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  • Well yesterday was a slow day on sea of theives, until i seen a galleon tooken down by a volcanoe, i traveled my sloop to look for survivors, there was but one, once i brought him to his ship an alliance was formed, not just between us but a brig as well, soon after another 2 galleons and brig joined, 3 Galleons 2Briggantines my sloop, we had the whole server in an alliance, 1 galleon took on forts, me and other 2 galleons took on skelly ships and relaxed talking, the brigs were on oir ships doing whatever they wanted to do it was a wounderous time of friendship and goodtimes, than we had a new sloop out of nowhere trying to attack us not realizing the threat at hand of our alliance, but to many names to tag but thanks for a good time

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