Need help with the Stars of a Thief Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • @cheshiretora Ahoy matey!

    While I can't remember the middle islands... I do know the final island is Isle of Last Words.

    I hope that helps...

  • @musicmee thank you so much! it should haha hopefully we get the same one next time we try it tomorrow xD

  • Can we start making a collection of possible riddles for the end chamber....

    Have failed to translate 2 different ones so far... :/
    Have gotten past the first paragraph solution, but when the pictures on the columns change none of the pictures relate to the paragraph very obviously...

    Maybe i can get one of the same riddles as somebody else has gotten or see what I’m not connecting between picture and text.

    I know queen is mermaid picture

    Iron Shell related text should be turtle picture

    Suns tear should be a flame picture

    Warmonger should be the boar looking picture with tusks

    Most online guides simply say to match the riddles to pictures and have only 1 combination of the riddles which I have not been lucky enough to get the same one as the guides..

    I wonder how many possible journal entries are there for the last chamber??
    Much thanks with any help...

  • @wilderness03 The first several pages should describe each star symbol pretty well. Have you been referring to it while trying to solve the riddle?

    Also, this guide has six possible ending pages for the vault puzzle.

  • Stuck on Great Eagle Landing - the pages says it looks like Lonely Isle, has the Queen prominently on the page, and mentions the Eagle never landing. We followed the Eagle and checked Lone Cove, Smuggler's Bay (the eagle drawing looks most similar to SB), Boulder Cay, Sandy Shallows, and Rapier Cay, and have found nothing. We are currently scoping out Salty Sands...

    EDIT: After a an hour of searching in frustration, we had to call it quits for IRL reasons. We came back again later this evening with an additional friend on a brig who helped us solve it - he figured out how to get to Lone Cove, spot the rock, look for the eagle, and adjust his position to get the eagle to sit on the rock... Genius! I never would've figured that 1 out on my own, and I'm a nearly 35-year-old teacher! 😅

  • @musicmee god, this is stupid.

  • @mostdopefoxx420 What is?

  • I just sent a ticket to Rare about The Man Who Lost His Gem.

    Does anyone agree with that or I'm wrong at some point?


    I'd like to report a problem in the Tall Tale quest "Stars of a Thief".
    In the event called The Man Who Lost His Gem there is a wrong indication for the solution of the puzzle.

    Its said that there is a monument for the Old Fish, Glimmer's Throne, in the Discovery Ridge. Ok, it really has a statue of a Fish there. The next steps says that: On large isle with Glimmer's Throne...

    Now we can have 2 scenarios:

    Scenario 1 - Its confusing, because it could be the Discovery Ridge Island, because it have the Glimmer's Throne statue that the previous page stated, or it could be Plunder Valley, because if you look to the stars, that's where the Fish points to (East by Northeast).
    Its really confusing because the riddle used the "Glimmer" word to refer to the statue, and it could also indicates the direction you should go from the fish figure at the stars.
    Lets assume it you're suppose to go to Plunder Valley by interpreting that you should use the Glimmer to start at Discovery Ridge and follow the Glimmer on the stars (using the Glimmer 2 times).
    Then, after you are in Plunder, it's said that you need to sail towards the Proud Bird, wich is Northwest. If you search the island, scoping from Plunder Valley, it should lead you to Sailor's Knot Stronghold.
    From Sailor's Knot Stronghold, it asks you to follow the Turtle, wich is North from Northwest. The island in that direction is Lagoon of Whispers, and not Mermaids Hideaway. It should be the Snake, or maybe the Proud Bird, when you are at Sailor's Know Stronghold, which is West from Northwest (or Northwest), and then you reach Mermaids Hideaway.

    Another solution for Scneario 1 would be send you North from Discovery Ridge, by following the Kraken. This eliminates the double use of the Glimmer. Then, when you are at Sailor's Know Stronghold, you go to Proud's Bird.
    Or even so, you could eliminate the first part saying: "Glimmers Throne? I've seen a monument to the old fish on", and change to: "Old Fish Statue? I've seen a monument to the old fish on ...". This clarifies that you should go to Plunder, then follow your way there. Of course, when you are at Sailor's Knot, it shouldn't be the Turtle, it should be the Snake (or the Proud's Bird) on the riddle.

    Scenario 2 - Even If you assume that the first step of the riddle is that you remain idle, because you ALREADY are at the Large island with the Glimmer's Throne. You assume that the saying: "On large isle with Glimmer's throne, Man awakes..."
    He awakes, On the large isle with the Throne. The first parte said the Monument, the Throne is Discovery Ridge, so the man awakes on Discovery Ridge, then you should go to the next part and ignore the fish in the sky, because the Glimmer in that sentence is the Throne and not the stars.
    Then you should sail to the Proud's Bird, which is Northwest. The lack of any islands in that direction leads the player to the nearest island, Mermaid's Hideaway. Then the riddle should end at the last saying about where the jewel are.

    Can you fix that? Or I'm mistaken and didn't get some minor point?

    Thanks in advance and I'm eager to your response."

  • Anyone pleases?

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