvE only servers will happen.

    The “article” (read: forum post) is pointless. There is no need for Rare to create a PvE mode; the community will do it themselves when private servers become a thing.

    Also, despite the cartoon nature of the game, it isn’t a kid’s game and I’m always shocked to see videos of small children playing... and it’s ridiculous to see the forum posts where parents complain about what happens when they let their small child play the game. It’s like taking an infant to a Rated PG-13 film and then complaining about the language. It’s asinine.

    All of this will be sorted when private servers come out. Then folks can have the Rated G kid friendly experience they want.

  • @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @viperishemu2992 said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ViperishEmu2992 Every one of these points have been discussed and refuted by many of us countless times before. There is not a single new perspective in this post that has not been addressed in multiple mega threads. Even the same tropes (“if you don’t agree then you must like to punch toddlers”).

    Then refute them. Or provide me with facts that suggest that a PvE mode would hurt the player count. Because at the end of the day that is all that really matters. We all benefit from a larger player count and suffer from a smaller one. Any step that increases player count is good for everyone.

    As soon as you share your facts and source to back up your arguments. In the meantime:









    There are so many reasons not to do this. It has been covered to death.

    Yes these threads discuss the topic in general but none of them refute my core arguments.

    There is a demand for PvE. (true)

    PvE-only is a potential market to increase the player base. (true)

    Rare (and the game) benefits from a larger player base. (true)

    Adding a PvE Mode wouldn't change the Adventure Mode experience (other than to slightly raise the average player skill level by removing some beginners) (very likely true)

    A PvE Mode is still challenging. Just not as challenging as Adventure Mode. So the rewards should be balanced with the challenges (see Devil's Roar) (fair)

    A lot of people don't want a PvE mode for a number of reasons (mostly personal and unfounded). None of which convince me that it would be a bad thing for the game when you look at the big picture.

  • @entspeak said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    At some point, there will be private servers - the devs have made that clear. That will be when PvE only servers will happen.

    The “article” (read: forum post) is pointless. There is no need for Rare to create a PvE mode; the community will do it themselves when private servers become a thing.

    Also, despite the cartoon nature of the game, it isn’t a kid’s game and I’m always shocked to see videos of small children playing... and it’s ridiculous to see the forum posts where parents complain about what happens when they let their small child play the game. It’s like taking an infant to a Rated PG-13 film and then complaining about the language. It’s asinine.

    All of this will be sorted when private servers come out. Then folks can have the Rated G kid friendly experience they want.

    Asinine or not it's a potential market. Parent's buy games for their kids.

  • @viperishemu2992 And? Yes, developers could make kid friendly versions of any game... so?

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @viperishemu2992 said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ghostpaw said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @ViperishEmu2992 Every one of these points have been discussed and refuted by many of us countless times before. There is not a single new perspective in this post that has not been addressed in multiple mega threads. Even the same tropes (“if you don’t agree then you must like to punch toddlers”).

    Then refute them. Or provide me with facts that suggest that a PvE mode would hurt the player count. Because at the end of the day that is all that really matters. We all benefit from a larger player count and suffer from a smaller one. Any step that increases player count is good for everyone.

    As soon as you share your facts and source to back up your arguments. In the meantime:









    There are so many reasons not to do this. It has been covered to death.

    Yes these threads discuss the topic in general but none of them refute my core arguments.

    There is a demand for PvE. (true)

    PvE-only is a potential market to increase the player base. (true)

    Rare (and the game) benefits from a larger player base. (true)

    Adding a PvE Mode wouldn't change the Adventure Mode experience (other than to slightly raise the average player skill level by removing some beginners) (very likely true)

    A PvE Mode is still challenging. Just not as challenging as Adventure Mode. So the rewards should be balanced with the challenges (see Devil's Roar) (fair)

    A lot of people don't want a PvE mode for a number of reasons (mostly personal and unfounded). None of which convince me that it would be a bad thing for the game when you look at the big picture.

    You simply read the titles and skimmed. Your arguments are covered within. As far as convincing you, you seem to have a distorted picture of the situation. You make these claims about the impact on the game but you have yet to back anything up. You are the one trying to bring about change. You are the one who needs to make a more compelling argument than ones that have already failed to bring about this change (see above threads). The burden is on you, not us. I was just trying to help you catch up with what’s already been said. I'm not doing your homework for you. Rare is aware of each of these arguments, and after a year of these talks they have not implemented PvE only modes and the game is still around.

  • @schwammlgott did they actually say that cause it be nice to see their official reason for tryna sink they own game/ship

  • @viperishemu2992
    Hello Viperishemu2992, i have read your Topic and enjoyed the long read , well this isn't actually that long, many longer ones have been written…
    First of all, Rare started with this game as a Swag , a shared world adventure game. A game that had both PvP and PvE elements in it...And in my eyes ( * Ahum, cross- eyes , George) it worked. i had heaps of fun , great adventures with Friends coming from all corners of the world and yes i did improve on my English and have learned a lot of new French and German words...i also got to learn a few Eastern European language words but these languages are simply too hard for me because i ain't a smart person...
    i wished i never deleted my account , on a bad moody day , just and only to show you how my writing in the English language has improved compared to the , well for many written tortures that i wrote before…

    Sure , a game isn't a class and just because of that Sea of Thieves has teached me more than any class would do...Am i perfect ? Hell no , and i don't want to be perfect , being perfect is boredom…

    Now , you said that Microsoft doesn't care two hoods about SOT...Hmm, may i differ in opinion? There are a few videos in wich the Main Man Mr Spencer plays this game and i'm more than certain that this man knows how to act before a camera but nobody can express the Pools of Truth of their own face...Eyes never lie , they can't and everytime i see him play , in a concentrated way , his eyes radiate fun…

    Remember Scalebound , a beautifull game but it didn't progresses in the way Microsoft wanted and it was erased in recordtime without anyb tear...i think that Mr Spencer carries a Good Heart towards this game and Rare because he sees a " little " studio doing things that "big" studios with double or triple the man/woman power simply can't…

    Is Rare perfect ? No, they make mistakes , just like you and me and anybody else in daily life , but just like us they bow their heads , admit their flaw and the next day start anew with rekindled motivation...That's what makes them the " People's Champ"...

    Somewhere else you said : "But a PvE-mode will ruin my enjoyment of this game!

    Unless you are the type of person that enjoys picking on little kids, inexperienced helpless players trying to learn the game and people that really, really just want to be left in peace, then no. A PvE Mode will not affect your experience whatsoever. In fact, it’s more likely to improve it."

    Once again i want to disagree with you , sure i admit ,many people do attack little children ,verbally or with the ingame cannons , tearing their experience appart . Sure , there are other people as well that seek out "noobs" ( - God, George , i can feel the resentment from that words from the bottom of my toes till my forehead, you do hate that word ,don't you) just to destroy them, plunder them and leave them chanceless in the Sea...

    This game is all about to bring out what dwells inside you and any other player , for some destroying and humiliating is their absolute fun because ...They never had a game in wich the Good inside a person could manifest...In this game you can kill, betray , plunder and so on but there are hundreds if not thousends of examples in wich people from other crews conquer Forts or Fleets together and split the spoils in a fair deal...

    How many Pirates have not come to aid to a Sloop that was bombarded by a Galleon or an Alliance ? How many Pirates have not come to aid an Entagled Sloop or ship...There is much more than hardship and slander in this game purely because you can play this game totally the way you want to play this game...

    New Pirates have a hard time on getting to know SOT...True , but so many annitiatives , on this Forum and other channels , are made to help new Pirates ...All they have to do is reach out to us and someone will spend time , with a big smile upon his or her face , in order to teach the ropes of this game to any New Pirate that wants a bit of help...

    This is also a Pirate Game ,and Pirates had an egocentric and untrusty streak , so that's why i never want to split PvP with Pve , this " threat" makes the game …"real" in a way...
    It's always a little adventure on itself , when a new Ship comes across yours…" Will they fire on first sight or will they be friendly or will they betray us after a while" ...The thrills are all there thanks to the PvP element of this game...

    Now ,one last thing, i never have met any other game in wich i could "unfold" myself ...could be myself and most of all ,improve myself in a mental way...This game really matters because if you play this for a long time , like i did and do , then you feel yerself growing ...Ask all my Friends ,from the very start of this game in its' Alpha phase towards today , how i became more verbal and more daring into talking to people...i come from very far...i never like PvP because of the missgrowing mentality that PvP always needs to be accompanied with hurtfull remarks for whatever reason, if there is no reason they will find one...Translated some Flemish saying for you " He who likes to slap the dog will always find a stick"...But in here many have abandoned that road , many play in a Sportmanship way without sludging , cheating , nor spawncamping…

    Giving up to this game and scuttle the PvE elements that could collide with PvP elements would only ruin the thought behind Sea of Thieves ...This game is a game that fully uses yer mindset , some or many use it in a bad way because they love it or they never knew better , others are using it because their pour their own personality inthis game, make moral choices without thinking and grow outside theirselves in a way my limited English can never describe…

    Play the game the way it is offered to you , it has a massive heap of possibilities but stop pleading for a seperation of gamemodes and so on...On certain hours this game can be so calm that you find yourself in a dreamworld where Beautiful Graphics , realistic sounds and a Soundtrack that brings even to Jezus a little tear in His eyes, guide you in a game that makes you forget that you are in a "very dangerous gameworld"....i love the way Rare has made SOT to what it is today and i loved this game from the very first Alpha session i was allowed to play in....This game has "something" that other game don't have , never will have...

    Oh , en sinds we allemaal een beetje Nederlands in onze tekst weven , wel, dit is geschreven door een domme Belg ;)

  • @schwammlgott Umm be the creator of fortnite, which become the most profitable most talked about most streamed and most successful game of console history, because it embraced change listened to the main outcry from the community even if it upset hardcores and poteinally be the most successful game creators ever because u can’t argue with my numbers and fans, or say F the people that play my game I’d rather have ten people play make no money and say I was the stubborn creator who created my own game basically for myself and cus I had a backing from a console managed to get it to a console level. Yeah rare please don’t be a stubborn bunch of idiots listening to a few try hard cus they can like to ruin everyone else game

  • @ruigtand-nl SOT is so lucky that like PUBG and fortnite no one has stole they idea and created the same game cus we know if one had PVE servers which one would be dead in a year :):):):):)

  • @schwammlgott nice pirate game with similar ideas and private play and u won’t have a player to Rob on your game so u best hope sot 2 has it or u will be stuck with sot 1 forever and millions of people will team up on this new game SEA OF ADVENTURES

  • @entspeak said in Why every player should embrace a PvE Mode:

    @viperishemu2992 And? Yes, developers could make kid friendly versions of any game... so?

    Player count. The more the better. It's just that simple. SoT isn't exactly topping any Microsoft Xbox charts. It's hanging around the mid 30's in top paid and top played.

    Guess what's number #1 Most Played. Fortnight. Guess who decided to risk a different playing mode at the last minute. Epic Games.

    I'm not suggesting that SoT could ever reach Fortnite proportions. It's just too niche.

    I'm suggesting that an AAA-list Microsoft game banging around the mid 30's should explore every possibility to expand it's player base. Just like Rare are currently doing with Arena Mode. Exploring new markets.

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