New PVP changes

  • @itz-majman My god ... as if summit as ever reinvented the wheels ... there is videos of peoples " double gunning " all across the internet who date from launch ... and in the BETA everyones and their Grandma were blunderbussing their way into PVP ... then they nerf the blunderbuss range insanely so you had to be in the face of peoples and then BUFF the eyes of each in all way possible they buff the hip fire accuracy , they buff the damage and they increase the scope sensitivity wich as lead to the " EOR " replacing either the blunderbuss or the pistol since it was almost better than the 2 at most range ... in hip fire or not ...

    they created this issue with the EOR buff patch , then this whole madness about " double gunning " is a joke ... at first the complain was the ability to eyes of reach shot then pistol shot almost instantly ... and peoples ask for it to be fix as some sort of delay to prevent insta firering ... not to put 1 sec to 1.5 seconds to every actions done with everyguns ... also to fix the REAL issues that was suposed to be the problems .. but the dishonesty is huge in this debate .. they decided to nerfs every single way to use a firearms and buff the sword wich as stuntlock the most unfair and anoying mechanics ever ...

    I can dodge bullet , i cant dodge been stunt lock by a weapon who require no aiming skills ...

    Also firearms suffer from " ghost hit mark registration " where you aim corectly get the hit confirmation corectly but the target does not receive damages ,, wich was a huge problem yet you could over come it by switching to your other weapon and try to land a shot that will in this case register ...

    To solve the real issue all they had to do was to have a 0.1 second delay for switching weapons .. so its not " instant " and then nerf the EOR hip fire accuracy and thats it , the " exploits " would have been fix ...

    Now what they did is screw up the gameplay the BETA the gameplay as been tested trough and trough ... and the balance was pretty fine . the EOR was dominating longrange the pistol was the most reliable faster reload good range and short range capability and was a 2 shot kill , and the blunderbuss was the CQC dominator , and the sword well didnt require amo and was better for most PVE OP agains Leafys skelly etc.. and was very anoying with stuntlock but had a negative effect if badly used but was insanely effective in boat basement and sloop where it was very easy to stuntlock someone with a sword ...

    Now they screw this up base on a over reaction and dishonesty of some casual gamers who had been anoyed by a new influx of competitive players in the game who started to learn how to play properly ... even while blunderbussing peoples at 1inch away from their face and killing them in 1 shot they were complaining in proxy tchat that i was a cheater using macro and weapon glitch as if they dont even know the blunderbuss at point blank as always been a 1 hit kill gun ... etc..etc..

  • Cant wait for the patch and the Drama.

  • @mc-leggers Guns only or gun and cutlass?

  • @stew360 sagte in New PVP changes:

    @bugaboo-bill If your statement would have ever been true , then the Pitch they first made wasnt " sea of friends " it was mostly about piracy , pillages , treasons , and mutiny etc...

    Thats said this as shift into a SJW cult mentality and political corectnes stating that " competition lead to toxicity " and all that bs ... the leadership of this game as lost their ways .... its a pirate game and now all they talk about is how peoples should help each others and be nice to each others because we are a lovely humanrace and blablabla ... this make no sens ... pirates were not " nice peoples " for the most part and the pitch of this game was " role playing " pirate and doing piracy , not making " sea of friends and rainbows " thats said

    Gameplay wise this game as been tested for year before its launch , Alpha , Beta , etc.. and the gameplay as stabilise it was it was prepatch ... The double gunning whining , as come as a trendy things , because some low skills level but diehard SOT fans saw him once of twice in twitch clips doing it and now imagine he was doing this all the time ...

    the so call " double guns was using a eyes of reach then instantly switching to a pistols and killing the target almost instantly at RANGE ...

    Since then , low level skills players kept complaining that they have been cheated and " doublegunned " almost everytime they die , they never consider they might have been shot by two players at the same time , they never aknowledge the blunderbuss kill in 1 shot in very very close proximity ... etc.. and then MAKE the double gun the boogieman of all their failures ...

    They whine about it for months , and rare claim they would adress " Double guning " in the upcoming weeks base on feedbacks ... Then they decide to overhaul the entire system due to whining and complaints of the Diehard casuals fans , of wich Rare seams to give more importance and consider their "majority forums " but " minority game " voices

    None of my friends goes on the forums , all of them hate the change and no longer play SOT ...

    If the combat was to be what we have now , i would never had played SOT , and i would never had bought the game in the first place ... the gameplay is now horrible in both PVE and PVP ... I dont like forced slow and slugish and clunky mechanics that we have ... sorry and in the Alpha BEta the gameplay as been developped

    RARE did this to cater to " PC haters " and " Summit1G " haters ... wich show rare as lost it , anyway they are paying the ultimate price already ... Summit no longer play their game SOT is back into the abyss of NO viewers on twitch ... because its no longer interesting to watch or play ... while previously SOT was in the top 3 games on twitch ... so yeah

    Honestly i didn't want to answer to such a post, but i do.
    See all changes until were more for casual players than to hardcore gamers. Maybe a hint of the direction they want to take.
    You can easily see that they want a more casual friendly game.
    The fact of having no vertical and neccessary progression to me is the first evidence. I can play the game and take care less about any progression at all. Tons of achiever type gamers constantly complain about it, because they want more stages to climb and ore "meaning" to it wahtever this meaning will be. I assume it's the meaning of effort put into it. Well i think i already explained myself that i think this is a very quistionable approach and let the suspicion arise they are compensating or just take playing games too serious and make it a job, a life or whatever. If someone does, he's guilty by himself imo.
    Because its a game about piracy and such does not automatically mean its a game about "owning" others. You can PvP friendly and you can PvP for fun like you can shoot hoops or play in the NBA. It's everones own decision to take it serious or not and on what level.
    You sound oneyed to me, elitist, my way or no way type of argumentation, because you also disdain beginners, less skilled players and at best lock them off of the game, because they are unable to get to your level of skill and so are minor.
    Competition does not mandatory lead to toxicity, but as you can see a lot of PvP oriented people are less social and dont take care for the weaker or if the other has fun. Not all, but majority of PvP oriented hardcore gamers. Imho its bad and i dont want to play with such people. You can have your own opinion about that, fine.

    about whine - i mean i see you whining a lot.

    all of your friends dont play sot any longer.
    Sad for you, i am sorry, but if they are arguing like you did i maybe welcome this.

    i'm a PC player btw. and i dont know Summit1g and i'm also not interested in that stuff.
    Its exageration par exelance if they quit over this change.
    I guess they have quit due to the Blunderbuss nerf, quit because of barrels 2.0, quit about doublegunning and EoR nerf and maybe also quit to future patches, adjustments and fixes. I dont care tbh.

    about alpha beta development... development at best never stops and is about changes. Life is about changes, all and everything is about changes. I also dont want to adapt to all changes in my life and went for other ways around. If you dont want to adapt to that change you can make decisions.
    I do so every day and i quitted a lot of gaes that i liked in general, but disliked in detail because of rulesets and community approach.

  • @mc-leggers

    Well I can’t speak for others but I still manage to win most of my PvP encounters, even with the changes.

    Sounds to me like his skill diminished with the changes made, he doesn’t want to change the way he became good at the game, and that’s why he’s salty.

    It’s easy. Find a new way to dominate until the next changes are made. Then adjust again accordingly.

    Y’all are acting like the game is unplayable lol.

  • @psychomyth Cant crutch on double gun or sprint and gun anymore.

  • @psychomyth Says the peoples who whine for months about been kill non stop in PVP by players better than them whith responsive mechanics instead of slugish ones ... You probably have been kill maybe once in countless hours by the " Eye of reach + pistols " so call exploits ... even summit who was accuse to popularise it almost NEVER use it truely ... in countless videos i have seen of him , he very rarely switch weapons much and most of the time he was using the same weapon in 1 vs 1 fights like his pistol the entire time or his snipers the entire time ..

    I have been accuse of " hacking " so many times because i was " One shotting peoples " with a blunderbuss at 1 inch from their faces ... peoples are sometime dishonest beyong the word ...

    The so call " double gun exploits " was related to 1 combo " Pistol + eye of reach " in quick sucession ... but they changed everything they hurt the gameplay as a whole they introduce a insane ready speed after running , they introduce an insane 2 seconds delay between the first and seconds shot of the 2 weapons ... as if guns in SOT were " fully automatic weapons " with 100 shot magazines ....

    The change are horrible and anyones competitive will have stop playing by now .. now only slow reflex players think they are such bigshot because all good players who use to kill and sink them have left the game ... Arena will fail beyong the word unless they revert these change to an acceptable state wich mean

    1: Remoove the ready speed delay after running compleatly ... this as no reason to exist

    2: reduce the switch weapons delay to 0.1 sec instead of 1 sec wich will be sufficient

    3: keep the Eye of reach hip fire accuracy nerf , to ensure no ones try to use the " doublegun " thingy

    4: Increase amo capacity over 5 with the use of Amo pouch with animation if need be but this as been anoying for ages , and anyway in PVP you always have access to amo at forts or inside ships

  • @psychomyth The game is indeed unplayable , because its no longer fun and its no longer skill base , you can pretend anything you want you can pretend to win every encounter we have no way to assess your claims ...

    All we know is the game is indeed unplayable , that the change make the gunplay unfun , unresponsive , slow and slugish and frustrating ...

    Exemple , a bunch of " skelly pistols " on an athena quest normally to take them down you run from cover to cover then run up to one face shot a blunderbuss shot , rinse and repeat ... now you run arrive at blunderbuss range and Click CLick CLick Click Click BAMMMM ! Skelly shot you in the face and then you can shoot

    your on a ship agains 3 mens on a brig ... you wont win this fight unless they are compleatly incompetant and let me tell you with the new sword buff its even more ridiculous

    Everything feel wrong and its bad saying otherwise is ridiculous

  • People really hate relearning things.
    Hey @Stew360, how about you try running, stopping a little earlier, getting your blunderbuss out, then walking with it drawn into shooting range.
    I know, it's different. Much more different that the old style you were used to. I takes a lot more thinking than just sprinting around and popping off gunshots. That doesn't make it game-breaking. IMO it's way more fun to think about my actions than just doing them.

  • @bugaboo-bill I am indeed complaining , not because i get my bottocks kick but because the change make the game FEEL horrible , its slow , slugish and unfun .. but also create problems agains PVE types of encounter especially skelly snipe and pistolero .. their ready speed is now faster than ours lol , wich is insane ... they were meant to be slow at firering to give player a chance with their aimbot behavior ...

    Also skelly with barel run fast really fast , and if you do not sprint and then turn and shot the barel with a pistol you are DOOM , and my goal isnt to be kill and respawn every 2 seconds .. with the ancient gameplay i could run , turn and shoot the barel before he reach me , now its ridiculous you run , you turn and cant even shoot yet lol ... unless you turn that slow

  • @stew360

    alt text

  • @dlchief58 Nope its not a question of adapting ... you know you can adapt to lets say " the blunderbuss nerf " we had wich considerably reduce the range of it ... or the " Eye of reach buff " wich as buff its damage and hip fire accuracy back then ...

    But you do not " overcome and adapt " Slugish , unfun , disgusting mechanics that make the game bad really bad and get in your way of playing well .. ready speed after sprinting is horrible and hurt both pve and pvp ... the switch speed is insane (UP TO 2 SEC ) between 2 shots and even more having to reload and counting ready speed after a sprint allow player to outbanana your damage if they are any efficient at eating them

    Its terrible

  • @stew360 "The game is indeed unplayable"
    I was playing yesterday just fine, as were many others.

  • @stew360 Sounds more like a personal problem to me as myself and MANY others do not have the same issues as you. Perhaps if you spent as much time adapting and learning as you have complaining here you could overcome your perceived issues.

  • your on a ship agains 3 mens on a brig ... you wont win this fight unless they are compleatly incompetant >

    This is true for most games, lol.

    ...unless you’re, you know, exploiting a mechanic for an advantage.

  • @boomtownboss said in New PVP changes:

    People really hate relearning things.
    Hey @Stew360, how about you try running, stopping a little earlier, getting your blunderbuss out, then walking with it drawn into shooting range.
    I know, it's different. Much more different that the old style you were used to. I takes a lot more thinking than just sprinting around and popping off gunshots. That doesn't make it game-breaking. IMO it's way more fun to think about my actions than just doing them.

    Blunderbuss is atrocious right now. point blank doesn't kill 1 shot anymore let alone take half their health. I did a point blank blundershot yesterday followed by a sword slash and it didn't kill the guy.

    Just don't even use that thing.

    In close combat only use a sword aim slightly down and just spam slash until they fix this hit the ground spam issue.

    Sorry but mindlessly spamming sword takes much less skill then using 2 guns and running around your opponent lol.. Just saying. I sunk a 4 player galleon yesterday with just my sword. i was solo on a sloop. all i did was yolo my ship into them and spam slash. ezpz

  • @xempero517x said in New PVP changes:

    @mc-leggers Guns only or gun and cutlass?

    Guns, the cutlass isn't the problem

  • The main point is, the game mechanics should not manipulate the skill level, and it does. I am having trouble figuring out why people don't even see this.. This is literally the only game I've ever put my hands on with guns in it, that have a stop mechanic against you fighting multiple players. This community mind boggles me as to how they don't see it as an actual issue. Adapt or die? As I said before, you won't adapt at all with people with even reasonable aiming skills. Someone answer the question of where skill falls into having to slow down while waiting on a animation to take place to be able to use your weapon? Literally, answer if. Since the patch there has been the same amount of people who can't aim to saver their life and die in the multiples, yes, they will never be good at pvp. There is also decent crews, that can aim, and will kill 1 person easily. Slowing down makes you an easy target. It's that simple. There is no amount of adapting that makes you better in a system where you run, stop sprinting, wait on an animation, then aim, then fire, climb up a ladder, stop wait on an animation, move side to side while basically being at walk speed to avoid getting hit.. . Gun play and stop mechanics don't go hand an hand.

    While I'm thinking about adapt, why couldn't any of you adapt to the original system?

  • Big surprise....PCers that can "aim faster" because they use kbm are complaining b/c part of their competitive advantage is gone. Note - I said PART. Now all they have to do is nerf how fast you can eat a banana, and how often you can jump. Because you know being able to eat 5 bananas in one second and jumping up and down 200 times a minute is "realistic". LOL

  • I think it was a good way to balance the weapons just practice and you will get better with them.

  • @itz-majman I think that he was saying that double gunning wasnt popular most of the time so it wasnt a big problem.
    Other then double gunning pc players dont really have an advantage ( anyone who thinks that field of view or the funniest one sensitivity motion is a fool)
    Pc players are bringing alot to the game and those who says that pc players are mostly trolling is clearly blind, the player base on pc is more mature in age because of the price of the pc and on pc they have a wider library to play so you can find more pc roleplay players then console again all being said in general.
    So basiclly he said that it was a loss they could easly get rid of double gunning and give console mouse n keyboard as an answer not to seperate us.
    Of course xbox players will still be able to play with pc players but due to the hype against crossplay which was made by few people who made alot of drama.
    Its a shame to miss alot of cool people because of that.

  • I don't know how people can play the new combat update and not feel like something is off. The delays make the game feel unresponsive and makes me feel like im lagging or my controller is broke. No game has ever given me a feeling like that. It's just so unnatural. Movment should feel fluid and not clunky, unresponsive and leave you scratching your head like something is wrong. It's not something you get use to or should(Im sure bad players dont notice this as they dont have much experience with other games and can't shoot and move quickly anyways so it's like nothing has changed for them and are happy that they are winning more and will defend this change to the bitter end because this update checks all the boxes for bad players. New sword spam meta gameplay with no skill involed CHECK Not being able to shoot and move quickly "I can't do this anyways and it only brings good players to my level now" CHECK) .
    Bad design plain and simple.
    Just my opinion tho.

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    Big surprise....PCers that can "aim faster" because they use kbm are complaining b/c part of their competitive advantage is gone. Note - I said PART. Now all they have to do is nerf how fast you can eat a banana, and how often you can jump. Because you know being able to eat 5 bananas in one second and jumping up and down 200 times a minute is "realistic". LOL

    Competitive advantage? You do realize there is console players that use high sensitivity settings and quick swaps on controllers and are can be extremely accurate. Your problem sounds more cross platform, not mechanic. You will be given the option to not play with us PC players. Other than that, you made no point at all in this discussion. No game feels realistic it's why it's a game. I can't name one firearm in any game that feels the same in real life, sounds the same, or can even be moved the same, but what I do know is I would be the only mechanic stopping me from aiming faster irl.

  • @muffinstuffingu said in New PVP changes:

    I don't know how people can play the new combat update and not feel like something is off. The delays make the game feel unresponsive and makes me feel like im lagging or my controller is broke. No game has ever given me a feeling like that. It's just so unnatural. Movment should feel fluid and not clunky, unresponsive and leave you scratching your head like something is wrong. It's not something you get use to or should(Im sure bad players dont notice this as they dont have much experience with other games and can't shoot and move quickly anyways so it's like nothing has changed for them and are happy that they are winning more and will defend this change to the bitter end because this update checks all the boxes for bad players. New sword spam meta gameplay with no skill involed CHECK Not being able to shoot and move quickly "I can't do this anyways and it only brings good players to my level now" CHECK) .
    Bad design plain and simple.
    Just my opinion tho.

    Because their real problem is simple. It's them. I agreed that double gun was stupid and could use a tweak, but the clunk mechanic is for all those people who came across 1 person who could take them and several other people out easily. It is that one players fault that an entire crew can not get their stuff together. So as a result you get the slowed down, stop, and go mechanics, so others with numbers on their team can finally catch up to you. It's that simple, look at the forums right now, they are still littered with people mad at other people, in a game with he word Thieves in it.

  • Rare put the delay in the wrong spot. They put it after drawing your gun instead of just putting it after you shoot.

  • @mc-leggers said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    Big surprise....PCers that can "aim faster" because they use kbm are complaining b/c part of their competitive advantage is gone. Note - I said PART. Now all they have to do is nerf how fast you can eat a banana, and how often you can jump. Because you know being able to eat 5 bananas in one second and jumping up and down 200 times a minute is "realistic". LOL

    Competitive advantage? You do realize there is console players that use high sensitivity settings and quick swaps on controllers and are can be extremely accurate. Your problem sounds more cross platform, not mechanic. You will be given the option to not play with us PC players. Other than that, you made no point at all in this discussion. No game feels realistic it's why it's a game. I can't name one firearm in any game that feels the same in real life, sounds the same, or can even be moved the same, but what I do know is I would be the only mechanic stopping me from aiming faster irl.

    Aim with mouse = competitive advantage. smash the banana eating key = competitive advantage. swap guns super fast = competitive advantage. spamming jump with a keyboard keypress = competitive advantage. macros = competitive advantage. higher fps = competitive advantage. higher graphics card = competitive advantage. faster respawn = competitive advantage

  • @oneeeyedwilly PROVE IT you go on and on about this all the time but when it comes down to show me you always come around empty handed.
    You have been shown wrong so many times on this subject, don't it get old getting proven wrong?
    You should try to argue in good faith, with your mind not set on one outcome

  • @muffinstuffingu said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly PROVE IT you go on and on about this all the time but when it comes down to show me you always come around empty handed.
    You have been shown wrong so many times on this subject, don't it get old getting proven wrong?
    You should try to argue in good faith, with your mind not set on one outcome

    You tell me to prove these things....I say PROVE where i've been "shown wrong". What do I have to prove anyway? That aiming with a mouse is easier than with a controller? Are you for real bro? Why don't you prove to me that there is a level playing field. What point are you even trying to make anyway? scrub

    Edit - don't worry soon we will never have to interact again. We can both be happy then.

  • Lovin the new gameplay mechanics. Now instead of pirate battle being "instant assasination", there's jockeying for position, more drawn out battles, more searching for adavantageous ground. I'm not winning every engagement, but I've actually started to kill pirates on a regular basis. (still have a negative kill ratio, but it has definitely improved).

    This is good, there's even a chance to still survive if you are ambushed. (not a great chance, but it is no longer an insta-kill from off camera by guns).

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    @mc-leggers said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    Big surprise....PCers that can "aim faster" because they use kbm are complaining b/c part of their competitive advantage is gone. Note - I said PART. Now all they have to do is nerf how fast you can eat a banana, and how often you can jump. Because you know being able to eat 5 bananas in one second and jumping up and down 200 times a minute is "realistic". LOL

    Competitive advantage? You do realize there is console players that use high sensitivity settings and quick swaps on controllers and are can be extremely accurate. Your problem sounds more cross platform, not mechanic. You will be given the option to not play with us PC players. Other than that, you made no point at all in this discussion. No game feels realistic it's why it's a game. I can't name one firearm in any game that feels the same in real life, sounds the same, or can even be moved the same, but what I do know is I would be the only mechanic stopping me from aiming faster irl.

    Aim with mouse = competitive advantage. smash the banana eating key = competitive advantage. swap guns super fast = competitive advantage. spamming jump with a keyboard keypress = competitive advantage. macros = competitive advantage. higher fps = competitive advantage. higher graphics card = competitive advantage. faster respawn = competitive advantage

    Aim with mouse, agree with aim, and like I said you're getting your option to get away from cross platform.

    The banana eating key has a delay in it, now sure what you are going on about it for.
    Macros don't even work with the delay

    Higher fps in this game is not an advantage, this isn't some crazy flick heavy comp shooter where fps matters at all to get a clear movement on screen. Considering most of the world uses 60hz monitors, I really don't see what you're talking about here at all. I don't think you even understand how high refresh rates work or you wouldn't have even tried to bring this up. Xbox one offers 60hz.

    What macros?

    Better gpu does not give an advantage. Another fact for you, and you can look this up too with the monitor cap, and the xbox cap. Most people have gpu's that are low end. 960's, 1060's, 780ti's. 2060's and below, google it. Even if they didn't if over 70% of the planet uses 60hz monitors it doesn't matter either way, because no matter if it says 9mill fps, as long as it's ona 60hz monitor, it's only 60hz

    How do cpu users get faster respawns? Everyone is stuck on the Ferry the same amount of time.

    Come on man get your facts together. The worst part of it all is there is EXTREMELY great controller players who can own pc players, and if this combat system isn't slowed down enough for you right now, maybe you shouldn't play at all, with all those competitive edges up there..give me a break

  • @mc-leggers said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    @mc-leggers said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly said in New PVP changes:

    Big surprise....PCers that can "aim faster" because they use kbm are complaining b/c part of their competitive advantage is gone. Note - I said PART. Now all they have to do is nerf how fast you can eat a banana, and how often you can jump. Because you know being able to eat 5 bananas in one second and jumping up and down 200 times a minute is "realistic". LOL

    Competitive advantage? You do realize there is console players that use high sensitivity settings and quick swaps on controllers and are can be extremely accurate. Your problem sounds more cross platform, not mechanic. You will be given the option to not play with us PC players. Other than that, you made no point at all in this discussion. No game feels realistic it's why it's a game. I can't name one firearm in any game that feels the same in real life, sounds the same, or can even be moved the same, but what I do know is I would be the only mechanic stopping me from aiming faster irl.

    Aim with mouse = competitive advantage. smash the banana eating key = competitive advantage. swap guns super fast = competitive advantage. spamming jump with a keyboard keypress = competitive advantage. macros = competitive advantage. higher fps = competitive advantage. higher graphics card = competitive advantage. faster respawn = competitive advantage

    Aim with mouse, agree with aim, and like I said you're getting your option to get away from cross platform.

    The banana eating key has a delay in it, now sure what you are going on about it for.
    Macros don't even work with the delay

    Higher fps in this game is not an advantage, this isn't some crazy flick heavy comp shooter where fps matters at all to get a clear movement on screen. Considering most of the world uses 60hz monitors, I really don't see what you're talking about here at all. I don't think you even understand how high refresh rates work or you wouldn't have even tried to bring this up. Xbox one offers 60hz.

    What macros?

    Better gpu does not give an advantage. Another fact for you, and you can look this up too with the monitor cap, and the xbox cap. Most people have gpu's that are low end. 960's, 1060's, 780ti's. 2060's and below, google it. Even if they didn't if over 70% of the planet uses 60hz monitors it doesn't matter either way, because no matter if it says 9mill fps, as long as it's ona 60hz monitor, it's only 60hz

    How do cpu users get faster respawns? Everyone is stuck on the Ferry the same amount of time.

    Come on man get your facts together. The worst part of it all is there is EXTREMELY great controller players who can own pc players, and if this combat system isn't slowed down enough for you right now, maybe you shouldn't play at all, with all those competitive edges up there..give me a break

    • xbox users can get 60fps in this game? I thought this was not the case.
    • macros exist
    • Did they fix the PC players spawning faster off the ferry? B/c it was previously that they could get off the ferry 5-10 seconds faster than an xbox player.
  • @oneeeyedwilly hz and fps are different. If I understand him correctly, he's pointing out that xbox and pc get the same hz, and that fps is thus insignificant.

    Macros: What macros are you referring to? I looked into this, and couldn't find a single use case in SoT where macros were really useful. Have you seen macros being used in a situation where they make a difference?

    Spawn speed: I'm unsure about this one. This isn't really a PC vs Xbox problem, it's more of a Xbox vs high-end-PC vs medium-PC vs low-end-PC problem. So much variability amongst the PC crowd, some of us get better spawn times than Xbox, some of us get worse. Don't really know what that proves/suggests.

    Hope that helps you understand McLegger's points! I think this is not the point of this thread, though, and I'm worried that this whole conversation belongs in the crossplay mega-thread, so Imma stop responding here. If you thought my points deserved follow-up, feel free to copy-paste into the mega-thread, and I'd be happy to keep talking there.

  • @vorondil1 said in New PVP changes:

    @oneeeyedwilly hz and fps are different. If I understand him correctly, he's pointing out that xbox and pc get the same hz, and that fps is thus insignificant.

    Macros: What macros are you referring to? I looked into this, and couldn't find a single use case in SoT where macros were really useful. Have you seen macros being used in a situation where they make a difference?

    Spawn speed: I'm unsure about this one. This isn't really a PC vs Xbox problem, it's more of a Xbox vs high-end-PC vs medium-PC vs low-end-PC problem. So much variability amongst the PC crowd, some of us get better spawn times than Xbox, some of us get worse. Don't really know what that proves/suggests.

    Hope that helps you understand McLegger's points! I think this is not the point of this thread, though, and I'm worried that this whole conversation belongs in the crossplay mega-thread, so Imma stop responding here. If you thought my points deserved follow-up, feel free to copy-paste into the mega-thread, and I'd be happy to keep talking there.

    I understand his points. Thank you for being polite and trying to be helpful. I also agree this got a bit off topic, and I am as guilty as anyone for that, so I will do my best to get back on point. I saw him specifically referring to hz, and i didn't specifically speak to it, b/c it wasn't what I was talking about before, and I considered it an attempt to alter the conversation. FPS is what I was speaking to, and not hz. Regarding the variability in the PC community, this is the problem. on xbox, there is VERY LITTLE variability. If I remember the stats another poster gave about a week ago, approximately 33% of PC users have superior graphics cards to console. That is more than 0% so I have a problem with it. Regarding macros, there are people in these threads that admit to using macros. That's where I see the most damning evidence. And no, I'm not going to search for them and post them. Anyone that wants feel free to say "proof or get out"...I don't care. Regarding the ferry, I remember multiple times back when I played this compelled crossplay game a PC player I killed that simultaneously killed me get off the ferry, and then I had to wait another 7 or 8 seconds to get the door to open. And I'm on a OneX. If they fixed this, then I withdraw that complaint. All that said, I won't speak to it again as it is off topic. If someone decides they wan't to engage me in this, you won't get further responses.

    Back to the "original idea" of this thread...kbm users had a greater advantage when you could "shoot faster". This is FACT not opinion. A mouse is a superior pointing tool than a controller. If it wasn't we'd all be modifying excel spreadsheets with a controller. The SoT dev update they slowed how fast you could shoot right? That is what people here are upset about? Is there any console user that is upset about it, or is it just PC players? The conclusion I draw is PC advantage was reduced. By how much it was reduced...I can't tell you exactly how much. When I see people crying and moaning about it, I also conclude they are people wanting to maintain their advantage. Is this conclusion false? Everyone can think what they like. We won't have to have these conversations for much longer as we can all have what we want now. All it took was to give people "choice". It boggles my mind how many people have a problem with giving others choices.

  • @mc-leggers I normally play PVP with guns and cutlass. So i'll be down to try if we can do it that way. You guys can use dual guns if you want. Im not even worried about a copy of the game since I have it already. I just like to PVP.

  • @mc-leggers I have noticed that I spawn onto the ferry way faster than xbox players. Usually by the time I am getting ready to go out the door after the bell is when they're just spawning onto the ferry.

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