Noobslooping - Legends helping new players

  • I have a regular crew and sail often. Times come when I'm solo and I'll dive into a Sloop or Brig for an "Open" experience.

    I see threads in the forums of players being disenchanted by the solo sloop experience. Complaints about the harshness of the seas life, the lack of compassion, the environment not being balanced.

    I call to all Legends, who love this game and want to see it grow, to Noobsloop. That's right coined a new term. You, the pro, Legend Athena 10 pirate, sailing with a noob.

    Even for 30 min while you wait for your friends to join. Take a moment to share your experience, your love for the game and pass it on. Offer guidance and share in the joy and excitement of a new player achieving a milestone.

    Personally I've enjoyed Noobslooping and there are a few streamer Legends who do this too. It doesn't always go smoothly, but if you help someone wade into these waters, it is better for all of us.

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  • I do that very often.

  • I know your trying to make the game a better place, but slooping is supposed to be hard according to these forums. Let them suffer seems to be the preferred path.

  • Always down to help anyone. Same ingame name as here

  • @calicorsaircat said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    I know your trying to make the game a better place, but slooping is supposed to be hard according to these forums. Let them suffer seems to be the preferred path.

    Solo slooping IS hard mode, doesn't mean we shouldn't help new players learn the game... Being a decent person goes a long way.

  • @sprungnickel427

    Love it.

    Doesn't have to be long and in perfect keeping with the Code.

    Article 6 Respect New Pirates and Their Voyage Ahead
    May the old legends help to forge new ones: treat new pirates with respect and share your knowledge.

  • If someone want tips from me in german add me in Xbox and write me a message, i'm no pro and "old" (42) but i'm for sure willing to share all i know about the Sea of Thieves to new players or anybody who want some help.
    You are the captain, i'm your deckhand only helping and be a smart a** when i get asked :-)
    Otherwise i'm happy to see you manage to sink us while nothing is around us for 50 squaremeters but a tiny rock 😂

  • Also just remembered seeing this tweet from @KHARITES earlier!

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    If someone want tips from me in german add me in Xbox and write me a message, i'm no pro and "old" (42) but i'm for sure willing to share all i know about the Sea of Thieves to new players or anybody who want some help.
    You are the captain, i'm your deckhand only helping and be a smart a** when i get asked :-)
    Otherwise i'm happy to see you manage to sink us while nothing is around us for 50 squaremeters but a tiny rock 😂

    42-old? I'm 49..... At least my pirate is young at heart!

  • @sprungnickel427 sagte in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    If someone want tips from me in german add me in Xbox and write me a message, i'm no pro and "old" (42) but i'm for sure willing to share all i know about the Sea of Thieves to new players or anybody who want some help.
    You are the captain, i'm your deckhand only helping and be a smart a** when i get asked :-)
    Otherwise i'm happy to see you manage to sink us while nothing is around us for 50 squaremeters but a tiny rock 😂

    42-old? I'm 49..... At least my pirate is young at heart!

    49yo and still playing videogames?
    My daughter said we both are freaks XD

  • @bugaboo-bill I'm 52, blows people's (especially kids) minds when I talk about gaming and streaming! Been gaming since I got my Atari 2600 many voyages ago!

  • @hilbilyrunamok sagte in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    @bugaboo-bill I'm 52, blows people's (especially kids) minds when I talk about gaming and streaming! Been gaming since I got my Atari 2600 many voyages ago!

    haha, i feel very young now :D
    I know a lot of oldsql players here ;)
    startet with a CPC464 before i got my C64
    Scooby Doo Datasette on greenscreen :P

    the oldest one i know of is 67 iirc.

    edit: some days ago we shocked someone who allied up and joined us.
    He was 16 and our crew was 39,42,42 and we had fun together!

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    @sprungnickel427 sagte in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    If someone want tips from me in german add me in Xbox and write me a message, i'm no pro and "old" (42) but i'm for sure willing to share all i know about the Sea of Thieves to new players or anybody who want some help.
    You are the captain, i'm your deckhand only helping and be a smart a** when i get asked :-)
    Otherwise i'm happy to see you manage to sink us while nothing is around us for 50 squaremeters but a tiny rock 😂

    42-old? I'm 49..... At least my pirate is young at heart!

    49yo and still playing videogames?
    My daughter said we both are freaks XD

    I bought 3 copies of the game and play with my sons. This is the most rewarding experience by far. Having to show patience and leadership in a world where my sons skills far exceed my own.

  • @SprungNickel427

    i'd like that too, but my daughter has only interest in MarioCart :P

    The thing we can learn from this is: Age means nothing, it is all about mindset and the way you approach life and playing games!

    Sometimes i admire the kids for their authentic opinions and the wisdom that lies in having the mindset of a beginner, someone approaching things with no knowledge about it, completely unprejudiced!

    dont want do derail the thread - have fun playing o/

  • @bugaboo-bill My sons are my best noobslooping experience.

    I was recently invited by one of my sons, to help his 2 friends get a handle on the game. The questions came fast and often and their intuition was remarkable. Props to Rare for game design that you can grasp the basics, fast enough to get you in trouble quick enough. Then there's the strategy part which takes more time.

  • Since hitting PL, on most Tuesdays and Sundays I host an XBLive LFG dedicated to teaching new players the ropes. It's actually been a lot of fun and I've made some friends I play with regularly. I've had a few PLs jump in too just because they thought it was a fun idea.

    The rules are: be up for anything, play to have fun, participate, listen.

    Maybe I should throw a post up on the forums for anyone interested...

  • @hilbilyrunamok 48 and was just telling one of my crew (22 y/o) last night about my dad hot wiring our first Atari to the back of the three ton TV we had. I think that tv had a turntable and tuner in it.

  • @badrobott said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    Since hitting PL, on most Tuesdays and Sundays I host an XBLive LFG dedicated to teaching new players the ropes. It's actually been a lot of fun and I've made some friends I play with regularly. I've had a few PLs jump in too just because they thought it was a fun idea.

    The rules are: be up for anything, play to have fun, participate, listen.

    Maybe I should throw a post up on the forums for anyone interested...

    Ya man, Spread the vibe of noobslooping and share the joy!

  • @sprungnickel427

    Shared it to twitter for you, let's spread the word!

  • I already do this all the time. I coin it as "tutoring" in my slang. But sure, this sounds more appropriate somewhat. The term "noob" IS offensive to some though so let's be careful in how it's used.

  • Id rather solo sloop then help anyone else learn how to play honestly. When i was 8-9 Years old i didn't need anyone to teach me how to play games i was playing halo competitively with adults...
    Don't get me wrong i enjoy having maybe 1 noob on my ship every once and awhile, if in a larger crew.
    However a sloop? Na you wouldn't see me helping some random learn to play. Sorry that's not my idea of fun..

    I don't play games on my time off work to teach anyone how to play.
    I have done that for myself over the 10+ years of my own gaming experiences.
    Goodluck with this "noobslooping" I sure as heck couldn't do it. I'm sure the people you're helping truly need it.

  • @vderickv said in Noobslooping - Legends helping new players:

    Id rather solo sloop then help anyone else learn how to play honestly. When i was 8-9 Years old i didn't need anyone to teach me how to play games i was playing halo competitively with adults...
    Don't get me wrong i enjoy having maybe 1 noob on my ship every once and awhile, if in a larger crew.
    However a sloop? Na you wouldn't see me helping some random learn to play. Sorry that's not my idea of fun..

    I don't play games on my time off work to teach anyone how to play.
    I have done that for myself over the 10+ years of my own gaming experiences.
    Goodluck with this "noobslooping" I sure as heck couldn't do it. I'm sure the people you're helping truly need it.

    You sound like I did when is was a young man of 20 something. The world was at my feet. Perhaps age will bring a reward like Noobslooping to you in time. There is requirement to do so.

  • I started doing this for a while and then I got a spur of new players that would drop powder kegs into the boat as soon as we got them. Ended up messaging some of them and found out that a couple of them just restarted characters and we're messing around with other longtime players. Now I try to get a galleon going and have a new player on the galleon amongst 3 experienced players. Been having luck in that regards. I love to hear the "oohs" and "aahs" when you cash in a 20-30k run lol

  • I do this all the time, a stand out one was about 3 days ago I completed a skeleton fort solo and opened up my crew to let someone join to help load it up n share the loot, so first person to join was what must of bin a 9 yr old lad, he was like wow u must of bin questing for hours for all this loot, so I explained what the fort was and how to do it, he was very talkative the whole time, said he'd only bin playing 2 days and had bin sunk by the kraken the first time playing sailing out of the dock, and had his ship sunk a few times, I asked how he heard of the game he told me he watches zylbrads fortnight videos and ended up watching his sea of thieves ones and liked it, so alot of his info came from his streams and man did he say some of the craziest myths 😂 so I teach him about adjusting sails, how to get voyages and how to find them, everytime he popped one down I'd mark it on the map and he was Confused how I knew were to look since he didnt know the maps on the oos tell you the island name 😂 he didn't know how to find the X marks so I taught him how, anyway, we ended up cashing in the fort loot then went on doing 8 oos islands, killed 2 megs and skeleton ship and found a mermaid statue, now the magic hearing how awsome the game sounds for him was pretty cool, like he got excited or really scared about everything 😂 he was concerned about his character looking like a noob so It was my mission that night to get him more money and a decent title other than sailor, so when the meg popped up I was like ok were killing it, and he's timidly like "ehh ok?" he calmed abit when I said I solo these all the time, this will be easy with two, he was ecstatic when he got the title, ended up killing another later and he was wondering which title ment more, so I advised him all megs are pretty much the same so just pick the title u thinks cooler, so anyway nearing the end of our run we have a sloop full of loot, the megs paid out nicely, his uncle comes in and I can hear him tell him about how much gold he's got and loot and all the stuff we did so far, his uncle sounded genuinely pleased and the kid was obviously having a blast, we sail towards the outpost, a skeleton ship pops up and he freaks out thinking he's gonna loose his treasure but again "I solo these all the time were good" a few cc and some lower shots later it goes down with ease and we cash in, the kid asks if we can be friends and sail again to which I obliged, gotta say felt good to give back and give this kid a good experience.

  • @darthmaxor1991 it is fun when you hear the true excitement of new players. Burn the rotten eggs who troll.

  • @ufc-wolverin3 I love that you got him a title and dressed him up. My 10 year old is so impressed by skins and hates playing as a"default" character. that goes the other way when you get to legend. LOL. Job done. Great story. Thank you for sharing your experience. Thank you for making the game as good as it is.

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