I can't find my Ebon Flintlock!?

  • I saw the mixer live with my account few days ago on Xbox mixer account, but i don't received my Flintlock pistol!
    I need to wait a mount of days or what?

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  • @okamidde2 Ahoy matey!

    This can usually take a couple of days to appear, but should usually be in your weapons armoury by now.

    You can find out more using the link below.


  • same here, i didnt recieve it yet while all my other friends did. But i guess i will wait couple days more.

  • @okamidde2 Its been 4 days and i haven't gotten mine yet so idk whats going on.

  • I just checked for the first time and I don't have it either but I have seen it take a week before, so who knows?

  • been a week now and still no flintlock... someone on the (xbox.com/mixpothelp) link mentioned that everyone who seems to be having this problem logged into the stream before it started and watched it to the end (like me)

    rare dont seem to want to do anything about it and sends us to that link
    that link sends us to some microsoft xbox forum where nobody seem to want to do anything about it and just redirects you back to the same link that takes you to the forum in the end
    mixer support dont want to do anything about it and sayes promotion have ended so too bad, better luck next time...

    i dont know what to say but this promotion is the worst i have ever experienced and if it's to promote mixer over twitch or something it only makes me want to never use the damm thing ever again

  • I haven't got my flintlock either as of yet. Even made a comment or two during the stream to be surely logged. If the issue is due to starting the stream too early that's quite silly programming.

  • Ditto, I started watching the stream before it started and watched all the way until the end. Made sure to use the mixer/xbox.com address, verified that my account was linked to mixer because the button was read that if I clicked it that it would un-link me.

    Been playing daily ever since that stream and meet many pirates who have received theirs, but nothing on my end yet. Look like if at this time tomorrow I don't have it, I'll be opening a ticket with mixer per the troubleshooting steps.

  • @sexyjeep @Archaell @Zihn-Wrath @DrizKillz Check your Microsoft account under Payments & Billing / Order History. If it's not listed there, then you need to conact the Xbox folks. If it is listed in your Microsoft account, then put in a support ticket with Rare. If it's not listed on your Microsoft account, Rare can't do anything.

    If it is listed in your MS account, pay no attention to the "Install" link - it's supposed to be automatically installed, and if you try to use the code, it will tell you it's been redeemed already. Just contract Rare.

  • @entspeak I checked out the history yesterday and there was nothing so kinda gave up on the pistol. Surprisingly it appeared there today, and also I have received the weapon in-game. Seems like the issue with early viewers might have been fixed.

  • I received mine too a little while ago after not having them yesterday. It could be that whatever the issue was, it was fixed, or it could be that I contacted Microsoft support and the mixer team. If someone still doesn't have it yet, I would suggest contacting support.

  • I sent a ticket yesterday, they told me that by today(24th of April) everyone should get it.
    Hour ago i checked my inventory and i had it ;)

  • Didnt get it either within the week after the stream.

    I didnt send any tickets but today the Pistol was finally in my inventory.

    There was no message from Xbox-Live in my Xbox-App like it was by my friends who got it in time. And it is/was not listed in my Microsoft account under Payments & Billing / Order History.

    So check ur inventory today (maybe tomorrow?) before u send any tickets.

    Greets, Nash

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