
  • @faceyourdemon said in Briggsy:

    @viperishemu2992 depends the size of the ship if you are on a sloop she is very easy but bigger ships means she is going to be much stronger.

    That makes sense. Like digging up treasure chests takes longer with a larger ship/crew.

    Still, I've killed her a few times and one time was with just 2 of us sailing a Brig. And she didn't seem any harder that time either?

    I mean, she just doesn't seem that tough to me? And yet I keep seeing posts claiming that she is tough? So I got to thinking that maybe she came in different flavours and I've just gotten lucky so far?

  • @viperishemu2992 it's crew size....not ship size. A crew with 2 or less people and Briggsy is extremely easy. A crew with 3 or more and you're gonna be there awhile. Again, it's crew size that determines the difficulty, not ship size. People seem to be misunderstanding this. Ship size makes no difference. You could have 2 people on a galleon and she'd be easy..

  • They really need to fix the difficulty scaling. Briggsy is pretty easy one or two man.

  • dont give up and fight longer,u will beat her:)

  • Shooting her with harpoons Is the highest dps that works on her. Harpoon does not work on skelly regular

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