Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3

  • Are there new options for earning Doubloons other than the 50 for the merc voyage?

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @beanmariocow It's not in yet. If it was, we would have seen the title under the Sea of Thieves logo like with the other "DLC" updates.

    Well when is it being released? I thought the arena was coming Feb. 6...

  • Dear boss, please accept to be able to let me in sooner so I can install the new update! Looking forward to browsing and viewing all these changes, please install SEA OF THIEVES with my code

  • Kitchen Delivery - The Shipwrights have fitted new Stoves and Roasting Pans to Sloop, Brig and Galleons. We weren't expecting delivery so soon, who signed for this order?

    🍳 Nice...
    I wonder what future feature this is teasing?

  • This update sounds amazing! I'm so excited about the ghost, and am glad the kraken won't hug our stairs as much anymore. Thanks Rare!

  • @beanmariocow It was never stated arena would be coming on the 6th. Arena is probably a long way off, my guess is end of March.

  • @com-nimrod-569 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @beanmariocow It was never stated arena would be coming on the 6th. Arena is probably a long way off, my guess is end of March.

    Yeah but in the trailer it stated “Early 2019”, which sounds exactly like the feb 6 update. I would not consider late March or early April early 2019. Oh well.

  • @beanmariocow Early 2019 is considered any time in the first quarter. So March would fit in there.

  • Yay this sounds so good :D ill calm down and let karen play more with galleons now ^^

  • "Floating Treasure – The speed that treasure floats to the surface after being released in deep water has been significantly increased."

    Define the word "released" - released by the player or all the instances of floating up?
    Also does this mean that the loot is going to despawn faster due to this change?

  • Not a big fan of the Kraken nerf, It really isn't that difficult, maybe focus on making it easier to understand how to defeat a kraken rather than just turning it into a loot pinata

  • nice cant wait to try this tn hope the update is good still feel like they should only make the cross platform option for only arena

  • Once again very excited! Amaging work Rare, I am impressed.

  • How big is the update in ''gb'' to download from microsoft store, asking because it tells me 27.98gb. It looks like for me it downloading whole game from start again. Or is there another way how to download the update, am i missing something?

  • @keslv said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    How big is the update in ''gb'' to download from microsoft store, asking because it tells me 27.98gb. It looks like for me it downloading whole game from start again. Or is there another way how to download the update, am i missing something?

    It is redownloading the whole game - everyone has to do it because they changed the way the game is packaged for smaller install size. Before the update, the game took roughly 47GB of disk space - after the update and reinstall, it will be around 27GB total.

  • @sgt-palooggoo mate you up for making banana bread or banana pie, maybe some fried banana XD

  • @archaell said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    "Floating Treasure – The speed that treasure floats to the surface after being released in deep water has been significantly increased."

    Define the word "released" - released by the player or all the instances of floating up?
    Also does this mean that the loot is going to despawn faster due to this change?

    They didn’t say if it would despawn faster, but I imagine the floating to the surface faster includes when a player drops something, but I think they are mostly referring to when a ship sinks or a meg/kraken is killed and the loot they drop.

    On a side note, this update sounds amazing! I gotta wait till later unfortunately, but I can’t wait to see the changes! I’m not sure what they meant by the ships are more ‘streamlined’ but I imagine that I will notice immediately when I load in unless someone wants to tell me?

  • I don't know if I'm alone, but on Xbox One I have quite a few crashes when loading (after the crew selection). It often happens after leaving a session and launching another one (open crew).

  • Double gunning finally gone no more players using it thank god

  • Mercenaries are now just tour guides did anyone at rare even look up the definition for Mercenary? Hint hired gun not tour guide.

  • @fast-420
    Mercenary: primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.

    Mercenary: one that serves merely for wages

    Hired gun is but one of the definitions.

  • alt text

    So I logged in and the Soverign Wheel has gotten an updated look, or has it? It has the old colors (Black, brown gold) in the selection but when you look at it on the boat it's Green Gold silver. I really hope this is a bug because the new one looks awefull. Plus I didn't spend my gold on this nasty color :( :(

    Checked the patch notes several times. Can't find anywhere that this is a change.

  • @blondagles Any Xbox 1 players facing low. Res. Textures and lighting? Ship mast textures are messed up and theres. A glowing rug in the galleons cabin.

  • @Blondagles

    Game Repackaging – Sea of Thieves has now been repackaged to give a smaller install size, leaving your device with some extra room! This means that you'll need to reinstall the game for this update, at the new smaller size.

    Is this wording correct? Last stream they said:
    You don't need to reinstall, just the update will download the game in it's entirety.

  • @fast-420 not just tour guides but they apparently run around committing copyright infringement against Red Lobster and its

  • @eilytres haha yeah, mine too... looks like a mistake. The green and gold wheel looks like it matches the Royal Sovereign stuff while the cannons and capstan are still brown/black and gold. :/

  • i played in the morning and as soon as i was leaving the outpost i had a fight with the kraken, killed it, and then the loot was on the sea. When i went overboard and start swimming, my camera Locked! i could only look up and down. I tried using M/KB and Xbox Controller, same problem. But when i finally returned to my ship, after being swimming facing front, the camera unlocked. I grab my chest (the only one i could pick up in that condition) and went to the nearest outpost. I jump out of the ship and again, my camera locked, front facing, up and down movements, but no left right, only with my feet.

  • @eilytres said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    alt text

    So I logged in and the Soverign Wheel has gotten an updated look, or has it? It has the old colors (Black, brown gold) in the selection but when you look at it on the boat it's Green Gold silver. I really hope this is a bug because the new one looks awefull. Plus I didn't spend my gold on this nasty color :( :(

    Checked the patch notes several times. Can't find anywhere that this is a change.

    Hmm... did any other Sovereign equipment change? If not then it's probably a bug.

  • @lethality1 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @eilytres said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    alt text

    So I logged in and the Soverign Wheel has gotten an updated look, or has it? It has the old colors (Black, brown gold) in the selection but when you look at it on the boat it's Green Gold silver. I really hope this is a bug because the new one looks awefull. Plus I didn't spend my gold on this nasty color :( :(

    Checked the patch notes several times. Can't find anywhere that this is a change.

    Hmm... did any other Sovereign equipment change? If not then it's probably a bug.

    Nothing ells changed. This is the only one.

  • SO WAIT, skeleton ships sailing over islands isn't listed on as a bug? LOL is this going to stay in the game?

  • Well, I can no longer use my quickdraw combat technique listed in my combat guide thanks to the animation delay upon drawing a firearm. This technique, prior to the update (done by simply switching to a firearm while holding block with a sword), allowed players to shoot overly-aggressive opponents who bounced off of their sword block - a pirate's riposte, if you will. It was completely balanced, since it only allowed for one shot, and balanced out offense vs. defense. However, now that you can no longer do it, the overly-aggressive attacker that bounced off your block, now maintains the advantage because by the time you draw your firearm, it's already too late. This gives players one less reason why they should even block, which is a bad thing. Please remove the animation delay when drawing a firearm off of a sword-block.

    Furthermore, with the speed changes to the sword, while good, they completely nullify the ability to do a running slash (also in my combat guide) that was available prior to the update (block+move+tap attack). Prior to the update, doing this technique gave a speed boost that made it easier to maneuever around obstacles or an opponent's block, as well as extending your reach and width of the attack, depending on the direction used. This added a lot more nuance to sword combat, despite the fact that most players didn't even know it existed. I ask that you not change the sword speed back to what it was, but to further add a speed boost to the now defunct mechanic to make it great again - giving a speed boost equal to that of a sprint should be good enough, I think.

    These techniques, while rarely used or even known, added a sense of depth and speed to the combat that is now completely gone. Players who once believed that the combat was overly simple were always wrong - until now. Having these mechanics brought back will allow those who take the time to learn them become ace swordsmen, and give something for newer players to strive for, experiment with, and learn.

  • @eilytres said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    alt text

    So I logged in and the Soverign Wheel has gotten an updated look, or has it? It has the old colors (Black, brown gold) in the selection but when you look at it on the boat it's Green Gold silver. I really hope this is a bug because the new one looks awefull. Plus I didn't spend my gold on this nasty color :( :(

    Checked the patch notes several times. Can't find anywhere that this is a change.

    Mate, that is the Royal Sovereign Captain's wheel. (Which isn't currently in the game)
    I've got no clue why it's replaced the standard Sovereign Captain's wheel, it wasn't in the patch notes I can assure you.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Most likely an error with the game repackaging - some assets are being loaded incorrectly.

  • Hm just to let you know guys but the Particle Quality Slider is missing in the graphics settings....

  • I call bs on the lower chance for kraken encounter. Solo sloopin, leave the first island... kraken. And she brought her friend, Meg... I’m enjoying the update too 😄

    Ps: didn’t win the fight due to skeleton ship 👍

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