I finally got to legendary gold hoarder. (Totally worth it)

  • It took so long like, Very long than I anticipated.

    Now to get Legendary merchant, One day.

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  • I have both the 500 Chests and 500 Cargos, the Cargos that was an chore wow it took me weeks as Casual Player! But I didn’t bought the things locked behind the Commendations because I don’t like to mix outfits so I’m waiting until the full PL Set is out and I need so much more Commendations to complete it, Athena Miles and The 500 Skelly Ships wow that will take me months :(

  • @king-deka said in I finally got to legendary gold hoarder. (Totally worth it):

    I have both the 500 Chests and 500 Cargos, the Cargos that was an chore wow it took me weeks as Casual Player! But I didn’t bought the things locked behind the Commendations because I don’t like to mix outfits so I’m waiting until the full PL Set is out and I need so much more Commendations to complete it, Athena Miles and The 500 Skelly Ships wow that will take me months :(

    I think the athena miles are abit too much.
    Yeah, 500 skelly ships will be a pain.
    I'm not going to bother focusing on them and i'll just wait for more ghost stuff.

  • Is this still available to purchase if you get the Legendary Gold Hoarder commendation completed? My friend and I did it recently, but we can’t find a place to buy this awesome compass.

  • @sukophantes Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately not, these were given out to Pirate Legends who became Pirate Legend within the first year of launch.

    Ahoy maties!

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